Example sentences of “repression”

How to use in-sentence of “repression”:

+ Fearing repression in Stalinist Russia, he decided to stay in Germany.

+ Its brutal repression of Yugoslav PartisansPartisan activities and the killing and imprisonment of thousands of Yugoslav civilians in concentration camps in the newly annexed provinces, and in Italy proper, fed the anti-Italian sentiments of the Slovenian and Croatian subjects of Fascist Italy.

+ Civilization requires repression of drives and instincts – such as sexual, aggression, and death instincts – in order for civilization can work.

+ In reaction the whole region was heavily militarised and the police and army unleashed a wide spread repression with a serious human rights violations.

+ The Ter Hachatrjan family fell under the repression of NKVD in 1937.

Example sentences of repression
Example sentences of repression

Example sentences of “repression”:

+ Despite provisions ins both traties for minority guarantees those of the Versailles-treaty were to be assureed by the League of Nations a new “jailhouse of nations”, similar to that of tsarist Russia, against whose repression the heroes of Congress-Poland had so valiantly struggled, was brought into existence.

+ In the spring of 1918, in reaction to the growing repression of all opposition and free expression, the anarchist groups within the Moscow Federation formed armed gangs, the Black Guards, and Lev Chernyi played an active part in these.

+ His campaign was marked by the bloody repression of one of his political rallies in Managua.

+ As evidenced by the 2005 elections the TPLF use of violent repression to subdue detractors of the ruling coalition only had the effect of radicalizing ethnic parties and increasing ethnic divisions.

+ They were also effective at using social media to organize, communicate, and raise awareness against state attempts at repression and Internet censorship.

+ Stalin’s Great Purge, when millions were unjustly killed, was a campaign of political repression in the Soviet Union.

+ He is known for his role in political repression in East Germany prior to the communist regime’s downfall in 1989.

+ His main themes were the repression in the way of life by conservative catholic forces and the unsolved problem of old Nazis in the society.

+ By the 1920s, repression of capoeira had declined.

+ In 1956 he denounced Stalin’s repression and eased controls over party and society.

+ Despite provisions ins both traties for minority guarantees those of the Versailles-treaty were to be assureed by the League of Nations a new "jailhouse of nations", similar to that of tsarist Russia, against whose repression the heroes of Congress-Poland had so valiantly struggled, was brought into existence.

+ In the spring of 1918, in reaction to the growing repression of all opposition and free expression, the anarchist groups within the Moscow Federation formed armed gangs, the Black Guards, and Lev Chernyi played an active part in these.
+ His campaign was marked by the bloody repression of one of his political rallies in Managua.

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