Example sentences of “reparations”

How to use in-sentence of “reparations”:

– Taylor wrote that the reparations was harsh enough to be seen as a punishment, but not enough to stop Germany from regaining its great power status, and can be blamed for the rise of Adolf Hitler.

– This new insight was instrumental in the Young Plan of February 1929 which led to more reductions in German reparations payment.

– The Qing court signed the unequal treaty on the government’s foreign land reparations in many foreign wars.

– In his books he said that the reparations which Germany was being made to pay would ruin the German economy and would lead to further fighting in Europe.

– Germany stopped paying the reparations after Hitler’s Nazi Party took power in 1933, with about one-eighth of the reparations having been paid by then.

Example sentences of reparations
Example sentences of reparations

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