Example sentences of “rename”

How to use in-sentence of “rename”:

– Should a tropical cyclone pass from one warning center to another it will retain its original name, except when moving into the South-West Indian Ocean where the Mauritius Meteorological Service will rename the system.

– It is also called a “plutoid” because the IAU decided to rename all trans-Neptunian dwarf planets as plutoids.

– The Bobcats soon announced they would rename themselves the Hornets beginning with the 2014–15 NBA season, and the name change became official on May 20, 2014.

– Richard Owen wanted to rename the creature “Zeuglodon but by taxonomic rules the creature’s first name remained permanent.

– Please rename me from WW to Dwi Secundus for SUL.

– This means Bureaucrats cannot rename your old account to the global name.

– An effective way to actually erase many old revisions is to rename an old article, by creating the new name as a new article, then copy the article to become a brand-new entry in article-space.

– On March 24, 2014, the Spanish government announced that they will rename the airport after last Prime Minister of Spain Adolfo Suarez.

Example sentences of rename
Example sentences of rename

Example sentences of “rename”:

– Could you please rename my old account “st-fl” to my SUL account “Stefan”? First you have to rename “Stefan” to something, after that you can rename “st-fl” to “Stefan” and I can add it to the global account.

– Please let me know if it is possible to rename my account without deleting the SUL ID.

– Local renaming has been turned off for SUL finalization, therefore crats don’t have the ability to rename users from now.

– Permissions which have been assigned to the, which enables them to rename users with more than 200,000 edits.

– After McCain’s death, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer announced that he would introduce a resolution to rename the Russell Senate Office Building after McCain.

– So there is an entry in the rename log.

– Could you please rename EhJBot to EhJBot1? Note: I mistakenly created an account EhJBot1; could you please rename that to EhJBot4? Also, could you please make sure that EhJBot1 retains the bot flag? It will be the account where semi-automated redirect pages are created, per prior approval on WP:Bots.

– Our article was renamed, but I have renamed it back for now, because the rename is apparently not complete yet and because enwiki is holding off.

– Closed as rename to :Category:Government ministers.

– The ability for local bureaucrats to rename users on this wiki will be turned off on Monday, 15 September 2014, as one of the first steps.

– From a technical point of view, it is better to say that bureaucrat’s cannot delete/protect/block, and they only can promote other users to sysop or bureaucrat level, and can rename user accounts, and grant falgs to bot accounts.

- Could you please rename my old account "st-fl" to my SUL account "Stefan"? First you have to rename "Stefan" to something, after that you can rename "st-fl" to "Stefan" and I can add it to the global account.

- Please let me know if it is possible to rename my account without deleting the SUL ID.

– Identical to but with the rename log added.

– The process involves changing all rename processes into one global renaming process.

– Many high performance CPUs have more physical registers than may be named directly in the instruction set and they can rename registers in hardware to achieve better instruction level parallelism.

– This is better then rename users.

– Can a bureaucrat please rename to something like “sillyimpersonator” or similar.

– This page was used by users to ask a bureaucrat to change their username for them until 15th September 2014, when bureaucrats lost their rights to rename users locally.

– I will not be granting a bot flag as there are only 10 or so pages of which to rename the category.

– They believe in complete Taiwan independence and want to rename the ROC to “Republic of Taiwan” so Taiwan can no longer have any ancestral connection to China or Chinese culture.

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