Example sentences of “radiation”

How to use in-sentence of “radiation”:

+ Many hyperthermophiles are also able to tolerate other environmental extremes, like high acidity or radiation levels.

+ Herschel discovered infrared radiation by passing sunlight through a prism and holding a thermometer just beyond the red end of the visible spectrum.

+ Radium is radioactive decayradioactive, and causes radiation sickness.

+ The nebula acts as a source of radiation for studying celestial bodies between it and us.

+ Photovoltaics are arrays of cells containing a solar photovoltaic material that converts solar radiation or energy from the sun into direct current electricity.

+ This radiation ionizationionizes the surrounding interstellar gas of the nebula, forming an H II region.

Example sentences of radiation
Example sentences of radiation

Example sentences of “radiation”:

+ One can distinguish between various types of radiation by looking at the source of the radiation, its wavelength, the amount of energy being carried, any particles involved, etc.

+ Compounds like it, such as gallium antimonide and indium antimonide can be made into LEDs and detectors for Infrared radiation but aluminium antimonide doesn’t work as well.

+ Gustav Robert Kirchhoff was a GermansGerman physicist who contributed to the fundamental understanding of electrical circuits, spectroscopy, and radiation by heated objects.

+ Nuclear waste emits dangerous radiation and is difficult to dispose of.

+ A wiggler can be considered to be series of bending magnets stuck together, and its radiation intensity goes up as the number of magnetic poles in the wiggler goes up.

+ The cosmic microwave background is the radiation that has been traveling without hitting anything ever since the time the universe became transparent, about 380,000 years after the Big Bang.

+ The temperature of the sea is dependent on the amount of solar radiation falling on the surface.

+ The radiation cross the interstellar dust in the surrounding dense core.

+ Hawking radiation is black body radiation which is emitted by black hole, due to quantum physicsquantum effects near the event horizon.

+ After receiving his doctorate, Boyle spent one year at Canada’s Radiation Laboratory and two years teaching physics at the Royal Military College of Canada.

+ One can distinguish between various types of radiation by looking at the source of the radiation, its wavelength, the amount of energy being carried, any particles involved, etc.

+ Compounds like it, such as gallium antimonide and indium antimonide can be made into LEDs and detectors for Infrared radiation but aluminium antimonide doesn't work as well.

More in-sentence examples of “radiation”:

+ Medical doctorDoctors can use radiation therapy machines which produce gamma rays in hospitals to treat people with some types of cancer.

+ It absorbs ultraviolet radiation, which means less radiation reaches ground level.

+ It uses electronic radiation and this is where it can be dangerous.

+ Their first certain appearance is in the Silurian period, with a big radiation in the Mesozoic era.Levin, Harold.

+ These telescopes are space telescopes because little of this radiation reaches the Earth.

+ Ionizing radiation are used to sterilize medical instruments.

+ The longer period of sunshine, greater the quantity of solar radiation will be received by a portion of earth.For example, at the equator the length of days and nights is 12 hours in all the months but the tropics of Arctic and Antarctic sunshine duration varies between 0 and 24.

+ Only “tiny amounts of the most dangerous forms of volatile radiation escaped to the atmosphere”.

+ Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength which can be detected by the human eye.

+ The explosion is very big and many kinds of dangerous radiation are formed.

+ Micro black holes are predicted to be larger net emitters of radiation than larger black holes and should shrink and dissipate faster.

+ The composition of this radiation can vary depending on what may be ionized.

+ Thus they are invisible to normal radiation detectors.

+ In 2013, NASA reported that the Van Allen Probes had discovered a third radiation belt, which was observed for four weeks.

+ This is why these kinds of radiation are dangerous to life.

+ It is useful because it provides a reasonably detailed image from very limited radiation exposure, compared with a CT scan for instance.

+ Purcell had worked on the development of radar during World War II at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Radiation Laboratory.

+ Solar radiation exerts a pressure on the sail due to reflection and a small fraction that is absorbed.

+ These unexcited atoms can interfere with good output data because they are able to absorb the radiation that is emitted from the excited electrons returning to their ground state.

+ During World War II, he led research for the American government on low dose radiation safety.

+ If the radiation is totally reflected, the radiation pressure is doubled.

+ At least 200 people died from radiation sickness.

+ Players are able to explore over 30 square km of the Zone, including the ghost town of Pripyat and the empty Chernobyl Nuclear Plant, while meeting animals and plants mutated by radiation as well as other Stalkers and NPCs.

+ The astronauts would be in space for many years, and it could be very dangerous because of radiation from the sun.

+ Heat, cold, electricity, chemicals, friction, or radiation can be the cause of a burn.<!– Quote=The higher risk for females is associated with open fire cooking, or inherently unsafe cookstoves, which can ignite loose clothing.

+ He tried to develop an expression for black-body radiation expressed in terms of wavelength by assuming that radiation consisted of small quanta and then to see what happened if the quanta were made infinitely small.

+ Another 83 workers were subjected to higher radiation than normal.

+ This is the luminosity at which the force of the star’s gravity equals the radiation pressure outward.

+ Humans also get radiation from radioactive materials outside the body and from cosmic radiation from space.

+ Eventually, the electrons and nuclei combined to form stable atoms, which are transparent to most wavelengths of radiation; at this point, the radiation decoupled from the matter, forming the ubiquitous, isotropic background of microwave radiation observed today.

+ The greatest radiation of all took place early in the Cambrian period, when most of our animal phyla evolved: see List of animal phyla.

+ The radiation sensor is a Geiger-Müller tube which gives out an electronic signal when radiation is present.

+ This means that causes of radiation and toxic waste is the main theme for this season.

+ Later adaptive radiation was caused by a lack of competition and a wide variety of vacant niches.

+ If the oscillation trajectory is helical, the radiation will be circularly polarized, with the handedness determined by the helix.

+ Testicular cancer is generally treated by surgical removal of the cancerous testicle, often followed by radiation or chemotherapy.

+ A Van Allen radiation belt is a zone of charged particles which come from the Sun as the solar wind.

+ Albert Einstein’s work with the photoelectric effect and Max Planck’s work with black body radiationblackbody radiation did not work with the traditional view of light as a continuous wave.

+ Nuclear engineering also includes the study of nuclear fusion, medical and other applications of radiation, radiation safety, heat transport, nuclear fuel and other related technologytechnologies, environment.

+ AGN are the most luminous and persistent sources of electromagnetic radiation in the universe.

+ In 1868, Ångström created a spectrum chart of solar radiation that expresses each wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrumspectrum of sunlight in multiples of one ten-millionth of a millimetre, or 1 metres.

+ It measures radiation as a function of frequency or wavelength.

+ Ants became dominant after adaptive radiation at the beginning of the Cainozoic.

+ Because the RBMK reactors used at the plant had no containment building to keep the radiation in, radioactivityradioactive fallout drifted over parts of the western UK, and the eastern United States.

+ Sea ice is highly reflective of solar radiation, reflecting about 60% of incoming solar radiation when bare and about 80% when covered with snow.

+ A wiggler has a broader spectrum of radiation than an undulator.

+ Medical doctorDoctors can use radiation therapy machines which produce gamma rays in hospitals to treat people with some types of cancer.

+ It absorbs ultraviolet radiation, which means less radiation reaches ground level.
+ It uses electronic radiation and this is where it can be dangerous.

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