Example sentences of “psychologist”

How to use in-sentence of “psychologist”:

– Ronald Melzack, was a Canadian psychologist and emeritus professor of psychology at McGill University.

– William Moulton Marston, a psychologist who believed that women could be as strong and powerful as men, created Wonder Woman, partly inspired by his wife, Elizabeth Holloway-Marston.

– Albert Bandura is a psychologist who did work on social learning.

– Burrhus Frederic Skinner was a leading AmericansAmerican psychologist and author.

– In 1972 psychologist Phillip Marshal tested whether eliminating rehearsal would affect the primacy effect.

– Stream of consciousness is a famous phrase of the United StatesAmerican psychologist and philosopher William James.

Example sentences of psychologist
Example sentences of psychologist

Example sentences of “psychologist”:

- Their mother Karen is the school psychologist and later vice principal starting in the second season.

- She uses her psychologist knowledge to show how he used his worst traits to his own advantage.

– Their mother Karen is the school psychologist and later vice principal starting in the second season.

– She uses her psychologist knowledge to show how he used his worst traits to his own advantage.

– Lynch, who is coming outopenly married clinical psychologist Dr.

– If he or she is qualified as a clinical psychologyclinical psychologist they may be a therapist or counsellor as well as a researcher.

– The psychologist Sigmund Freud had a theory and he called it the Oedipus complex, after this story.

– Once she entered Barnard College she fell in love with psychology and switched subjects because of a famous psychologist named Charles Spearman and her college Professor Harry Hollingworth.

– Created by psychologist Michael Shermer.

– A psychologist may work in either basic research or applied research.

– The term was coined by classics scholar and psychologist Frederic William Henry Myers in 1882.

– In 1905, the French Ministry of Education asked psychologist Alfred Binet to find which students did not learn effectively from regular classroom instruction.

– John Dewey was an AmericansAmerican psychologist and philosopher.

– Jordan Bernt Peterson is a CanadaCanadian clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the abnormal, social, and personality psychology.

– Phil, is an AmericansAmerican television personality, psychologist and author.

More in-sentence examples of “psychologist”:

– Emiliano is the daughter of a pediatrician and psychologist Terezinha Campos Campos Calil, São Paulo, created in the neighborhood of Partridges, is the second of three daughters, descendants of Spaniards and Lebanese.

– In 1925, Russian sports psychologist Petr Antonovic Rudik did research on the development of skills and on reaction times.

– A great 19th century psychologist Hermann von Helmholtz described perception as “unconscious inferences from sensory data and past experience”.

– They need medicines instead, then sometimes a psychologist can help the patient a great deal.

– One aspect of the forensic psychologist is to give evidence as to the suspect’s ability to stand trial.

– Tomas Gösta Tranströmer was a SwedesSwedish poet, psychologist and translator.

– Beck worked with psychologist Maria Kovacs in the creation of the Children’s Depression Inventory, which used the BDI as a model.

– The program was developed by Clinical Psychologist Joyce Burland, PhD.

– Hooker was an American psychologist and professor.

– Maslow’s hierarchy of needs was created by American psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1943.Maslow A.H.

– Research on human babies by developmental psychologist Mary Ainsworth in the 1960s and 70s found that children may have different patterns of attachment.

– The word was created in the 1960s by a psychologist named George Weinberg.

– Kenneth Clark is a psychologist that gave young African-American children black and white dolls to see how they felt about segregation and integration.

– Linehan is an American psychologist and writer.

– In this movie, the title character dodges questions by her psychologist and insists she is pregnancypregnant through an act of God.

– The term “lifestyle” was used for first time by Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler.

– William James was an United StatesAmerican psychologist and philosopher.

– Morton Deutsch, was an American Social psychologysocial psychologist and researcher in conflict resolution.

– She later became a psychologist and a professor at Fordham University.

– A forensic psychologist keeps in mind that a defendant may have a mental disorder but also keeps in mind to watch for signs of deception, or errors in the defendant’s story.

– She currently lives with her partner, has two children, and works as a psychologist in Mexico City.

– Cornelis George Boeree was an American psychologist and professor emeritus at Shippensburg University.

– Historian of psychology Mark Altschule concluded, “It is difficult—or perhaps impossible—to find a nineteenth-century psychologist or psychiatrist who did not recognize unconscious thought as not only real but of the highest importance”.

– For chronic nonbacterial prostatitis, also known as pelvic myoneuropathy or CP/CPPS, which makes up the majority of men diagnosed with “prostatitis”, a treatment called the Stanford Protocol, developed by Stanford University Professor of Urology Rodney Anderson and psychologist David Wise in 1996, has recently been published.

- Emiliano is the daughter of a pediatrician and psychologist Terezinha Campos Campos Calil, São Paulo, created in the neighborhood of Partridges, is the second of three daughters, descendants of Spaniards and Lebanese.

- In 1925, Russian sports psychologist Petr Antonovic Rudik did research on the development of skills and on reaction times.
- A great 19th century psychologist Hermann von Helmholtz described perception as "unconscious inferences from sensory data and past experience".

– He was an important part because not only was he the first sports psychologist but he also opened the first laboratory in America that studied the relationship between sports and psychology.

– It is formed by some teachers, social worker and psychologist to teach students how to have a true value.

– Alfred Binet, a French psychologist had this opinion.

– Watson was only one psychologist to criticize cognitive psychology.

– It was a term used by the AmericansAmerican psychologist and philosopher William James in 1890.

– He graduated from Moscow University in 1917 and started his career as a psychologist during the Russian Revolution.

– One of the most famous behaviorists was the psychologist B.F.

– In 1990, psychologist Robert Jay Lifton got a letter from the Turkish Ambassador to the United States.

– Avon and Somerset Police received help from a criminal profiler, clinical forensic psychologist Doctor Glenn Wilson who has worked on other high profile criminal cases.

– Wrigley offered Griffith a full-time position as a sports psychologist in 1939.

– Mary Trump is a psychologist who works with patients.

– At eight years of age, her psychologist said that she was transgender, but she did not start calling herself Valentina until she was 12.

– At sentencing, a forensic psychologist may give evidence of mitigating circumstances arising from the accused’s condition at the time.

– He used to be a psychologist who used his patients as test for his fear gases or fear drugs.

– The effect was discovered by American psychologist Celeste McCollough in 1965.

– Cordelia Fine is a Canadian-born British academic psychologist and writer.

– One was by Norman Crowder, a psychologist with the U.S.

– The psychologist Carl Jung called him a “senex”.

– Another job of a forensic psychologist is to investigate the state of mind of the defendant at the time he or she committed the crime.

– American psychologist Edward Thorndike claimed this was the basis of all animal learning: his law of effect.

– Stephen LaBerge, a psychologist who studies lucid dreams, made the MILD technique.

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