Example sentences of “plan”

How to use in-sentence of “plan”:

+ Newton’s equations are used to plan journeys in our Solar System.

+ The plan includes large avenues.

+ Mormonism believes that The Fall was part of a plan thought up by God so that His children could get into Heaven.

+ Hendrix was told to play on Sunday evening, but did not arrive until Monday morning, which was unfortunate because of the 500,000 people that had paid to see him, around 180,000 were left and did not plan on staying his whole concert; they just wanted to see him in person for a few minutes.

+ It is suggested that if you plan to write articles for an encyclopedia, you have some background knowledge in formal writing as well as about the topic at hand.

+ Ilan pappe takes about Plan Dalet, a plan that David Ben-Gurion and the Haganah leaders in Palestine worked out during autumn 1947 to spring 1948, and explains the details of the plan, and how was it performed.

Example sentences of plan
Example sentences of plan

Example sentences of “plan”:

+ He reunited with Bouvier at a Sugar Ray concert and after he left school, he formed Simple Plan with Bouvier.

+ After the war, some experts said the Anzio plan was not good.

+ He reunited with Bouvier at a Sugar Ray concert and after he left school, he formed Simple Plan with Bouvier.

+ After the war, some experts said the Anzio plan was not good.

+ Extermination through labor was an important part of the Nazis’ Final Solution – their plan to kill all the Jews in Europe.

+ Edward went ahead with a plan to let his Protestant cousin Lady Jane Grey become Queen after he died.

+ Residents plan to tear down the building.

+ Bourg, Breil-de-Barrel, Chardin, Bren, Boësse, Devies, Promiod, Boettes, Francou, Champlong, Arsine, Sopien, Brenvey, Champ, Chancellier, Chancellier Dessous, Chancellier Dessus, Revard, Pracarrà, Bioure, Salère, La Nouva, Giacomet, Varé, Chenez, Devies, Pointé, Étavé, Chesalet, Toniquet, Assert, Fontanella, Fressoney, Nissod, Travod, Nuarsa, Soletta, Domianaz, Closel Dessous, Closel Dessus, La Tour, Lo Cret, Verlex, Albard, Pissin Dessous, Pissin Dessus, La Sounere, Barmusse, Cretadonaz, Cret Blanc Dessous, Cret Blanc Dessus, Chavod, Merlin, Tour de Grange, Sarmasse, Barmafol, Plantin, Perolles, Soleil, Bretton, Saint-Valentin, Sellotaz, Govergnou, Cillod, Panorama, Remela, Neran, Larianaz, Gléréyaz, La Marca, Grand Prà, Crétaz, Cloîtres, Plan Pissin, Tornafol, Bertina, Gare, Saint-Clair, Piou, Cérouic, Étrop, Étrop Dessus, Pranego, Crétaz Chardon, Pragarin Dessous, Pragarin Dessus, Salé, Salé Dessus, Les Îles, Moriola, Taxard, Ussel, Château d’Ussel, Biolasse Dessous, Biolasse Dessus, Perry, Bellecombe, Mon Ross Dessus, Toule.

+ The three men plan to avenge their friend’s death and kill Death themselves.

+ He tried to stop any peace plan that would not remove the northern government completely.

+ There’s also a plan to add more characters in the blank spaces and find characters for the other sides of the globe.

+ Shimada, an undercover ISP agent who was investigating the assassination plan on the Prime Minister of Buddhabar, was killed in Hong Kong.

+ The Marshall Plan of 1947 meant that many European countries already got help, so the World Bank began to lend to non-European countries.

+ President Woodrow Wilson arranged a plan for a “government of governments”, or rather an international peacekeeping force.

+ However, this plan backfired, and he got caught up in the ropes and died of strangulation.

+ It was one of the first signs that the Schlieffen Plan had failed.

More in-sentence examples of “plan”:

+ His plan was to use the war to weaken the Republic and destroy the Jedi so that he could create the Empire.

+ On 16 May 1946, the British announced plan for a united India.

+ Another town with a similar plan is Palmanova, in Italy.

+ A few Northern Military officers had successfully executed a coup with a plan to secede from Nigeria.

+ He made a plan to bomb the Central Legislative Assembly in Delhi.

+ However, the one at this temple is a wooden house with a cruciform plan located on high columns.

+ In July 2010, the District’s zoning commission approved the plan for the new buildings.

+ He had a plan to reform the legendary Ten Tails from the nine tailed beasts.

+ The generals used that information to help plan the fighting.

+ I plan to maintain a bot with the requested account, but don’t want to create another account.

+ But Leeroy is not around for the explanation, and when he comes back, he ends up running in the area, shouting his own name as he goes, which begins the activity, and ruining the plan which his friends made.

+ Then, Jamshetji Tata discussed his plan with Vivekananda to bring Iron and Steel industry to India.

+ In 1960, in order to carry out its plan and break down the economic backbone of the Jumma people of the CHT in the name of so-called industrial development, the Pakistani government built the Kaptai hydro-electric dam on the Karnaphuli river in the heartland of the indigenous Jumma people.

+ When Schlieffen retired in 1906, and the WW1 came up 9 years later, in August 1915, the German officers and tactic leaders dug up the plan that Schlieffen had made and thought that the plan would work like it would in Schlieffen’s hypothetical war.

+ Ewing was on the phone with his son saying he had one last plan to get back at another richman.

+ Also, Settlers were moved to Jarvis Island in 1935 to maintain a weather station and plan a landing field.

+ The plan was very controversial, and many Russian Jews were so upset that they walked out of the meeting.

+ A plan of action is being carried out to get something done with each of these sites.

+ To be ready for large growth over the next three decades, NPIA created a plan that would grow the airport as it entered into the 21st century.

+ Available funds were directed towards completing the eastern extension of the Central line instead, and the Northern Heights plan was dropped on 9 February 1954.

+ After Windows Vista was released, Microsoft announced a new plan for the next version of Windows, code-named “Windows 7”, in 2007.

+ The London Plan says it is one of 35 major centres in Greater London.

+ Woody rejoins his friends and they work out an escape plan involving the garbage dumpster.

+ The only Minister for Marshall Plan Affairs was also the first Federal Vice Chancellor of GermanyVice Chancellor, Franz Blücher.

+ His plan was to use the war to weaken the Republic and destroy the Jedi so that he could create the Empire.

+ On 16 May 1946, the British announced plan for a united India.
+ Another town with a similar plan is Palmanova, in Italy.

+ The following summarizes many of the elements of a Gainsharing plan which have been discussed.

+ Bennett, the Chicago architect and urban planner who coauthored the 1909 Plan of Chicago.

+ Ares V was planned to launch the Earth Departure Stage and Altair lunar lander for a plan to return to the Moon in 2019.

+ The plan for setting up a new “Tri-Service Command”, which will integrate all the three forces under a single command, is also in the pipeline.

+ Eagle Scouts must plan and finish a project that benefits something other than Scouting, and earn 21 merit badges.

+ However, their plan is changed by one of the people they plan to kill.

+ His plan works and the boys even pay him for this.

+ Ruby and Jolly try to make a plan to throw Dev and radhika out of the house.

+ However, this plan fails and Tigerclaw is killed by the leader of BloodClan.

+ The plot was a plan by several groups in the German resistance to overthrow the Nazi German government.

+ Often mistaken for a “new town”, Basingstoke is an old market town expanded in the 1960s as part of a plan of London County Council, Hampshire County Council and Basingstoke Borough Council.

+ The plan that came closest to success was the Bayh-Celler plan.

+ The state government and the federal ministry of agriculture and water resources started the plan for the project started in 1969.

+ There is no plan to start the plants again during 2011.

+ The plan fell through because the money ran out.

+ Kawaguchi’s attack plan called for his forces to do a surprise night attack.

+ Bart decides to jump the Springfield gorge, but Homer learns about Bart’s plan and makes him promise not to jump it.

+ The plan called for both infantry divisions to avoid street fighting in Aachen.

+ When Grandpa Lou takes the babies to Aunt Miriam’s to play cards, the babies are convinced that she and her friends plan to eat Chuckie and attempt to protect him.

+ This part of the plan never happened.

+ The phrase can also be applied to accepting an idea or plan without a full understanding of it.

+ In September 8, 2016, Radio NewsHub had a plan to launch UK’s first rolling news station.

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