Example sentences of “painted”

How to use in-sentence of “painted”:

– They do not have any heraldic standards or have painted them over with black paint.

– Sometimes the stone columns were painted as well.

– Later slide rules were made of plastic, or aluminum painted with plastic.

– In painting portraits he sometimes painted with brushes on sticks six feet long.

– Some of the tunnel walls have been painted black to give the appearance of anthracite.

Example sentences of painted
Example sentences of painted

Example sentences of “painted”:

- It is one of five monasteries in northern Moldavia with frescoes painted on the outside walls.

- Some M1009s that saw desert use were painted tan.

– It is one of five monasteries in northern Moldavia with frescoes painted on the outside walls.

– Some M1009s that saw desert use were painted tan.

– Leonardo painted the “Mona Lisa” in oil paint.

– He painted over 1,000 portraits.

– The writer Giorgio Vasari saw some battle scenes that he painted and wrote that they were well composed and boldly painted.

– It was painted in 1862 by the French artist Édouard Manet.

– The dolls are typically painted red.

– Some may even have been painted by Fra Angelico.

– Radar helps solve painted lady migration mystery.

– To add colour, Uccello has painted the horse’s saddle and bridle bright red.

– Dolls are sold without the eyes painted in.

More in-sentence examples of “painted”:

- An Official Presidential Portrait is an oil portrait painted of a President of the United States of America.

- He also painted biblical and mythological subjects.
- It was painted in the early 20th century.

– An Official Presidential Portrait is an oil portrait painted of a President of the United States of America.

– He also painted biblical and mythological subjects.

– It was painted in the early 20th century.

– For painted slide rules, and the faint of heart, use diluted commercial window-cleaning fluid and a soft cloth.

– Sometimes things made of wood such as furniture are painted in decorative patterns.

– He painted portraits which have been described as being brutally honest; he did not try to make people look good.

– The lower parts of the walls are painted to look like gold and silver cloth.

– It was painted in 1888.

– He painted his airplane red so his fellow Germans could see him.

– Also painted on the ceiling are 20 beautiful young men called the “ignudi”.

– He painted the singer Yvette Guilbert, the dancer Jane Avril and the dancer Louise Weber, who was known as “La Goulue famous for the leg-kicking dance called the “Can-Can”, which is still danced at the “Moulin Rouge” to this day.

– Natt was arrested January 7, 1978 by the Khmer Rouge He wote and painted pictures of his experiences in the Tuol Sleng prison, also known as S-21.

– The room was completed in 1736 with a painted ceiling called “Apotheosis of Hercules”.

– He painted in the abstract expressionist style.

– The walls of the Senate wing were painted with many murals about events in American History.

– The term stained glass is also applied to windows in which the colours have been painted onto the glass and then fused to the glass in a kiln.

– Vermeer’s painted women often wear blue clothes.

– Rembrandt painted many famous pictures.

– Those painted by hand can be expensive.

– For example, he painted a series of pictures of haystacks in a field, and another Rouen Cathedral series of pictures of the west front of Rouen Cathedral.

– The foul poles at the stadium are painted orange.

– This painting is the only one in the “Four Freedoms” series he had not specially painted for this subject.

– On close examination, it can be seen that most of the painting is painted in old-fashioned tempera, but the angel, parts of Jesus’ body, and the background landscape have been painted in the new technique of oil painting.

– Among his most important works are a series of paintings of the River River ThamesThames, mostly around Hampton Court, painted in 1874, and various paintings showing places in or near Moret-sur-Loing.

– An pedestrian crossing is a painted road surface where pedestrians may cross a road.

– It was painted in 1889.

– It supports groups of Painted Honeyeaters and Diamond Firetails.

– After his marriage in 1769, he painted family scenes.

– Before 2016, the house was painted with the colors of the transgender flag.

– Wooden buildings such as houses are usually painted because a coat of paint prevents water seeping into the wood and making it rot.

– They fly F/A-18 fighter jet airplanes that are painted to look different from regular Navy planes.

– From 1499 to 1503, he painted a series of frescoes in Orvieto Cathedral, called “the Last Judgement”.

– He painted a number of murals, drawings and sketches on the inside wall of the hotel.

– Each painted object in the scene is a flat, scaled down version of the object on the other side of the window.

– Masaccio has painted this very holy scene as if it was taking place in a deep recess or small chapel in the wall of the church.

– It was painted in 1755-1756.

– He chiefly painted cups.

– In 1978, Holley painted a mural in entrance hall of the Tour Helsinki.

– It was painted with the colors of rainbow flag, because it just across the street from Westboro Baptist Church, who are known to hate LGBT people.

– Two of them are very large and were painted as altarpieces.

– Metal structures and objects of all sorts are painted to stop them from rusting.

– She makes a deal with Eamonn, in exchange for not revealing that Eamonn betrayed his kinsman Liam and sacrificed his life in exchange for the Painted Man capture.

– This picture was painted for the refectory of the Servite Convent in Venice in 1570.

– He says that Leonardo painted a round wooden shield with a picture of snakes spitting fire.

– The painting has one picture of Monroe but painted fifty times.

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