Example sentences of “muzzle”

How to use in-sentence of “muzzle”:

+ In external characters, they are distinguished from the Felidae by the hind foot being five-toed and typically by the longer muzzle and shorter limbs.

+ They are longer in leg, broader in chest and wider in muzzle than the Border Collie.

+ The muzzle velocity is 74.7m/s.

+ The forehead and muzzle are greyish.

+ The Dragunov uses the 7.62 x 54mmR cartridge, with a muzzle velocity of over 830 meters per second and has a maximum effective range of 1,300 meters with the scope and 1,200 meters with the iron sights.

Example sentences of muzzle
Example sentences of muzzle

Example sentences of “muzzle”:

+ Firearm muzzle blast may be masked by background noise during daytime.

+ It is a Small Caliber High Velocity bullet, which means it is very small, but it has a high muzzle velocity and effective range.

+ Although the FN 5.7x28mm bullet is small, it has low recoil, high stopping power, high Accuracy and precisionaccuracy, armor-piercing abilities, and long range because of its high muzzle velocity.

+ The colour along the fur increases to deeper blue and the tips are silver, especially on the muzzle and toes.

+ Pointer dogs point their muzzle towards game to allow the hunter to locate the animal.

+ A suppressor, sometimes called a “silencer”, can be attached to the muzzle of a firearm to reduce the sound of firing the weapon.

+ The forelegs, sides of the head, muzzle and feet are reddish brown.

+ However, in the simplest terms it does load from the muzzle end.

+ Firearm muzzle blast may be masked by background noise during daytime.

+ It is a Small Caliber High Velocity bullet, which means it is very small, but it has a high muzzle velocity and effective range.
+ Although the FN 5.7x28mm bullet is small, it has low recoil, high stopping power, high Accuracy and precisionaccuracy, armor-piercing abilities, and long range because of its high muzzle velocity.

+ The C14 Timberwolf uses the.338 Lapua Magnum cartridge, with a muzzle velocity of over 823 meters per second and has a maximum effective range of 1,500 meters.

+ Bilbies have the usual long bandicoot muzzle and big ears.

+ This means that it has a white muzzle and white rings around its eyes, and a white belly and inner leg.

+ The muzzle is long and narrow, and the teeth are strong.

+ It was designed with a new cartridge cartridge with higher muzzle velocity to meet NATO requirements published in 1989.

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