Example sentences of “migrate”

How to use in-sentence of “migrate”:

+ During the prophase of mitosis, the centrosomes migrate to opposite poles of the cell.

+ Typically, over time, the meanders don’t disappear but gradually migrate downstream.

+ Their flight is not powerful, but can continue for long periods, and many species migrate annually.

+ It is usually migrationresident, but in the north some migrate if the conifer cone crop fails.

+ Garhwal land is facing troubles of unemployment and therefore most Garhwali youngsters migrate to the cities.

+ But since in the African grasslands, there is not always grass, wildebeest are forced to migrate to find food all year round.

+ A person who has become forced to migrate is called a “forced migrant” or “displaced person”.

+ Even birds which do not migrate do benefit from flying to find nest sites and get their food.

Example sentences of migrate
Example sentences of migrate

Example sentences of “migrate”:

+ One hope for this program as I understand is expecting the students to migrate to other Wikimedia projects.

+ Light pollution stops migrating birds from having any way of seeing the moon and stars that they need to use to navigate the direction of their migration, therefore not being able to migrate to the correct place.

+ Many people from this area migrate to Gulf countries to find jobs as unskilled labourers.

+ Ruddy shelduck, marbled duck, and Audouin’s gull inhabit the lagoon permanently, and a big number of species migrate here in winter.

+ Monocytes which migrate from the bloodstream to the tissues will then differentiate into macrophages or dendritic cells, which then stay in the tissue.

+ During gastrulation, some of the cells of the blastula migrate inwards to make an inner layer, the “endoderm”.

+ They are gregarious, and migrate in small herds of twenty or so animals.

+ Many groups of fin whales migrate between feeding grounds and breeding grounds.

+ They migrated into central Siberia and then about 3,000 years ago started to migrate to the Baltic region in northeastern Europe.

+ One hope for this program as I understand is expecting the students to migrate to other Wikimedia projects.

+ Light pollution stops migrating birds from having any way of seeing the moon and stars that they need to use to navigate the direction of their migration, therefore not being able to migrate to the correct place.
+ Many people from this area migrate to Gulf countries to find jobs as unskilled labourers.

+ Huge numbers of herbivores migrate each year, followed by the big cats.

+ During the Triassic period, all the continents were connected to form the supercontinent of Pangaea, and animals could migrate freely between them.

+ Since the kingdom of Chu destroyed the country, the descendants of the king led some of the subjects to migrate to Fujian and merged with the Yue people into the Yue ethnic group.

+ B cells mature into B lymphocytes in the bone marrow, while T cells migrate to and mature in a distinct organ, called the thymus.

+ People migrate due to the changes in their environment, and the find a new home.

+ Sometimes they migrate downwind.

+ They migrate over a year between their winter range and calving grounds on the Beaufort Sea.

More in-sentence examples of “migrate”:

+ Most other scientists do maintain that the original Proto-Indo-Europeans did live about 5,000 years ago in the area in Europe east of Ukraine and north of the Caucasus Mountains and that the original Aryans did migrate west from there.

+ A few hundred to over a thousand Greeks now migrate to Turkey yearly for employment or educational purposes.
+ About 3000 years ago, dogs began to migrate from the Arctic into temperate climatetemperate Europe, North America, Asia, and sometimes Africa.

+ Most other scientists do maintain that the original Proto-Indo-Europeans did live about 5,000 years ago in the area in Europe east of Ukraine and north of the Caucasus Mountains and that the original Aryans did migrate west from there.

+ A few hundred to over a thousand Greeks now migrate to Turkey yearly for employment or educational purposes.

+ About 3000 years ago, dogs began to migrate from the Arctic into temperate climatetemperate Europe, North America, Asia, and sometimes Africa.

+ Later in development, tiny bone structures break loose from the jaw and migrate to the inner ear area.

+ These offspring have underdeveloped rear limbs, and after birth they migrate to the marsupium where they attach to a nipple.

+ They migrate to the southern United States, the Caribbean, and South America.

+ But if the water where it lives freezes in the winter, it must migrate to the south or to the coast to find something to eat.

+ Birds such as geese that migrate from one country to another fly very long distances.

+ Many fish migrate from south to north through the canal.

+ This natural reserve is home of many animals some of which migrate from Galapagos Islands, it includes blue-footed boodies, albatrasses, frigate birds, seals, iguanas, dolphins, stingrays and reef fishes.

+ Most great tits do not migrate except in places with harsh winters.

+ The Red Sea is also poor in nutrients, so species who migrate will find more nutrients.

+ Birds which migrate cannot be managed in the same way.

+ State Department, expatriate workers from nations throughout Asia and parts of Africa voluntarily migrate to Qatar as low-skilled laborers or domestic servants, but some subsequently face conditions indicative of involuntary servitude.

+ It is highly recommended you migrate to the core framework.

+ Geese migrate in groups in the spring and fall, flying together in a V-shape.

+ It is mostly a resident, although northern and eastern populations migrate south in winter.

+ Mexican free-tailed bats in southeastern Nevada, southwestern Utah, western Arizona, and southeastern California come together to migrate southwest to southern California and Baja California.

+ Grebes only migrate if they live in North America, Europe or Asia.

+ The krill that make up part of the megamouth’s diet also migrate from deep waters to the surface.

+ During the cold winters most of the animals migrate to the lower regions of the Himalayas while others like the brown bear hibernate instead.

+ Most of them migrate to the south during the winter.

+ It is probably best noted for the large number of sharks that frequent its coastal waters, as well as the increasing numbers of Southern Right Whales that migrate in the region.

+ The first people to migrate to the land of Palestine were Canaanites, who came from north of Arabia,normally speaked Arabic.

+ The people who migrate are called migrants or, more specifically, emigrants, immigrants or settlers, depending on the historical setting, circumstance, and perspective.

+ When they are old enough, they aggregate into dense shoals and migrate southwards, returning to the Agulhas banks in order to restart the cycle.

+ It is mainly resident, but some northernmost populations migrate further south.

+ It is mainly a resident bird, but those from colder regions migrate south for the winter.

+ In the Pacific, at latitudes between 20°N and 50°N, they are known to migrate to higher latitudes during the summer and lower latitudes during the winter.

+ For winter they migrate to coasts where sea does not freeze.

+ They migrate to the Arctic tundra to breed in June and July.

+ By the end of October, the monarchs that are east of the Rocky Mountains migrate to Mexico.

+ These sharks live very deep in the water but they migrate up to about 650 feet at night, to hunt.

+ They are found in the Falkland Islands, South America, Chile and Argentina and migrate Brazil.

+ There is an advantage only if the birds which migrate have a better chance of leaving descendants.

+ Atlantic salmon used to migrate upstream to spawn.

+ Each shell can only contain a certain number of electrons before new electrons must migrate to the next shell or “energy level.” Starting with the third energy level, however, electrons sometimes move up a level even before the current one is full.

+ Birds from the north of its range in Europe and Asia migrate south to spend the winter in warmer places.

+ When Thapki and her family migrate to Noida, Thapki handles the move well and impresses Dhruv.

+ Blue sharks are known to migrate thousands of miles for food and for mating.

+ Sometimes, they migrate “en masse”, in long files of lobsters across the sea floor.

+ They then flock together with other American Robins before they migrate to their wintering places.

+ Due to periodic changes/redesigns on the ABS website, these links may change: the advantage of using the template is therefore that all articles using this template will migrate with it.

+ In the western Atlantic OceanAtlantic Bull sharks migrate north along the coast of the U.S during summer, swimming as far north as Massachusetts, and then return to tropical climates when the coastal waters cool.

+ All this is relevant, since they fly through the high passes in the Himalayas when they migrate to from the Indian subcontinent.

+ Oh god I hope we don’t add this….its a nuisance on en.wiki and I would hate to see it migrate here.

+ Salmon can no longer migrate to the upper Columbia River system.

+ The fauna of Ladakh has much in common with that of Central Asia in general and that of the Tibetan Plateau in particular.Exceptions to this are the birds, many of which migrate from the warmer parts of India to spend the summer in Ladakh.

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