Example sentences of “graph”

How to use in-sentence of “graph”:

+ The time between the peaks on the graph gives the rotational period of the object.

+ Logarithmic graph paper, before the advent of computer graphics, was a basic scientific tool.

+ The China Earthquake Administration said that the graph showed that the strength of earthquake could be higher than level IX, and the earthquake centre in Zhangzha County could reach level VIII.

+ A graph is a picture designed to express words, particularly the connection between two or more quantities.

+ A chart or graph is an image which summarizes data and presents it in an easy to understand way.

+ Graph coloring is the name for a number of problems from graph theory.

Example sentences of graph
Example sentences of graph

Example sentences of “graph”:

+ The following graph shows the results of an experiment of rolls of a die.

+ In a graph where all the edges have the same weight, every tree is a minimum spanning tree.

+ The tree data type is a type of graph meaning that many algorithms made to traverse a graph also work with a tree however, the algorithms can be much similar and must have a dedicated start node, that is the node with no other nodes linking to it.

+ A complete graph of order 3 is called a triangle.

+ The nodes may be part of the graph structure, or may be external entities represented by integer indices or references.

+ It also includes the option to generate a graph or play a musical representation of the sequence.

+ Making a graph of the Fourier transform of this sound wave will show a peak at each frequency which corresponds with one of the musical notes.

+ Below is a graph of a solved SIR model.

+ Leonhard Euler solved this problem in 1736, which led to the development of topology, and modern graph theory.

+ This laid the foundations of graph theory.

+ The dots at the end of the graph show the final results.

+ In computer science, a tree is a graph data structure composed of items that have child items.

+ A graph is a kind of chart or diagram.

+ Different levels of abstraction might be denoted by a progression of arrows joining boxes or ellipses in multiple rows, where the arrows point from one row to another, in a series of other graphs, say graph 2, etc.

+ A graph can have more than one spanning tree, just like there may be more than one way to select the roads between the cities.

+ The point on the graph where these two differing lines meet is called the light saturation point.

+ When measuring motion, it is normal to make a graph with time on one axis and distance on the other.

+ It is faster than many other ways to do this, but it needs all of the distances between nodes in the graph to be zero or more.

+ Decision stream is a directed acyclic graph of decision rules for classification and regression tasks Fig.

+ The following graph shows the results of an experiment of rolls of a die.

+ In a graph where all the edges have the same weight, every tree is a minimum spanning tree.

More in-sentence examples of “graph”:

+ In a graph of cities on a map, the cost may be the distance between two cities, or the amount of time it takes to travel between the two.

+ Module with helper functions for the Graph extension to display graphs and maps.

+ Note: graph starts on the right.

+ Guy was known for his work in number theory, geometry, recreational mathematics, combinatorics, and graph theory.

+ In terms of graph theory, two of the nodes now have degree 2, and the other two have degree 3.

+ It is most easily expressed as a graph theorygraph describing the locations of a set of nodes.

+ Besides the simplifications and systematic problems from this experiment / graph we agree that the graphic should have looked exactly the other way around.

+ As the rectangles become thinner and thinner, the rectangles cover the area underneath the graph better and better.

+ This theorem is important in computer science and mathematics, especially in graph theory.

+ These are words from graph theory.

+ When you had enough points on your graph, you could draw a line through each of the plotted points, making your graph a “line graph“.

+ If it uses an inequality, then usually part of the graph is shaded, either above or below the line.

+ Integral calculus is the process of calculating the area underneath a graph of a function.

+ For example, by looking at the graph you can see at a glance that unemployment was relatively low in the late sixties but relatively high in the early eighties.

+ The way to do this is to divide the graph into many very small pieces, and then draw very thin rectangles under each piece.

+ Hubbert drew a graph in 1956 that predicted that the United States would reach its peak oil in the early 1970s.

+ A logarithmic scale is also a graphical scale on one or both sides of a graph where a number “x” is printed at a distance “c”·log from the point marked with the number 1.

+ We know that this is the best way to make sure the search program looks through every folder and file once, and only once, because graph theory has proved it.

+ The graph of this function is the circle of radius 2.5 in the plane.

+ A graph is an abstract data structure.

+ The fewest number of colors needed to color a graph is known as its “chromatic number”.

+ This template adds an inline bar graph to tables with numeric values that a reader may wish to compare.

+ The set of regions of a map can be represented more abstractly as an undirected graph that has a vertex for each region and an edge for every pair of regions that share a boundary segment.

+ In graph theory a loop is an edge that connects a vertex to itself.

+ This graph indicates the population of Fourcès over time.

+ The minimum number of colors needed to color a graph is called its chromatic number.

+ In a graph of cities on a map, the cost may be the distance between two cities, or the amount of time it takes to travel between the two.

+ Module with helper functions for the Graph extension to display graphs and maps.
+ Note: graph starts on the right.

+ That is, the derivative in one spot on the graph will remain the same on another.

+ One of the most well-known hyperbolas is the graph of the equation.

+ Hubbert in the 1950s and 1960s, who said that a graph of oil production looks like a curve.

+ Knowing whether such a path exists in a graph, as well as finding it is a fundamental problem of graph theory.

+ If we plot a graph to it, we can see that the temperature of the particles is zero.

+ The information obtained from gas chromatography is placed into a graph of detector response versus the time the sample leaves the column.

+ Different types of graphs require different forms of graph paper.

+ A discussion of the early work of Hamilton and Kirkman can be found in Graph Theory 1736–1936 The general form of the TSP appears to have been first studied by mathematicians during the 1930s in Vienna and at Harvard, notably by Karl Menger.

+ Conversely any planar graph can be formed from a map in this way.

+ If you plot this formula as a graph, with x as the horizontal axis and y as the vertical axis, you will get a graph that looks like a straight line angled at precisely 45 degrees.

+ It doesn’t include a graph for the −120, for which range would be 2500 nm or less with full payload.

+ In the early models, the measurements from the mass spectrometer was recorded on graph paper.

+ Graphically, this can then be shown as the area under the graph of the function.

+ A Hamiltonian path is a path in a graph which contains each vertex of the graph exactly once.

+ An easier to state version of the theorem uses graph theory.

+ It involves finding a Hamiltonian cycle in the edge graph of the dodecahedron.

+ In the history of mathematics, Euler’s solution of the Königsberg bridge problem is considered to be the first theorem of graph theory.

+ A Graph graph is an points that are connected by lines.

+ Notice the graph is logarithmic not linear.

+ Depending on what the graph looks like, there may be more than one minimum spanning tree.

+ It is often called the bell curve, because the graph of its probability density functionprobability density looks like a bell.

+ A simple graph usually shows the relationship between two numbers or measurements in the form of a grid.

+ The graph below shows the catalyst’s effect on the activation energy.

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