Example sentences of “dyke”

How to use in-sentence of “dyke”:

+ Jerry McCord Van Dyke was an American stand-up comedian, actor, and comedian.

+ On January 5, 2018, Van Dyke died of heart failure at his ranch in Malvern, Arkansas at the age of 86.

+ Offa’s Dyke Path is a 176 mile in the south.

+ The dyke is earlier than Offa’s Dyke, but runs along similar lines, just inside the line of the later dyke.

+ A Dyke dyke is an intrusion which moves up, crossing older strata.

+ Wat’s Dyke is an ancient defensive earthwork between Wales and England.

+ The Dyke may have been part of the same defensive rampart as nearby Beech Bottom Dyke.

+ Van Dyke has been married to Margie Willett in 1948 until they divorced in 1984.

Example sentences of dyke
Example sentences of dyke

Example sentences of “dyke”:

+ Williams argues that even at the time of the erection of Offa’s Dyke the people to its west saw themselves as “Roman”, citing the number of Latin inscriptions still being made into the 8th century.

+ A dolerite dike dyke of Ordovician age can be seen in the melange at Trwyn y Gorlech in the north.

+ The Devil’s Dyke is reputedly where Julius Caesar defeated Cassivellaunus in 54 BC, although this claim is disputed.

+ Van Dyke was born on December 13, 1925 in West Plains, Missouri.

+ Van Dyke now lives in Malibu, California.

+ Her best known role was Sally Rogers Sally Rogers on “The Dick Van Dyke Show”.

+ Offa’s Dyke is a large earthwork that roughly follows the current border between England and Wales.

+ Van Dyke and starring King Baggot, Grace Darmond, Rhea Mitchell, Fred Windemere, Stanton Heck, George Siegmann.

+ She played Jackie on “The Dick Van Dyke Show”.

+ Soon he moved on to writing for television series, including “The Dick Van Dyke Show” and “The Tonight Show”.

+ Dick Van Dyke was once offered the role as Ambassador Thorn, but turned it down because of the movie’s violent gory content.

+ Van Dyke and was based on the novel of the same name by Alfred Aloysius Horn.

+ He is the older brother of Jerry Van Dyke and father of Barry Van Dyke.

+ Van Dyke has 4 children and one grandson.

+ The Devil’s Dyke earthworks are remains of an ancient settlement of the Catuvellauni.

+ This is from north of Offa’s Dyke to south of it, and runs near the dyke in its central part.

+ Williams argues that even at the time of the erection of Offa's Dyke the people to its west saw themselves as "Roman", citing the number of Latin inscriptions still being made into the 8th century.

+ A dolerite dike dyke of Ordovician age can be seen in the melange at Trwyn y Gorlech in the north.
+ The Devil's Dyke is reputedly where Julius Caesar defeated Cassivellaunus in 54 BC, although this claim is disputed.

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