Example sentences of “devonian”

How to use in-sentence of “devonian”:

+ There is a layer of Devonian limestone more than 500m thick.

+ The rocks were once sedimentary rocks laid down in deep water during the Devonian and Carboniferous periods.

+ Tetrapodomorph fossils are known from the early Devonian onwards, and include “Eusthenopteron”, “Osteolepis”, “Panderichthys”, “Tiktaalik”, “Ventastega” and “Kenichthys”.

+ Vascular plants appeared later and their diversification began in the Devonian era.

+ Their first known occurrence in the fossil record is in the Rhynie chert of the Devonian period, ~400 million years ago.

+ The coelacanths are the closest link between fish and the first amphibians which made the transition from sea to land in the Devonian period.

Example sentences of devonian
Example sentences of devonian

Example sentences of “devonian”:

+ The Rhynie chert is an Lower Devonian Sedimentary rocksedimentary deposit, part of the Old Red Sandstone.

+ The first true seeds are from the upper Devonian 370–354 million years ago, which is probably the theatre of their first evolutionary radiation.

+ British Geological Survey: Stratigraphical framework for the Devonian rocks of Scotland.

+ Before the upper Devonian period, land plants, like modern ferns, reproduced by sending spores into the air.

+ The ranges are made from Devonian era sandstone and have been eroded over 20 million years into shapes like towers and cones.

+ The first tetrapodomorphs, which included the gigantic rhizodonts, had the same general anatomy as the lungfish, who were their closest kin, but they appear not to have left their water habitat until the later Devonian epoch.

+ This gave a date of of 370 mya to a Devonian rock from Norway.

+ It was deposition deposited during the Devonian period and contains the oldest fossil insect in the world.

+ This was a plate tectonicsplate tectonic collision which took place from Mid Ordovician to Mid Devonian periods, during the closure of the Iapetus Ocean.

+ The Gnathostomata first appeared in the Ordovician period and became diverse in the Devonian period, the ‘Age of Fishes’.

+ The term distinguishes it from the Old Red Sandstone, which is largely Devonian in age.

+ Some had developed primitive lungs to help them breathe air when the stagnant pools of the Devonian swamps were low in oxygen.

+ Fossils of these plants start in the middle Devonian to early Carboniferous periods, mostly just as stems.

+ Folds in Devonian rocks are cut by members of the Upper Carboniferous to Lower Permian dyke swarm.

+ A major extinction occurred at the start of the last phase of the Devonian period, the Frasnian-Famennian boundary, about 372.2 mya.

+ The labyrithodonts were some of the dominant animals from the Devonian to the Lower Triassic.

+ The Old Red Sandstone is a dark red sandstone laid down mainly in the Devonian period over a large part of the continent of Laurussia.

+ There was “a beautiful picture of this junction washed bare by the sea”, where 345 million year old Devonian Old Red Sandstone overlies 425 million year old Silurian greywacke.

+ It fits in the middle of the a gap in the fossil record which separates the aquatic Devonian tetrapods from the terrestrial ones of the mid-Carboniferous.

+ The Rhynie chert is an Lower Devonian Sedimentary rocksedimentary deposit, part of the Old Red Sandstone.

+ The first true seeds are from the upper Devonian 370–354 million years ago, which is probably the theatre of their first evolutionary radiation.
+ British Geological Survey: Stratigraphical framework for the Devonian rocks of Scotland.

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