Example sentences of “derive”

How to use in-sentence of “derive”:

– This principle can be mathematically derived from the Fourier transforms between momentum and position as defined by quantum mechanics, but we will not derive it in this article.

– Each of the genes contains a homeobox, The genes are called homeosishomeotic genes; both homeosis and homeobox derive from the idea of homeostasis or regulation.

– The Wheel originally belonged to the Roman goddess Fortuna, whose name seems to derive from “Vortumna”, “she who revolves the year”.

– Upon entering the democratic assembly, the lictors would lower the fasces to show that the powers of the consuls derive from the people.

– Since the Born interpretation says that the actual position particle cannot be known, we can derive the following.

Example sentences of derive
Example sentences of derive

Example sentences of “derive”:

- As I am not familiar with Indian politics, I do not know if being chairman of an assembly is enough to derive notability.

- We can also derive the emission angle from the second image too.

– As I am not familiar with Indian politics, I do not know if being chairman of an assembly is enough to derive notability.

– We can also derive the emission angle from the second image too.

– These people derive pleasure from the fact that other people can see them naked, or while having sex.

– In most cases, logic programming uses what is called negation as failure or “weak negation:” This means that if it is not possible to derive some clause from the facts and rules, the system will assume that its negation is true.

– Information technology costs are a significant source of uncontrollable spending in corporations that derive much of their profits from the information economy, such as banks, publishing houses, telecommunications companies and defence contractors.

– All authorities in the community derive legitimacy from the Otosi or Ofo Eze, hence traditional rulership in Item is hereditary.

– In this view, the name Khazar would derive from a hypothetical *Aq Qasar.

– The Cape appeared on early sixteenth century maps as Cape Raso, and may derive from a cape of the same name at the mouth of the Tagus River in Portugal.

– They all derive from Proto-Germanic “*burgs” meaning “fortress”.

– The words “hypnosis” and “hypnotism” both derive from the term “neuro-hypnotism” coined by the Scottish surgeon James Braid around 1841.

– Semitic scripts apparently derive from “Proto-Sinaitic”, a script of which only 31 inscriptions are known.

– Subsequent authors have often used the feminine form for Phoenix, but since this bird is a unique myth and its offspring did not derive from mating, the discussion of its sex did not seem to be very important.

– The Greek languageGreek word for spider is “arachne from which derive the mythological woman’s name, the class name Arachnida in biology, and the name for fear of spiders, arachnophobia.

– The word is thought to derive from the base “skell-“, “to ring/resound” and the diminutive suffix “-ling”.

– He also worked on associativitynon-associative algebraic systems, such as loops, and used computer software, such as the Otter theorem prover, to derive theorems in these areas.

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