Example sentences of “crude”

How to use in-sentence of “crude”:

– A few Skipper butterfly larvae also make crude cocoons in which they pupate, exposing the pupa a bit.

– Saddam Hussein declared the neighboring country of Kuwait to be siphoning Iraqi crude oil from across the border, and on August 2nd, 1990 the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait started.

– This grade is described as light crude oil because of its relatively low density, and sweet because of its low sulfur content.

– Anti-Armenian cartoons, most of which depict crude caricatures of Armenians.

– Azerbaijan is rich in natural resources which provide energy, especially in crude oil and natural gas, and hydroelectricity and wind power.

– An oil refinery uses fractional distillation to purify crude oil, separating several different liquids for different uses.

Example sentences of crude
Example sentences of crude

Example sentences of “crude”:

- Eight Core Industries are Electricity, steel, refinery products, crude oil, coal, cement, natural gas and fertilizers.

- It's the same with crude oiloil or gas." "Controls blamed for U.S.

– Eight Core Industries are Electricity, steel, refinery products, crude oil, coal, cement, natural gas and fertilizers.

– It’s the same with crude oiloil or gas.” “Controls blamed for U.S.

– Dubai’s economy is different from other members of the UAE because income from Crude oiloil is only 6% of its gross domestic product.

– Corps have about 5 basses of different sizes played by 5 people, so, like the tenors, they can also play crude melodies.

– During 1947–48 he painted in a provocative and crude Fauve style.

– Early, crude flint tools from other regions using similar methods are called either Clactonian or “core flake” technology.

– On 30 March 2020, the price of Brent Crude fell 9% to $23 per barrel, the lowest level since November 2002.

– Water pollution is the presence of harmful materials in water, such as sewage, dissolved metal, waste from farms, factories and crude oil spilled from oil tankers.

Crude tankers move large quantities of unrefined crude oil from its point of extraction to refineries.

– Peak oil is the idea that at some point an oil well, an oil field, a country, or the world, will be producing the most crude oil it can ever produce at one time.

– The movie got an R-rating for strong crude sexual content, explicit language and drug use.

– It also reduces greenhouse pollution and helps reduce crude oil imports.

– The area in and around the Persian Gulf has world’s largest crude oil.

More in-sentence examples of “crude”:

– This, along with oil shale, which is a layer of rock riddled with hydrocarbons in the form of kerogen, can be heated with steam to remove the crude oil in the two substances.

– Industries relating to crude oil are the main industries in this area.

– Commodity money and commodity markets in a crude early form are believed to have originated in Sumer where small baked clay tokens in the shape of sheep or goats were used in trade.

– Brent Crude is a major trading classification of crude oil.

– Ivy Queen’s style does not include the crude language so common in that genre.

– There is a lot of crude oil left underground.

– It has crude characterization.

– It has no coal deposits or Hydroelectricityhydroelectric power resources, and only small amounts of crude oil and natural gas.

– PHA has the same qualities of plastic, but it uses renewable raw material such as sugar from crop, instead of finite natural resources such as crude oil, natural gas and coal.

– Oils from crude oil are also used as fuels for engines or as lubricants to make the parts of machines work together without sticking or stopping.

– The pollution of the environment with crude or mineral oil or their by-products is called an oil spill.

– It is the largest oil and gas exploration and production company in the country, and produces around 70% of India’s crude oil and around 84% of its natural gas.

– He was also known for his role as the crude Petty Officer Pilgrim in Wolfgang Petersen’s “Das Boot”.

– Other kinds of oil are made from crude oil which comes from under the ground.

– There is a crude map of our solar system showing a spacecraft leaving the third planet, Earth.

– Plastics are among the Petrochemicals made from crude oil or natural gas.

– But it was also used by lesbians of higher social status to mean crude and rough-bar lesbians.

– They can be found in crude oil and are separated by fractional distillation.

– Different components of crude oil have different boiling points.

– Alkanes come from crude oil.

– Unlike the previous game, the ten treasures are tied together by a crude plot.

– The first crude map of Mars was published in 1840, followed by better maps from 1877 onward.

– Sonangol is an Crude oiloil and natural gas company owned by the government of Angola.Shrikesh Laxmidas, Reuters, 1 February 2012.

– His facial features contort and change, with his nose melding into his mouth to form a crude beak.

– Humans in South India, belonging to the species of “Homo erectus”, lived in this primitive ‘old stone age’ for quite a long time, using only crude implements such as hand axes and choppers and subsisting on food he hunted and gathered instead of actively growing it according to his needs.

– The movie was controversial because of its graphic violence and its portrayal of crude men attempting to survive by any available means.

– In response and some fear to the storm’s projected path into the Gulf of Mexico, prices for crude oil rose on the New York Mercantile Exchange at branch offices in London.

– In 2002, he studied Fundamentals of Crude Sampling at Jiskoot Auto Control Training Centre, Kent, England.

– Most of the crude oil found in the onshore mid-continent oil field is the mixed base or intermediate type.

– This is a partial list of states that extract crude oil from oil wells.

– Oil and Natural Gas Corporation is an Indian public sector multinational crude oil and gas company.

– Conch shells are sometimes made into crude bugles by removing the small tip of the shell to form a mouthpiece.

– There are two basic types of oil tankers: the crude tanker and the product tanker.

– Submarines would try to sink enemy ships by crude methods.

– In Israel, crude sesame base is popular.

– The movie is about sisters who help their crude though endearing father.

– They were made by all previous members of the genus, starting with relatively crude tools made by “Homo habilis” and “Homo erectus”.

– Oil refining is the name for a number of processes from chemical engineering, which transform crude oil into useful products such as different fuel oils, Liquefied petroleum gas, gasoline, kerosene or diesel oil.

– Its businesses cover the entire oil and gas chain, from crude oil and natural gas exploration and production to power generation, transportation, refining, petroleum product marketing, and international crude oil and product trading.

– The settlement there, the so-called “Horgner Kultur produced examples of a type of crude pottery with parallels to the Seine-Oise-Marne culture of northern France.

– Four cardiotoxin-analogues I, II, III, and IV, account for about 54% of the dry weight of the crude venom and have cytotoxic properties.

– Smithson Tennant found it in the remains when he left crude platinum in a mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid.

– Sean Connery likes to misread the categories into crude versions such as “Who Reads” as “Whore Ads” and “Let it Snow” as “Le Tits Now”.

– Industrially, crude oil is heated and sent up along the fractionating column that has decreasing temperatures with height and several platforms at different levels to collect the condensate.

– Many countries with large crude oil are in this area.

– The bodies of confederate soldiers were buried in crude makeshift graves all across the yard.

– In fact, Ataol Behramoğlu purified his poetry by leaving out crude propaganda and naive didacticism.

– George Constantinescu created the theory of sonics, while Lazăr Edeleanu was the first chemist to synthesize amphetamine and also invented the modern method of Oil refineryrefining crude oil.

– Due to the dependence of the industrialized world on crude oil and the role of OPEC as a major supplier, these price increases hurt the economies of the targeted countries, while at the same time limiting economic activity.

– Modern petroleum refineries process as much as 800,000 to 900,000 barrels per day of crude oil.

- This, along with oil shale, which is a layer of rock riddled with hydrocarbons in the form of kerogen, can be heated with steam to remove the crude oil in the two substances.

- Industries relating to crude oil are the main industries in this area.

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