Example sentences of “corrupt”

How to use in-sentence of “corrupt”:

– She played Marcy, the wife of a corrupt policeman, in the 1982 movie “The Border”.

– On January 3, 1966, in a context of severe financial austerity measures, his corrupt regime was overthrown by a peaceful demonstration organized by the forces of the Voltaic nation: the unions, the so-called traditional chieftaincy and the clergy.

– In his poetry he very boldly highlighted the missing virtues and values in the morally corrupt Indian society.

– His New Order administration’s authoritarian and increasingly corrupt practices led to much discontent in the 1990s.

– Hackers can also corrupt data, be it accidentally or on purpose.

– Later, other members said that Stephan was corrupt and a fornicator, so he was kicked out.

Example sentences of corrupt
Example sentences of corrupt

Example sentences of “corrupt”:

– The Corporation had a corrupt attitude towards rebellious wrestlers.

– But in 1973, it became clear that Agnew had been very corrupt in his career as governor and was facing several felony charges.

– Lou Mikalich, a corrupt cop who makes a mistake in a raid and killed the family, decides to plant drugs on an innocent.

– And Gary Oldman plays the main villain Norman Stansfield, a corrupt cop and mafia leader who kills Matilda’s family.

– He played a part in exposing a high ranking senior politician in corrupt activity and his video evidence secured a conviction.

– At any time a computer user can unplug the system and corrupt unwanted data.

– External links in these parameters corrupt the citation’s metadata and can be the source of a variety of other error messages.

– Twenty years earlier, a group of gypsies are arrested by Judge Claude Frollo, the corrupt Justice Minister, who pursues a woman and her deformed baby.

- The Corporation had a corrupt attitude towards rebellious wrestlers.

- But in 1973, it became clear that Agnew had been very corrupt in his career as governor and was facing several felony charges.
- Lou Mikalich, a corrupt cop who makes a mistake in a raid and killed the family, decides to plant drugs on an innocent.

– They think that they are corrupt and are more interested in wealth and power rather than Buddhist principles.

– He accused Roosevelt of being “indispensable” to corrupt big-city Democratic organizations and American Communists.

– Harding is often considered to be the worst because he hired corrupt friends to become government officials.

– The story is about sexual harassment, corrupt bosses and plots to murder.

– She even made a speech on how corrupt the legal system of the island was under the United Democratic Party government.

More in-sentence examples of “corrupt”:

- He deals with corrupt politicians and mobsters from Chicago like Johnny Torrio and Arnold Rothstein most known for being a big gambler and New York kingpin.

- Plato's point was this: if you want to rule, then it will go wrong, because power will corrupt you.
- Sowore started Sahara Reporters in a small room in Manhattan 2006 to fight against corrupt and wrong government practices.

– He deals with corrupt politicians and mobsters from Chicago like Johnny Torrio and Arnold Rothstein most known for being a big gambler and New York kingpin.

– Plato’s point was this: if you want to rule, then it will go wrong, because power will corrupt you.

– Sowore started Sahara Reporters in a small room in Manhattan 2006 to fight against corrupt and wrong government practices.

– Denmark has been the least corrupt nation eight times, while Somalia has been the most corrupt nation six times.

– In Star Wars Episode I, the first movie in the Star Wars timeline, the Republic had become very corrupt and complicated.

– It ended public executions, and the Corrupt Practices Act 1868Corrupt Practices Act did much to end electoral bribery.

– By its end, the Ottoman Empire grew so worn out and corrupt that it was ready to collapse.

– The stories in this movie are about an exotic dancer who gets involved in serious child custody matters and corrupt politics.

– Sidious pulls the strings behind the scenes to cause unrest and dispute in the corrupt Galactic Senate, hence the films’ title.

– It has also been suggested that Dillon’s approach came from the view at that time that cities were inherently corrupt political organs.

– In November 2017, after the Paradise Papers were leaked, Sanders warned of “an international oligarchy” and blamed corrupt billionaires and companies for trying to avoid paying taxes and called it unfair.

– A queen, Queen Wakiyan, was elected Queen of the Kingdom of Lakota and of the Oglala Sioux, and tried to improve the economy at the Pine Ridge Reservation with creativity and imagination, and to bring the Sioux forward into modern times;however, a conspiracy of jealous chieftains who were both male chauvinists opposed to having a female leader and also a corrupt group of men jealous of their own power and who prefer to preside over the poverty of the Sioux People, ruthlessly trumped up false allegations in order to depose this good queen.

– In some countries the term is often used to describe the corrupt use of state money and goods to benefit groups, families, ethnicities or races in exchange for votes.

– Some of his most famous roles include the portrait of corrupt police chief Tiger Brown in “The Threepenny Opera”.

– In 2015, Prime Minister Najib Razak was accused of money launderingsending over Many Malaysians called for Najib to resign because they did not want a corrupt prime minister.

– On the other hand, countries with repressive or corrupt governments frequently do not stick to their constitutions, or have bad constitutions without giving freedom to citizens and others.

– Targets are Massolit’s posh HQ, corrupt social-climbers and their women, bureaucrats and profiteers and, more generally, skeptical unbelievers in the human spirit.

– Their greatest setback came with the realization that faulty surveying coupled with corrupt local government officials had left them with virtually nothing.

– Usually, most people working in this form of economy are women; they work in the most erratic and corrupt segments of the job market.

– It will be the first World Cup to be held in the Arab world In May 2011, FIFA officials were accused of being corrupt during the bidding process, and the event raised questions.

– He is a corrupt and mentally unstable Drug Enforcement Administration agent.

– They are not Godly ministers but greedy impostors who corrupt the Word of God for money’s sake.

– The first part, probably some corrupt form, is not explained.

– Now, the kafana is thought of as a place where sad lovers cure their sorrows in alcohol and music, gamblers waste lots of, husbands run away from mean wives while shady businessmen, corrupt local politicians and small criminals do business.

– A high point of the campaign occurred when Roosevelt gave a speech on national radio where he ridiculed Republican claims that his administration was corrupt and wasteful with tax money.

– He finds the Triforce that Ganon used to corrupt the Golden Land, and uses it to wish everything back to normal, and Link puts the Master Sword back in the pedestal.

– Parag Bansal – a corrupt and dishonest doctor who can go to any length for his profit.

– Following elections, the legislature passed a law that rescinded the contracts granted by the corrupt legislators.

– Evidence emerged that during his years in power Marcos, his family, and his close associates had looted the Philippines’ economy of billions of dollars through embezzlements and other corrupt practices.

– However, in other side, he may be the one of the most corrupt leaders such as Suharto or Kim Il-Sung or Kim Jong Il due to atrocities.

– Finland has been top of the list of least corrupt countries on the Corruption Perceptions Index more times than any other country.

– Some corrupt people will not do their jobs at all unless they get a bribe on top of their normal pay.

– The story follows an elderly bus driver, Pritam, whose three good for nothing sons Madhav; The group leader, Laxman; The poetic idiot and Lucky; The innocent mute have took loans from various moneylenders, also from a don named Raghu, and they earn money by corrupt methods like selling fake question papers to students etc.

– He defended his corrupt actions in both memoirs.

– The Corruption Perceptions Index is an index that shows how corrupt certain countries are.

– More than one ISMN, or characters that are not part of the ISMN, corrupt the COinS metadata.

– He starred as a corrupt cop in Rogue Cop.

– The bribery involved in the passage of the authorizing legislation was so blatant that a Georgia mob attempted to lynch the corrupt members of the legislature.

– This served to correct the corrupt practice of selling forgiveness.

– Nevertheless, his ideas implied that the pope was corrupt also.

– Lee introduced legislation giving the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau greater power to conduct arrests, search, call up witnesses, and investigate bank accounts and income-tax returns of suspected persons and their families.

– Sometimes they were corrupt and cheated people who came to worship.

– In a 26 Feb 2021 civil hearing at the Paris judicial court, French billionaire Vincent Bolloré, along with associates Gilles Alix and Jean-Philippe Dorent, pleaded guilty to corrupt practices in Togo.

– Today they are remembered for their corrupt rule.

– It is about Max being exiled into the desert by the corrupt ruler of Bartertown, Aunty Entity.

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