Example sentences of “confirmation”

How to use in-sentence of “confirmation”:

– During the confirmation process, two women, accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct during his college years.

– Hall, awaiting the nomination and confirmation of a replacement for former chairman and president Fred Hochberg.

– I’d like confirmation as to whether it’s a sockfarm and if there are any more.

– On June 19, 2017, President of the United StatesPresident Donald Trump nominated Garrett to become chairman and president of the Export–Import Bank of the United States, a post that requires confirmation by the United States Senate.

– After Republicans refused to give Garland a confirmation hearing, Garland’s nomination was expired in January 2017 shortly before the Inauguration of Donald Trumpinauguration of Donald Trump.

– The country’s first case was announced on 12 March, a 27-year-old Gabonese man who returned to Gabon from France, four days before the confirmation of the coronavirus.

– I have not yet reported an error, awaiting independent confirmation of this problem.

– Another confirmation comes from of a book published by the FIFA and that contains a section that certifies, with vintage official documents, the position of Uruguay like four times “World Champion of the FIFA”.

Example sentences of confirmation
Example sentences of confirmation

Example sentences of “confirmation”:

– The commissioner is appointed by the President of the United States with confirmation of the Senate.

– On January 11, 2017, Tillerson’s congressional confirmation hearing was held.

– Levey served as acting secretary of the treasury from January 20, 2009, until the confirmation of Timothy Geithner, which occurred January 26, 2009.

– The symptoms of amyloidosis are accordingly highly variable and confirmation of the presence of amyloid in the tissues can be challenging, so that diagnosis is often delayed.

– WolinNeal Wolin served as acting secretary of the treasury from January 25, 2013, until the confirmation of Jack Lew which occurred February 28, 2013.

– Seems obvious but I’d like confirmation in case they create more of them.

– You can check your address confirmation status in and can confirm it from there.

– In India PNR is used by Indian Railway as Passenger Name Record Usually Travelers need it to check their confirmation of their seats.

– However, in a Republican-controlled senate, a confirmation hearing was never held and his nomination expired on January 3, 2017.

– It is a type of confirmation bias, where a person sees evidence for what they want or expect to see, and ignores evidence which goes against their belief.

– The above accounts have already been blocked, with the socks discovered by WP:DUCK or confirmation from EN.

- The commissioner is appointed by the President of the United States with confirmation of the Senate.

- On January 11, 2017, Tillerson's congressional confirmation hearing was held.

– Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito during their confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

– For your confirmation I’m a vandal fighter in 6-7 wikis.

– It was established on 14 May 1899 as Pastorns gossar by Katarina Parish confirmation priest Ernst Klefbeck.

– Claudius panics when he sees the play, and Hamlet sees this as confirmation that he is a murderer.

– You’ll find my confirmation here.

– Haspel was approved for confirmation by the Senate Intelligence Committee on May 16 by a 10–5 vote, with two Democrats voting in favor.

– I have received notification from The Wikimedia Foundation that my “legal age” confirmation has been accepted and I have been given the flag.

– However, there is no confirmation of this.

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