Example sentences of “collision”

How to use in-sentence of “collision”:

– He has voiced characters in movies including “Ice Age: Collision Course” and “The Lego Batman Movie”.

– MacGregor-Scott was involved in a traffic collision in New York City which would result in his death on October 25, 2017, aged 69.

– It is possible to drive through buildings, up mountains, and even outside the level due to the lack of collision detection.

– This was built by the collision of the former continents to make the Old Red Sandstone Continent.

– It was first thought that the debris thrown up by the collision filled in the smaller craters.

– Note: It already includes by default, to avoid collision of the div’s background with floating elements.

Example sentences of collision
Example sentences of collision

Example sentences of “collision”:

– We see the galaxy as it was 500 million years ago, and the collision took place 700 million years ago.

– In 2012, researchers concluded that the collision is sure to happen.

– Insert #123;#123; to prevent collision with text; use the clear parameter to prevent collision with images.

– Large-scale folds are found mainly along a collision boundary between two tectonic plates.

– Early in Earth history, the Moon was torn out by a massive collision with a proto-planet.

– In the case of a two dimensional collision, the rules in elastic and inelastic collision are still the same, but vectors are used to find the momentum before or after a collision.

– Gravitational waves have been detected from the collision and merging of two neutron stars.

– Bhullar had stopped to assist a driver involved in a collision and sustained fatal injuries after he was struck by a semi truck that had lost control descending a hill.

– In a perfectly elastic collision, no kinetic energy is lost, and so the kinetic energy of the two objects after the collision is equal to their total kinetic energy before the collision.

– A 2007 study suggests that the bolide may have been a piece of a much larger asteroid that broke up in a collision and also produced 298 Baptistina, 160 million years ago.

– In 1941–42 Boston Bruins seasonFebruary 1942, Clapper suffered a severed tendon in a collision with Toronto player Bingo Kampman and was done for the season.

– Although its nodes are located on the opposite side from those of Ceres, it is generally far from Ceres when both cross the same orbital plane and a collision is again unlikely.

– This device limits the moving of the head and neck in the event of a collision and has been required within the NHRA since 2004.

– There are rather strict selection rules as to the electronic configurations that can be reached by excitation by light—however there are no such rules for excitation by collision processes.

– They formed because of the collision between the Australian and the Asian tectonic plates.

– At the four collision sites, there are large detectors called ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb.

- We see the galaxy as it was 500 million years ago, and the collision took place 700 million years ago.

- In 2012, researchers concluded that the collision is sure to happen.
- Insert #123;#123; to prevent collision with text; use the clear parameter to prevent collision with images.

More in-sentence examples of “collision”:

– Protected from this collision zone, the ancient rocks of what is now Cape York Peninsula were did not move.

– It was caused by a continental collision between Euramerica and Gondwana to form the supercontinent of Pangaea.

– It shows a colossal cosmic “weather system” produced by the collision of two giant clusters of galaxies.

– This can be attributed to progress in computing technology, which has allowed larger and more sophisticated models of atomic structure and associated collision processes.

– David Nesvorný of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder traced the orbits of these bodies back in time, and calculated that they formed in a collision of a body at least 150km in diameter with a smaller asteroid some 8 million years ago.

– He had a late-race collision with Mark Webber.

– Although its perihelion is extremely close to the mean distance of Ceres and Pallas, a collision between Hygiea and its bigger companions is impossible because at that distance they are always on opposite sides of the ecliptic.

– The 2015 model was awarded the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s top rated pick because of it’s collision avoidance system.

– However, on 4 August 1983 when he was involved in a collision with a dump truck while training.

– Kinetic energy is lost during this type of collision because the energy is transformed into other forces.

– After spending 138 days at sea, and a collision between the “Erebus” and “Terror” they sailed to the Falkland Islands, to Tierra del Fuego, back to the Falklands and onward to their third sortie into the Antarctic.

– The movie currently had four sequels, “Ice Age: The MeltdownIce Age 2: The Meltdown” in 2006, “Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs” in 2009, “Ice Age 4: Continental Drift” in 2012, and “Ice Age: Collision Course” in 2016.

– A collision of an antiproton with a proton results in mutual annihilation, but a near miss may produce by charge exchange an antineutron–neutron pair.

– Like other Starburst galaxystarburst galaxies, the collision produced the intense burst of star formation.

– The thought Veritas collision would have been too far from Jupiter for the pieces to have been slung into a collision course with Earth.

– Berger tried to do the same thing on Mansell on lap 72 at the same corner with the same result – a collision but with both cars out.

– An impact event is a collision between objects in space.

– Most volcanoes are explained by the collision or splitting apart of continental plates.

– This was a plate tectonicsplate tectonic collision which took place from Mid Ordovician to Mid Devonian periods, during the closure of the Iapetus Ocean.

– When the chloride ions have sufficient velocity, the energy of the resulting iodide ions after the collision is much lower than expected, and it is theorized that energy is lost as a result of a full roundabout of the methyl group around the iodine atom before the actual displacement takes place.

– Different colours seen recently suggest a possibility of a big crater, suggesting that Erriapo and Tarvos could be pieces of Albiorix following a near break-up collision with another body.

– A later collision with the Danish rider Ole Ritter broke his jaw.

– It was caused by the collision of tectonic plates at the end of the Silurian period.

– There is no danger of a collision with Earth for millions of years, if ever.

– Apparently, this species achieved its current, essentially land-locked distribution peculiar among sea-eagles due to the collision of Indian Plate with Eurasia.

- Protected from this collision zone, the ancient rocks of what is now Cape York Peninsula were did not move.

- It was caused by a continental collision between Euramerica and Gondwana to form the supercontinent of Pangaea.
- It shows a colossal cosmic "weather system" produced by the collision of two giant clusters of galaxies.

– An elastic collision is when two objects collide and bounce back with little or no deformation.

– Stations between Gul Circle to Tuas Link were temporary closed between 16 and 19 November 2017 following a collision between two trains at Joo Koon station.

– Di Giacomo died in a traffic collision on 21 February 2014 in Zagarolo, Province of Rome.

– Horizontal tectonic movements such as the collision of continents create orogenic belts.

– Train services between Gul Circle and Tuas Link were temporary closed between 16 and 19 November 2017 following a collision that happened at Joo Koon.

– Continental collision started in the mid Silurian, and mountain building took place in the early Devonian.

– It is called Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection or CSMA/CD.

– The narrator says that it was caused by the collision of two asteroids 150 million years ago.

– In 2010, a French scientist said that the clouds may have been ejected from a collision that formed the Andromeda Galaxy six billion years ago.

– One theory is that the collision occurred very early in the solar system’s history, and all the other remnants have since been ground into fragments by subsequent collisions or had their orbits perturbed beyond recognition.

– About 200 million years after this collision and the formation of Pangea, during the middle of the Mesozoic Era, the Atlantic Ocean floor started spreading.

– On 29 July 2013, two passenger trains on the line suffered a head-on collision at Granges-près-Marnand, causing at least 35 injuries and one fatality.

– In 1861 there was a collision between two trains, which killed 23 people and injured 176 others.

– This collision produces a density wave in the disk which leads to a characteristic ring-like appearance.

– In the case of a car crash, an inelastic collision occurs.

– The second collision on the MRT, the Joo Koon rail accident, occurred 24 years later on 15 November 2017, when two C151A trains collided at Joo Koon MRT station.

– The LHC primarily uses the collision of protons in its experiments.Science and Technlogy Facilities Council.

– The basic idea of chemical kinetics is called collision theory.

– A traffic collision for example may injure someone accidentally.

– The giant impact hypothesis is that the Moon was created out of the debris from a collision between the young Earth and a Mars-sized protoplanet.

– These two galaxies are known as the Antennae galaxies because they have two long tails of stars, interstellar mediumgas and dust ejected from the galaxies as a result of tidal force in the collision that look like an insect’s antennae.

– In “Les époques de la nature” Buffon discussed the origins of the solar system, speculating that the planets had been created by a comet’s collision with the sun.

– The game was released unfinished and is missing many features, including collision detection.

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