Example sentences of “capturing”

How to use in-sentence of “capturing”:

+ To law enforcement officers a serial killer’s habits are known as his signature, and they are always valuable leads in detecting who he is and capturing him.

+ It began in 1941 with Operation Barbarossa and ended in 1945 by the Soviet soldiers capturing Berlin.

+ One image, taken against the white sand of Nida, is highly regarded as capturing Sartre’s ideas.

+ McClernand was successful in capturing Arkansas Post but he acted without orders.

+ Adults usually play the game by betting money on the first piece, on capturing pieces, or on winning the game, to make gameplay more interesting.

Example sentences of capturing
Example sentences of capturing

Example sentences of “capturing”:

+ GIS also known as geographic information system is a computer system made for capturing and displaying positions on the earth’s surface and portraying data in many different ways on maps.

+ Once the Fire Nation armada arrives, Zhao begins his attack while Zuko infiltrates the tribe on his own, capturing Aang while he entered the spirit world to find the dragon spirit to give him the wisdom to defeat the Fire Nation.

+ Vice Admiral Shigeyoshi Inoue, commander of the IJN’s IJN 4th Fleet4th Fleet had the idea of capturing Tulagi in the southeastern Solomon Islands and Port Moresby in New Guinea.

+ Su then counterattacked with cavalry, defeating Helu’s army and killing and capturing several tens of thousands of men.

+ Suppiluliuma swiftly attacked the Mitanni heartland, capturing and plundering the Mitanni capital of Washshuganni.

+ Studies found that sailfish hunting schools of sardines rely heavily upon stealth and quick slashing or tapping with the rostrum in order to temporarily immobilize prey and make capturing small prey easier.

+ In 2001, the US government offered a big reward of 2.5 million dollars for help in capturing the person who had sent Anthrax anthrax in letters to a newspaper journalist and 2 senators.

+ Ear trumpets worked by capturing more sound for users, so the best way to make them work was for others to speak into the opening of the trumpet.

+ Then, he went on to Calicut and took over that city, capturing a lot of wealth, pleasing the King of Portugal.

+ These were capturing Passchendaele Ridge, moving to capture Roeselare, and Operation Hush.

+ He has challenged Christian Christian in the past for the ECW Championship and has also challenged for the Unified Tag Team Championship with Goldust but came up short in capturing the titles.

+ Many of the highly aquatic species, however, have no muscles in the tongue, and do not use it for capturing prey, while most other species have a mobile tongue, but without the adaptations to the hyoid bone.

+ It is thought to have been used in capturing prey and, in the smaller species, climbing trees.

+ His most significant award to be received is the Legion of Honor decoration from the French Government for capturing an assassin.

+ GIS also known as geographic information system is a computer system made for capturing and displaying positions on the earth’s surface and portraying data in many different ways on maps.

+ Once the Fire Nation armada arrives, Zhao begins his attack while Zuko infiltrates the tribe on his own, capturing Aang while he entered the spirit world to find the dragon spirit to give him the wisdom to defeat the Fire Nation.
+ Vice Admiral Shigeyoshi Inoue, commander of the IJN's IJN 4th Fleet4th Fleet had the idea of capturing Tulagi in the southeastern Solomon Islands and Port Moresby in New Guinea.

More in-sentence examples of “capturing”:

+ The Kavirondo are plucky hunters, capturing the hippopotamus with ropes and traps, and attacking with spears the largest elephants.

+ In 1941, the Nazi GermanyGerman and Finnish forces launched Operation Silver Fox with the goal of capturing Murmansk.

+ They also stopped the Japanese from capturing an Allied base at Milne Bay.

+ It was charged with capturing the airfields on the Japanese island of Iwo Jima.

+ At the beginning of 1862, President of the United StatesPresident capturing the Confederate capital of Richmond and ending the war.

+ The argument for capturing Iwo Jima was that it provided a landing and refueling airfield for fighter escorts.

+ In 2020, the legend of capturing the bull, was displayed in its theatrical production, under the title “Kao Faba”, in the Iboyaima Shummang Leela Shanglen, Palace Compound, Imphal.

+ Canada became better known as a country after its success in capturing Vimy Ridge from the Germans in France in 1917.

+ Banks was assigned the task of capturing Mobile, Alabama.

+ However, China has denied capturing any territory and both countries agreed to disengage by June 2020.

+ He then caught them by surprise in a sea battle, capturing them all in a single action.

+ Friedrich August von der Heydte was to lead a “Fallschirmjäger “Kampfgruppe” in Operation Stösser, a night-time paratroop drop behind the Allied lines aimed at capturing an important road near Malmedy.

+ For several months, militia death squads went through villages capturing suspects and taking them away.

+ Aside from reconnaissance, the 459th was also tasked with capturing prisoners, destroying the leaders and field commanders of the Mujahideen.

+ Tentacles are used for locomotive power and capturing food sources.

+ Early cable providers then devised a system where a single black and white camera, often one that was formerly used for local news production after an upgrade, would be placed on a rotating pedestal, capturing various dials and gauges on different stations to which it would pan automatically and remain in a given view for a few seconds before moving on.

+ The “mulberry”, a mobile concrete harbor, allowed the Allies to supply their soldiers on the beach without capturing one of the heavily defended Channel ports.

+ Sacher-Masoch was especially interested in capturing stories of the different ethnicities that lived in Galicia.

+ In Lynn County, trouble between free-state and Pro-slavery pro-slavery pro-slavery Southerners came through the area destroying property and capturing free-state settlers.

+ The P-38 is also accounted for capturing 90% of all aerial footage over Europe.

+ The song tells the story of a traveling farm worker making a drink of tea at a bush camp and capturing a sheep to eat.

+ Seizing the opportunity, the Greek fleet formed in line and scored a decisive victory, sinking or capturing at least 200 Persian ships.

+ The Madurai Nayaks introduced the Palayakkars system after capturing Kongu Nadu region.

+ The player can avoid capturing the piece.

+ The Kavirondo are plucky hunters, capturing the hippopotamus with ropes and traps, and attacking with spears the largest elephants.

+ In 1941, the Nazi GermanyGerman and Finnish forces launched Operation Silver Fox with the goal of capturing Murmansk.

+ The Athenians and Eretrians succeeded in capturing and burning Sardis, but were forced to retreat with heavy losses.

+ In 1941, the Germans launched a massive paradrop operation in Crete, capturing the island from the British.

+ RED wins if it prevents BLU from capturing all points before the timer expires.

+ However the genus “Chondrocladia” uses a highly modified water flow system to inflate balloon-like structures that are used for capturing prey.

+ Later, Professor Oak calls both Red and Blue and gives them both a Pokédex each, and sends them on a journey to achieve his dream of capturing every type of Pokémon.

+ The plan also included capturing Tulagi on 2–3 May.

+ It has been argued that geographic diversification would eventually generate superior risk-adjusted returns for long-term global investors by reducing overall portfolio risk while capturing some of the higher rates of return offered by the emerging markets of Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America.

+ Zuko, with the help of his uncle, tries to accept the difficult events he has gone through in his life, and he learns to not be so focused on capturing the Avatar.

+ Gadd, who gives him the Poltergust 3000, a vacuum cleaner that is capable of capturing ghosts.

+ However, the French had at last succeeded in capturing the farm of La Haye Sainte, only a short distance from Wellington’s centre.

+ Sicily was in IslamMuslim hands at the time and so Robert and his brother Roger Bosso embarked on a series of campaigns, capturing Messina in 1061 and Palermo in 1072.

+ The Edmonton Oilers defeated the Boston Bruins in five games, capturing their fifth Stanley Cup Championship.

+ After capturing the Ruhr, Eisenhower planned to have 21st Army Group go east to Berlin.

+ If the piece makes a capture, “x” is written before the square in which the capturing piece lands on.

+ The North won control of almost all of the Mississippi River by capturing the cities along the river in the fall of 1862 and the spring of 1863.

+ It is reached by choosing the Tank when Reginald surrenders the Airship to you, capturing most of the Toppats.

+ Cooper had to burn many of his supplies at Honey Springs to prevent Blunt from capturing them.

+ The book’s guardian, Kero, gives Sakura the task of finding and capturing the cards, using the Clow Wand to seal them in their card forms.

+ Many of the medals presented during the Civil War were for capturing or saving regimental flags.

+ He has also done voice acting and motion capturing and co-wrote and co-starred in the 2003 movie “Moon Child”, which also stars Hyde.

+ Keystroke logging is capturing a record of each key that is pressed.

+ The Ottomans quickly recovered by capturing Cyprus from the Republic of Venice.

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