Example sentences of “abdomen”

How to use in-sentence of “abdomen”:

+ Her throat was cut from left to right, and she had been disembowelled, with her intestines thrown out of her abdomen over each of her shoulders.

+ During a retch, pressure in the thorax goes down and pressure in the abdomen goes up.

+ Laparostomy Management using the ABThera™ Open Abdomen Negative Pressure Therapy System in a Grade IV Open Abdomen Secondary to Acute Pancreatitis.

+ The throat had been severed down to the spine, and the abdomen virtually emptied of its organs.

+ The abdomen is yellow-orange with a row of black spots.

Example sentences of abdomen
Example sentences of abdomen

Example sentences of “abdomen”:

+ Pelvis can mean the lower part of the trunk of the human body, between the abdomen and the thighs.

+ Abdominal obesity, also called central body obesity, is a condition involving excess fat surrounding the abdomen and an increase in waist size in humans.

+ The back part where its abdomen is located, is soft and squishy.

+ The abdomen is raised until its tip points at the sun, minimizing their surface area exposed to the heat.

+ It usually starts growing on the abdomen above the penis at the place where it joins the body.

+ Females of this family lack an ovipositor at the end of the abdomen and lay their eggs by dipping the abdomen in the water as they fly over.

+ At the end of the abdomen are the reproductive organs.

+ The feathers on its abdomen are dark blue to black.

+ The abdomen is much softer than the head and the thorax.

+ The human penis exits the abdomen above the testicles and hangs freely outside the body.

+ The abdomen holds the exopods of uropods and is attached to some crustaceans’ abdomens.

+ The abdomen is light, yellowish-straw in colour.

+ Inside the abdomen is the stomach, the heart, and the excretory system where body wastes pass out of the insect.

+ The pain is usually present in the lower abdomen on the left side.

+ The pill bug’s abdomen has seven segments.

+ As well as possibly warning predators about their toxicity, it is thought the main purpose of their flashing abdomen is to attract mates.

+ The eggs are carried and hatched in a mass attached to the abdomen inside the shell.

+ On the abdomen are swimming appendages called “pleopods”, and the body ends in a tail fan.

+ As the driver took a turn to head to the hospital Princip jumped out and shot Sophie in the abdomen who collapsed and died instantly then shot the Archduke in the neck and his leg and he died on their way to the hospital.

+ As Special Agent In Charge Jerry Parr quickly pushed Reagan into the limousine, the fourth bullet hit Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy in the abdomen as he spread his body over Reagan to protect him.

+ Pelvis can mean the lower part of the trunk of the human body, between the abdomen and the thighs.

+ Abdominal obesity, also called central body obesity, is a condition involving excess fat surrounding the abdomen and an increase in waist size in humans.
+ The back part where its abdomen is located, is soft and squishy.

More in-sentence examples of “abdomen”:

+ It can then squeeze water out of the rear of its abdomen like a jet stream.

+ Sawflies differ from most other Hymenoptera by their broad connection between the abdomen and the thorax, and by their caterpillar-like larvae.

+ The head, parts of the thorax, and the abdomen are a bright yellow-green color.

+ An hour later, she was found lying dead in front of a gated stable entrance in Buck’s Row, Whitechapel, her throat cut and her abdomen ripped open.

+ Nicolaescu died on January 3, 2013 in Bucharest, Romania from cardiac arrest resulting from respiratory failure which was caused by abdomen infection-related surgical complications, aged 82.

+ The front section is the “cephalothorax”; the abdomen is called the “mesosoma”, and the tail is the “metasoma”.

+ His abdomen and much of his chest looked as if it had been hacked with an axe.

+ The female is shiny black and has a round abdomen with a red hourglass pattern on its underside.

+ The male louse, whose posterior margin of the abdomen is more rounded than those of male lice.

+ The thorax consists of 10 segments, and the abdomen bears a telson but no other appendages.

+ The throat was severed, and the abdomen was ripped open by a long, deep, jagged wound.

+ Pain is usually in the top of the abdomen below the ribs.

+ The male is often observed to roll the female onto her side and then assumes a similar position so that the two animals are abdomen to abdomen.

+ This increased pressure causes the abdomen to distend or expand, stretching the skin and placing pressure on the abdominal organs, which can constrict the blood vessels which supply them.

+ The abdomen is black with bright red bands.

+ On 13 May 1981, the Pope was shot twice in the abdomen by a Turkish national, Mehmet Ali Ağca.

+ After being punched in the face for bumping into Michael Peek, Coon shot Peek in the abdomen as he walked away.

+ After leaving the truck, the driver appeared to be wielding two guns and was later shot in the abdomen by police, and then arrested.

+ The abdomen has five pairs of soft legs called prolegs.

+ It takes considerable strength in the feet, ankle, leg, knee, and abdomen to dance en pointe.

+ It has deep blue feathers on its abdomen and head.

+ The abdomen of a beetle does not usually have special parts on the outside, but it has the beetle’s gut inside.

+ Air is taken in through openings on the sides of the abdomen called spiracles.

+ The hardened abdomen protects the coconut crab and reduces water loss on land, but must be moulted periodically.

+ She was stabbed in the chest, abdomen and arms.

+ It is also normal to have cramps in the abdomen during periods.

+ The abdomen is the third part of the body.

+ The scrotum may move the testes closer to the abdomen when in danger.

+ The hair on the arms, legs, chest, abdomen and back may also become thicker.

+ The waist is the part of the abdomen between the rib cage and Hip hips that humans have.

+ The abdomen is the part of the body that is between the chest and the thigh.

+ A crab’s tail and reduced abdomen is entirely hidden under the thorax.

+ The abdomen is the back part of the insect.

+ This body part at the end of the abdomen can be pulled back inside the body.

+ Suprunyuck pokes out Yatzenko’s eyes, and stabs him in the abdomen with a screwdriver.

+ During the third trimester, her abdomen sticks out even more, and she becomes even heavier.

+ Every day the person fills the abdomen with fluid.

+ During the second trimester, the woman’s abdomen starts to stick out.

+ On February 11, 2001, Ono died of ruptured aneurysm of abdomen at the age of 77.

+ The abdomen is a lighter brown with small black dots.

+ The beetle swivels the tip of its abdomen around, and shoots a spray of boiling hot, poisonous chemicals at its attacker.

+ The temperature is controlled by moving the testicles closer to the abdomen when they are too cold, and away when too hot.

+ After horseback riding on 11 February 1689, she felt a severe pain in the abdomen which forced her to lie down the rest of the evening.

+ The sound is made by moving air from the pharynx, often along with the flashing of the brightly-colored abdomen in a further attempt to deter predators.

+ The female abdomen also ends in a pointed ovipositor that looks a bit like a stinger.

+ Kidneys are two Organ organs in the abdomen of vertebrates that are shaped like beans.

+ It is also normal to have cramps in the abdomen at periods.

+ Their body has two body parts, called abdomen and cepholothorax.

+ Their thin legs and abdomen may help them to escape from birds who try to eat them.

+ In younger spiders, the spots on the abdomen will be a orange, red or yellow colour, which will become white as the spider becomes older.

+ It can then squeeze water out of the rear of its abdomen like a jet stream.

+ Sawflies differ from most other Hymenoptera by their broad connection between the abdomen and the thorax, and by their caterpillar-like larvae.
+ The head, parts of the thorax, and the abdomen are a bright yellow-green color.

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