“examine” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “examine”:

– If you examine a cross-section of the piece of conducting material, the electrons will move very quickly through it.

– Likewise, the oppressors must also be willing to rethink their way of life and to examine their own role in the oppression if true liberation is to occur; “those who authentically commit themselves to the people must re-examine themselves constantly”.

– The doctor or nurse will examine the vagina and the bulge. The amount of urine that stays in the bladder and does not come out will be measured. An ultrasound might be used.

– There is clearly a linear lower bound, since we must at least examine all the weights.

– Detectives will search public and private databases, investigate people and examine evidence in order to solve the case.

examine - example sentences
examine – example sentences

Example sentences of “examine”:

– Several of these argued that the report failed to examine adequately the evidence for partly-genetic explanations.

– On being asked by the judge what answer they could make to the charges laid against them, Potts reports that they “humbly fell upon their knees with weeping tears”, and “desired him for Gods cause to examine Grace Sowerbutts”.

– In its widest sense, to examine is to look at something very carefully, perhaps to find the cause of a problem.

– However, individuals are responsible for their own actions, which they can examine and control through rigorous self-discipline.

– You can also use to examine the results of template uses.

– The scientists used DNA barcoding to examine “Litoria vivissimia” and its relatives the parachuting frog and the Pinocchio frog.

– She was stuck in bed when marks of stigmata showed up she had doctors and physicians examine her markings, and it was found to be a genuine stigmatic case.

– A satellite was launched on the return journey to examine the Moon’s mass and gravitation, space particles near the Moon, and the interaction of magnetic fields between the Moon and Earth.

– In 2003, a committee of the Scottish Parliament met to examine a petition that the Scottish Government adopt the Pantone 300 colour as a standard.

– He knew that the only testimony against them would come from a nine-year-old girl, and that King James had cautioned judges to examine carefully the evidence presented against accused witches, warning against credulity.

– This is the to examine the results of template uses.

– A mechanic may examine a machine to find why it is not working properly.

– He was the first scientist to examine a platypus.

– They study the family and examine problems such as crime and drug abuse.

- Several of these argued that the report failed to examine adequately the evidence for partly-genetic explanations.

- On being asked by the judge what answer they could make to the charges laid against them, Potts reports that they "humbly fell upon their knees with weeping tears", and "desired him for Gods cause to examine Grace Sowerbutts".

More in-sentence examples of “examine”:

- As well as that, they could examine energy, heat and radioactivity, and even Space space and time.

- In the township of Glenrowan, off the highway, tourists can rest, walk and examine the famous Kelly siege sites.
- A traveler should examine the information on landscape, climate, weather, plants, animals, type of ground, and so on.

– As well as that, they could examine energy, heat and radioactivity, and even Space space and time.

– In the township of Glenrowan, off the highway, tourists can rest, walk and examine the famous Kelly siege sites.

– A traveler should examine the information on landscape, climate, weather, plants, animals, type of ground, and so on.

– The notion that art should examine its own nature was already part of art critic Clement Greenberg’s vision of modern art during the 1950s.

– Rosetta continued to examine the comet from orbit until 30 September 2016 when it landed.

– Fetoscopy is a medical procedure to examine and treat an unborn child.

– It is not concerned with the formation of molecules, nor does it examine atoms in a solid state physicssolid state as condensed matter.

– On 27 November 2009 he announced that a senior investigator would examine the findings in the report.

– The AUTO and Captain McCrea examine EVE’s body in the main dock, only to find the plant gone.

– For example, a study of the Amitsoq gneisses from western Greenland used five different radiometric dating methods to examine twelve samples and got agreement to within 30 million years on an age of 3,640my.

– The first step in making a hologram is to examine the ground level state of the object, then overload the object through heat or mechanical pressure.

– When a suspicious item is found, bomb experts are sent to examine and sometimes to destroy the item.

– A doctor can use an x-ray to examine bones, Lunglungs, heart, and great vessels.

– Linguists, people who study linguistics, also examine how language changes what people think and how people change language.

– The fossil was found in Morocco by a private collector who let scientists examine it.

– Phoenix has to defend his client, and Cross Examine witness testimonies.

– Sitting four km above sea level, the paired telescopes are used to examine light from distant stars in great detail.

– Much of the power of SPC lies in the ability to examine a process, for the sources of variation in that process, by using tools which give weight to objective analysis over subjective opinions and which allow the strength of each source to be determined numerically.

– In the postwar period, the Resistance was supported by politicians within Denmark and there was little effort to closely examine the killings.

– They can also examine the crust in a seismic survey to try and find information about layers of rock, locate oil or gas fields and to get information about the internal structure of volcanos.

– In order to do examine the alloys, a metal sample is treated.

– They will then examine the patient.

– A parliamentary committee was established to examine the case, and unlike in other such committee hearings, Fischer’s statement was shown live on public TV.

– Sociology of race and sociology of gender examine how people think about race and gender.

– Sociology includes many sub-fields that examine different aspects of society.

– Led by a research team from the Egyptian Museum and the University of California, the scientists used oxygen isotope analysis to examine hairs from two baboon mummies that had been preserved in the British Museum.

– In the 1950s and early 1960s, the Judicial Conference and the Administrative Office increasingly commissioned research projects to examine problems of judicial administration at the same time that they organized educational programs to help judges manage growing and complicated caseloads.

– This movie is about a couple who examine their relationship while on a trip to southern France.

– Michael Baden, who used to be a medical examiner for New York City, to examine Floyd’s body and figure out how he died.

– An experienced conductor knows score order well enough to examine a score and very quickly see which instrument plays a given part, even if the instrument names are not there.

– The 389 members of the Constituent Assembly formed many committees to examine in detail all the issues relating to the country.

– To give you an idea, imagine sentences like “”When Mike show ask Sarah told Mike to examine the puzzle he consider the puzzle irreverent to the mystery where John note that the puzzle somehow usually with to a buried treasure”” that run on for whole paragraphs.

– The Jade Rabbit carries a range of scientific equipment including a radar system which will be able to examine the ground beneath the surface.

– They asked him to examine the new organ, and then they offered him a job.

– In practice, FEC codes typically examine the last several dozen, or even the last several hundred, previously received bits to determine how to decode the current small handful of bits.

– You can use OpenSSL to generate and examine a real keypair.

– They do not meet the public, they examine letters and parcels which have been sent from outside the country, to make sure nothing illegal is being brought into the country.

– Aruban authorities indicated that they would send a dive team to examine the site.

– The whalers who told these stories either chopped up the squid parts to eat or use as bait, or they threw them back out to sea before scientists were ever able to examine them.

– If we examine the student projects, we see that the graduates from the 1960s and 1970s represent the most daring, and extremely professional approach, that is, the projects that were completed while Tomberg, Tamm, Asi and Pärtelpoeg were on the faculty.

– In 1933, she became a member of the committee founded to examine the working conditions of domestics, and in 1934, she became deputy chairman of the trade union for domestics, Stockholms hembiträdesförening.

– It is possible to examine a small sample of a person’s blood to find out how much fibrinogen is in the blood.

– This site is also the location of one of the first large bubble chambers used to examine the results of the atomic collisions produced by the machine.

– No studies have been done, however, to examine the impact of elastane production on workers in other countries.

– The field of evolutionary psychology set out to examine the role played by evolution on our mental life.

– Their next album “Mike Nichols Elaine May Examine Doctors” was also nominated for a Grammy.

– The hearing on September 23 were to examine the main problems of the National Weather Service during Alicia, the effectiveness of the N.W.S in current events, and the use of the National Weather Service.

– An electron microscope is a scientific instrument which uses a beam of electrons to examine objects on a very fine scale.

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