“evolve” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “evolve”:

+ Some Pokémon can evolve into a Mega form during a battle if they are holding a Mega Stone.

+ They have had over 140 million years to evolve after “Archaeopteryx”.

+ There are many different ideas about how post-postmodernism could evolve and shape culture.

+ Later on when all the beings living in “Jambudeepa” which was now evolve to the vast states as “Maha janapada”.were specially known in four specific sects like Brahmin and Sudra.

+ Some Pokémon can only evolve by level in a certain place.

+ A painful crisis may evolve into worse problems such as acute chest and other organ failures.

evolve use in sentences
evolve use in sentences

Example sentences of “evolve”:

+ It can evolve into Raichu, which is bigger and stronger.

+ A minuscule and frail Pokémon called Pichu can evolve into Pikachu.

+ This permits each gens to evolve a particular egg colouring.

+ However, progressive metal did not evolve into a genre of its own until the mid-1980s.

+ When the pendulum is released at any location, its movement will then evolve to stop at a height which depends on the frequency of the current of the electromagnet.

+ This usually comes about because parasites evolve with their hosts, and when host populations split, their parasites split also.

+ In order to evolve to another, higher peak, the species would first have to pass through a valley of maladaptive intermediate stages.

+ They allow the player to catch the monsters, train them to make them better and attack other monsters so that they get better abilities and possibly evolve into different Pokémon.

+ Pokémon can evolve after learning certain moves and leveling up.

+ Some socialists believe that socialism will evolve into what they see as a more advanced system: communism, with no state, money, or social classes.

+ Moodle has continued to evolve since 1999.

+ This technology is obviously not evolve alone, it’s established by humans, his sole creator.

+ He has also competed for Combat Zone Wrestling, Dragon Gate USA, Evolve EVOLVE Wrestling, Ring of Honor, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, Fight Club: Pro, Pro Wrestling Syndicate, WXW Germany, IPW-UK, Big Japan Pro Wrestling, and AAW.

+ Some nimravids did evolve into large toothed cat-like forms with massive flattened upper canines and mandibular flanges.

+ To put it simply, a complex structure can’t evolve unless its early, unfinished form helps the organism to live and to have children.

+ This skull may show that the date at which humans started to evolve from other primates is 2 million years earlier than scientists had previously thought.

+ Perhaps they could not evolve to larger sizes.

+ It can evolve into Raichu, which is bigger and stronger.

+ A minuscule and frail Pokémon called Pichu can evolve into Pikachu.

More in-sentence examples of “evolve”:

+ Insular dwarfism is one aspect of the more general "island rule": when mainland animals colonize islands, small species tend to evolve larger bodies, perhaps because the island may not have key predators.

+ Some Pokémon can only evolve if they are given certain evolution stones.
+ Some Pokémon evolve by level if it is holding a certain item.

+ Insular dwarfism is one aspect of the more general “island rule”: when mainland animals colonize islands, small species tend to evolve larger bodies, perhaps because the island may not have key predators.

+ Some Pokémon can only evolve if they are given certain evolution stones.

+ Some Pokémon evolve by level if it is holding a certain item.

+ Under the Legal Framework Order, 2002, the role of a Mediation Committee, comprising eight members from each House, has been introduced for the first time to evolve consensus on Bills, in case there is a disagreement between the two Houses.

+ Simple Computer modelmodelling, supposing small mutations exposed to natural selection, shows that a primitive optical sense organ based upon efficient photopigments could evolve into a complex human-like eye in about 400,000 years.

+ Active Pokémon can evolve too, but can also use attacks.

+ He has also wrestled for Pro Wrestling Guerrilla from 2004 to 2013, Chikara Chikara from 2005 to 2012, Evolve in 2012.

+ The gastropods are in origin sea-floor predators, though they did evolve into many other habitats.

+ Neither Charles DarwinDarwin nor anyone else in his time knew the answer to the “species problem”: how species could evolve from a single common ancestor.

+ They began collaborating on songs that would slowly evolve into Downs’ subsequent recordings.

+ Another way Pokémon evolve is through happiness.

+ Detecting an unhealthy intruder is complicated, because intruders can evolve and adapt so that the immune system will no longer detect them.

+ Species whose lives connect, evolve together.

+ The first known eukaryotes began to evolve in the Rhyacian period.

+ Just as a virus would, memes evolve from their state, being photoshopped, and exaggerated.

+ Exactly the same can be said about Guru Nanak Devji, When the Sikh Gurus started establishing their new order along with the preaching of their beliefs, they felt the need of a new literature and this inspired Guru Angad Devji to evolve the Gurumukhi script.

+ Some Pokémon can evolve only if they are a certain gender.

+ Although the Ginza continued to evolve under the rule of the Sassanians and the Islamic empires, few textual traditions can lay claim to such extensive continuity.

+ This translates as ‘the four divisions’, meaning infantry, cavalry, elephantry, and chariotry, represented by the pieces that would evolve into the modern pawn, knight, bishop, and rook, respectively.Hooper, David and Whyld, Kenneth 1992.

+ The ‘Graph’ technology used here is described as under development, so while it is highly likely that this or a similar solution will still be available, it may evolve over time.

+ In the future, it will probably evolve into a globular cluster.

+ Some biologists have thought that this meant altruism could not evolve by the normal process of selection.

+ How can these animals evolve and persist? Since they do not breed, their fitness should be zero and any genes causing this condition should be eliminated from the population immediately.

+ If a novelty were to evolve gradually in an animal’s juvenile form, then its development might not appear in the fossil record at all, but if the species were then to undergo neoteny, in which sexual maturity is reached while in a juvenile form, then the feature would appear suddenly in the fossil record, despite having evolved gradually.

+ Some Pokemon only evolve by level if they are leveled in a route that is having a certain weather.

+ To evolve a Pokémon, you can just put its evolution card on top of it.

+ If a novelty were to evolve gradually in an animal’s juvenile form, then its development would not appear in the fossil record at all.

+ Grass did not evolve until the Cretaceous period.

+ This mixture of basal and derived features is characteristic of the way different body parts often evolve at different rates.

+ Some Pokémon only evolve if traded to a friend while holding an item.

+ Stars with a mass up to 8-10 solar masses evolve into red giants and slowly lose their outer layers during pulsations in their atmospheres.

+ On the contrary, blackjack has evolved over centuries; it continues to evolve and grow even today, thanks to the Internet.

+ Its size may be a result of island dwarfism, the tendency for large mammals to evolve smaller forms on islands.

+ From X/Y onwards, an Ampharos holding the “Ampharosite” item can mega evolve into Mega Ampharos, which is an Electric/Dragon type with extra points mostly going into its Special Attack stat.

+ They walk on two legs, evolve bigger brains, and eventually, they rule the planet.

+ Keeping articles with potential encourages editors, especially unregistered users, to and improve the article to allow it to evolve over time.

+ It is reasonable to say that planets rather like ours exist, and that life might evolve there also.

+ Living things can evolve to be quite different from their ancestors.

+ The Chao can evolve into many different forms, depending on how the player raises it.

+ Most Pokémon evolve into a new form with a new name when they reach a certain level.

+ Collapse is one of two processes by which quantum systems evolve in time.

+ Kars created the Stone Masks to prevent his race’s extinction while evolve them into the Ultimate Being, ultimately forced to slaughter his people when they deemed his actions against nature.

+ Some Pokémon only evolve if they are traded to a friend.

+ Some Pokemon only evolve if they’re traded with another, specific Pokemon.

+ They have had over 140 million years to evolve since “Archaeopteryx”.

+ This weather can only work to evolve the Pokemon if the weather is not caused by a move or Ability.

+ Some point to the fact that before ordination all Catholic priests have to study the teachings of Thomas Aquinas, who subscribed to an Aristotelian view of evolution, in which he posits that animal species evolve by means of mutations and natural law.

+ Pokémon evolve to turn into different Pokémon from the same evolutionary line.

+ Players can evolve their Benched or Active Pokémon.

+ Its “splendid isolation” allowed the fauna to evolve into many forms found nowhere else on earth, most of which are now extinct.Simpson, George Gaylord 1980.

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