“even with” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “even with”:

+ Niels Bohr and his colleagues argued that we get into big trouble if we assume to be true of the things that are too small to be seen even with a microscope anything that we have proof for only on the scale of everyday life.

+ However, even with this tools, lists and common sense, it is not always possible to guarantee that an IP is an open proxy.

+ This is true even with children of the same parents.

+ Polaris B can be seen even with a modest telescope.

+ The Americans would have three carriers at Midway, because “Yorktown” could still sail, even with the damage from Coral Sea.

+ It is nice that we have a :Category:Names, even with subcategories.

+ This also occurred even with coins made of less expensive metals such as steel in India.

+ If you include the line at all even with an empty value then none of the following parameters will have any effect.

even with - some sentence examples
even with – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “even with”:

+ The result is that, after some time, the software application is rather different than it was at first release, even with the same version level.

+ The 2004 album, “American Idiot”, was number one on the Billboard charts, the band’s first ever album to top the chart, even with success of the album’s first single, “American Idiot.

+ They were then given a chance to get even with the person they thought wronged them.

+ This means that it is possible to get a payday loan even with a bad credit status or no credit at all.

+ The band started working on new music, even with a very busy schedule.

+ Rainfall got over a total of Even with a ban on fishing activities, one fisherman drowned off the coast of Playa El Espino in the Usulután Department.

+ The next single “My Baby” was released in October, and even with Takano’s singing reminiscent of the early singles, it did not become a hit.

+ Anyways, special pages cannot be edited, even with admin permissions.

+ A “spectroscopic” binary is one in which the two stars cannot be seen separately even with a telescope.

+ The result is that, after some time, the software application is rather different than it was at first release, even with the same version level.

+ The 2004 album, "American Idiot", was number one on the Billboard charts, the band's first ever album to top the chart, even with success of the album's first single, "American Idiot.

+ As of April 2019, according to StatCounter, Edge still has lower market share than Internet Explorer and even with the market share of the both combined would only manage 3rd place after Firefox.

+ But even with one-way valves, blood flow between the facial vein and cavernous sinus can spread infection from the face.

+ After assessing the patient’s psychosocial needs, the medical social worker determines that the patient does not have the ability to manage at home safely even with the intervention of a home care worker.

+ Many people use a living trust to avoid probate, although even with a trust a deceased person’s estate will often still include assets that must be probated.

+ It seems that the consensus in this case is to delete the page, even with the keep from Peter in good standing.

+ Is what we think only our fantasy? Kant said “No”, although without those sensual and rational limitations, we can think nothing, then Kant was convinced there would be something we could not know directly behind our limitations, and even with limitations we could know something.

+ In his book “Innocent at Dachau” the Dachau tribunal court reporter, Joseph Halow, wrote that rumors said Koch had relationships with many SS officers, and even with some of the prisoners at the Buchenwald concentration camp.

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