“even if” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “even if”:

+ Similarly, a batter does not receive credit for an RBI when runs score on an error, unless the scorer rules that a run would have scored even if the fielder had not made a mistake.

+ The brain can also stop an erection from happening, even if the man is being touched sexually.

+ These things were crimes even if the patient was terminally ill, wanted to die, and was competent.

+ With that said, the community reserves the right to remove administrators for inactivity even if one year hasn’t passed yet.

+ Given the flood of issues created by a banned user avoiding that ban, could we get his slate wiped clear with a mass revert/deletion spree on everything he touched rather than let all this false info lay around until someone eventually gets the time to look into fixing them all? The new articles are microstubs anyway and even if fixed serve little use.

+ They can buy a vowel even if they have no money.

even if example in sentences
even if example in sentences

Example sentences of “even if”:

+ Birds that live in green trees often have green backs, even if they have bright-coloured breasts.

+ Some CaribbeanCaribbeans such as Jamaicans do not identify as African American, even if they have African ancestry.
+ Some Pokemon in the same evolution line have different shiny colors, even if their regular colors are the same.

+ Birds that live in green trees often have green backs, even if they have bright-coloured breasts.

+ Some CaribbeanCaribbeans such as Jamaicans do not identify as African American, even if they have African ancestry.

+ Some Pokemon in the same evolution line have different shiny colors, even if their regular colors are the same.

+ Coulter has described herself as a “polemicist” or someone who tells the truth even if it will cause problems.

+ They say that no one has the right to take a life but God even if that person has taken a life himself.

+ One of the founders of physiology, Claude Bernard, took a big step when he noticed that the internal systems of the body tend to keep things the same even if they are disturbed.

+ They can open their mouths wide enough to swallow their prey whole, even if the prey is larger in diameter than the snake itself.

+ By tradition, no Nizam has ever left India, even if there was good a reason.

+ In theory, it is necessary for the box to work to place “-” between every line of the box, even if every cell is restricted to its own line.

+ Many people today know about American English even if they live in a country where another sort of English is spoken.

+ Whilst the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration assigns names to tropical cyclones which move into or form as a tropical depression in their area of responsibility between 135°E and 115°E and between 5°N-25°N even if the cyclone has had a name assigned to it by the Japan Meteorological Agency.

+ In some countries or states, a doctor, judge, or police officer can force a person to go to the hospital if they seem suicidal, even if the person does not want to go.

+ A user can add and subtract the numbers here, even if the numbers are not next to each other.

+ A singer would expect the audience to start to clap as soon as they had sung their last note, even if the piano had several more bars to play.

More in-sentence examples of “even if”:

+ Some historians think that even if Germany had stayed out of Belgium, the British would have still joined the war to help France.

+ This meant that their operas had beautiful tunes which were written for singers to show off their voices, even if what they sang did not suit the story.

+ As an admin on se:wikt, I don’t see much problem just switching it over, even if the page doesn’t currently exist there.

+ The same helmets are used on the road even if the soft road cap is different.

+ For myself, I’d prefer more educated children, even if this means that at some point in time they need to be shown how things really look.

+ The word pre-Columbian refers to the era before Christopher Columbus, but sometimes it can include the history of American indigenous cultures as they continued to develop after the Christopher Columbus’ first landing in 1492, until they were conquered or influenced by Europeans, even if this happened decades or even centuries after the arrival of Columbus.

+ They do this even if the people still have drug, alcohol or medical problems.

+ Later in the story he became an ally for Goku and his friends, even if he develops a friendly rivalry with Goku.

+ Cancer is always named for the part of the body where it starts, even if it spreads to other body parts later.

+ Upton Sinclair, “Is “The Jungle” true?”, Even if only one tenth of it is, it is enough to make people feel sick.”The Independent”, May 17, 1906 – as quoted and cited in: Giedrius Subačius, “Upton Sinclair: The Lithuanian Jungle”.

+ So even if fermentation only happens for a short time, the product will contain enough enzymes, which allows the milk to be digested by adults.

+ Bors was always loyal to King Arthur, even if it meant risking his own life.

+ Also, this License means the author and publisher get credit for their work, even if other people change the document texts.

+ The club was established in 1921 as a bandy club, even if no governing body was established until 18 December 1932.

+ It is important that individuals must show symptoms from early childhood, even if those symptoms are recognized later.

+ My proposal therefore is to delete this page, because even if she won awards, she is not that notable yet, and secondly, because she is currently underage.

+ Our problem is not one of language – even if the articles are written very poorly, improving them is not the problem.

+ For journal publication dates it is often simplest to specify just the year, even if a more precise date is known, as a too-precise publication date may distract the reader with useless and even misleading information when a source is written well before its official publication date.

+ The template, but the common name of the country is used, even if an alternate name or code is used.

+ We do have disputes now and then, and having some sort of process for solving them, even if it’s not used often, is a good idea, I think.

+ In some abugidas, certain vowels can be written to the right, to the left, on top, or below the consonant that is spoken before it, even if the reading order of the consonants must all be left-to-right or right-to-left.

+ Japanese sake is made from rice, and uses yeast for fermentation; so even if some people call it “rice wine”, sake is really a kind of beer.

+ Slowly, they began to accept him, even if he is clumsy and a pervert.

+ Some states also allow paramedics and doctors to give chemical restraints, even if the patient does not want these medicines.

+ It is very hard to reintroduce EW species into the wild, even if their natural habitats were fixed.

+ In his second atom season, even if he was the smallest player, he was the one who protected the other kids.

+ Some historians think that even if Germany had stayed out of Belgium, the British would have still joined the war to help France.

+ This meant that their operas had beautiful tunes which were written for singers to show off their voices, even if what they sang did not suit the story.
+ As an admin on se:wikt, I don't see much problem just switching it over, even if the page doesn't currently exist there.

+ The board that they used has to be fitted by squares on all its length that allow snowboarders to practice this sport even if there is not a lot of snow.

+ Some animals, like dogs and cats, become sick even if they eat only a little chocolate.

+ In this way he can try to make the music expressive, even if it means leaving out some of the notes.

+ Betting is the only way to communicate with a team mate, that is why even if a hand is weak, betting will help a teammate to bet or play.

+ The medical social worker can then collaborate with multidisciplinary providers to develop a more appropriate discharge plan even if that leads to discharge delays.

+ It is therefore useless to email our contact addresses asking for permission to reproduce articles or images, even if the rules of operation of your company or school mandate that you ask web site operators before copying their content.

+ He loved to drive and would often drive all the way home after a concert even if it was 100s of miles.

+ Rocket launchers are different from missile launchers because some missiles can follow their target even if they were not aimed straight at them, but rockets cannot.

+ Asch wanted to find out if people conformed to other people even if the answer to a question was clear.

+ Maybe a campaign to get people who create a new article at the main WP to also create a matching Simple article here? Even if they don’t become regulars here, they will have added at least one page.

+ Mothers with higher education levels are more likely to continue breastfeeding even if they have the pain of cracked nipples.

+ Athletes were disqualified if they received money for the event, or in some cases even if they had been paid for sporting events outside the Olympics.

+ I would therefore propose we update the DYK every 5 to 14 days; that is: One update every 14 days, even if the queues are not full.

+ Many mini-bars automatically charge money if drinks are removed, even if you do not drink them.

+ So far there has not been any real “oddness” and so even if they are socks there really isn’t a reason to block them but was just a little weird.

+ Before, people thought that things would slow down and stop moving even if there was no force making them stop.

+ Besides, even if the opposite is claimed, these programs can be installed if the computer has the access to the Internet, so that you can test the applications that do not come installed on the live system.

+ Teams cannot move between the two splits, meaning that even if a team in seventh place has more points than the team in sixth they will not move above them in the league.

+ If you are put in Jail, your turn ends immediately, even if you rolled doubles and would get to take another turn.

+ We are often around even if none of us actively edits the wiki when you need something done.

+ For this reason, it is perhaps impossible to know exactly when the embryo or fetus feels pain, even if it has developed the links in the thalamus.

+ A machine should have a user interface that can be handled easily, even if the person operating the machine has panicked.

+ A town may be described as a market town or as having market rights even if it does not have a market anymore, provided the right to do so still holds.

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