“ethnic” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “ethnic”:

+ He is ethnic Pashtun peoplePashtun from English, French, Persian, Urdu and his native Pashto language.

+ Most people in Norway are ethnic Norwegians.

+ Mongols are the second largest ethnic group, about 17% of the population.

+ Bagels were formally an obscure ethnic treat found only in the city’s Jewish neighourhoods.

+ The Tupí people were an important ethnic group of indigenous peoples in Brazil.

+ There is also an East Indian minority on the island and Chinese and other ethnic groups.

ethnic example in sentences
ethnic example in sentences

Example sentences of “ethnic”:

+ Other ethnic groups in Mexico are Arabs, Gypsies, Africans, Jews and Asians.

+ The Massacres of Foibe are the mass killings in which the majority of victims were ethnic Italians in 1943, after the capitulation of Italy on 8 September, and in 1945, when Partisans Yugoslav partisans under the command of Tito occupied parts of Venezia Giulia, Istria and Dalmatia.

+ Other ethnic groups in Mexico are Arabs, Gypsies, Africans, Jews and Asians.

+ The Massacres of Foibe are the mass killings in which the majority of victims were ethnic Italians in 1943, after the capitulation of Italy on 8 September, and in 1945, when Partisans Yugoslav partisans under the command of Tito occupied parts of Venezia Giulia, Istria and Dalmatia.

+ Historians have claimed the violence and consequent Italian Istrian-Dalmatian exodus was a planned ethnic cleansing.

+ Two ethnic groups, the Somali and the Afar people, account for most of the people living in the country.

+ Other ethnic groups include the Lepcha peopleLepcha and Limbu, Bhutia communities.

+ While addressing the Assembly of Kosovo on 22 September 2015 about an Treatyagreement with ethnic Serb minority and another agreement defining the border between Kosovo and Montenegro, lawmakers threw eggs at Mustafa.

+ Tanayev was an ethnic Russian.

+ Denmark has been continuously inhabited since this period and although much cultural and ethnic influence and immigration from all over the world has entered Denmark since then, Danes tend to see themselves as ethnic descendents of the early Danes mentioned in the sources.

+ He was an ethnic Tajik and a Sunni muslim.

+ In this context, religious or ethnic minorities can use “Christians” or “you Christians” as a term for majority members of society who do not belong to their group – even in a very secular society.

+ Although they are citizens of Kashmir the peoples of Mirpur are ethnic Pahari’s in much the same way as Attock has a large Pashtun population even though it only became part of the Punjab in 1970 when Ayub Khan removed it from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

+ The inhabitants of this region are Kashmiri citizens of ethnic Pahari origin.

+ Her book, “A Problem From Hell”, which won the 2003 Pulitzer Prize in Nonfiction, examines the role and responses of the United States government in the genocides and ethnic conflicts of the 20th Century.

+ In 2008 Putin’s government was in a war with Georgia in a dispute over a region with many ethnic Russians.

+ Negroid people are perceived as Shemetic as opposed to the Hamitic Ethiopian, Sudanese, and some other West African ethnic groups as attested by the genealogy of ancient ethnic lineages.

+ Many Italian sources claim that these killings were ethnic cleansing and genocide: Italian people were forced to mass migration by Tito supporters.

+ There are many different ethnic groups in the United States.

+ The emigration of Italians greatly reduced the total population of the region and totally altered its ethnic structure.

+ Hungarians make up the largest part of the population but there are also several other ethnic communities.

More in-sentence examples of “ethnic”:

+ The main tribes and ethnic groups include Gurjars, Maliars, Pathans, Syeds, Awans and some others.

+ She was a Sami peopleSami woman, an ethnic group indigenous to Scandinavia.

+ The main tribes and ethnic groups include Gurjars, Maliars, Pathans, Syeds, Awans and some others.

+ She was a Sami peopleSami woman, an ethnic group indigenous to Scandinavia.

+ It is the first language of about half the country’s population, and is used by people of most ethnic groups to communicate with each other.

+ More and more people speak it because the Iraqw people are absorbing neighbouring ethnic groups.

+ It is a conflict along ethnic and tribal lines that began in 2003.

+ More than 80% of the population are ethnic Belarusians.

+ The pogrom greatly accelerated emigration of ethnic Greeks from the Istanbul region, reducing the 200,000-strong Greek minority in 1924 to just 2,500 in 2006.

+ Italian colonial policy followed two principles in Italian Somaliland: preservation of the dominant clan and ethnic configurations and respect for Islam as the territory’s religion.

+ They also say “Bosnians”, but this word can mean anyone from Bosnia or Herzegovina, not just members of the Bosniak ethnic group.

+ Accusation of Vojvodina massacre consists in retaliation against Germans and Hungarians citizen and supposed Chetnik Serbs but some historians consider these incidents also ethnic cleansing against Germans and Hungarians because during World War II, the German minority in occupied Yugoslavia enjoyed a status of superiority over the Yugoslav population.

+ The edit was about the population of the old city of Jerusalem and the ethnic and religious distribution, which is common when you you talk about demographics or population to mention it.

+ During the 2010 United States Census, the largest ethnic groups were Chinese American, Filipino Americans, Indian Americans, Vietnamese Americans, Korean Americans, and Japanese Americans.

+ The Malays Malay languageMalay: “Melayu”, Austronesian ethnic group in Southeast Asia.

+ The ethnic makeup of the population is like the following: Mestizo 80%, European 20%, unmixed Amerindian 1-3%, Asian 1-4%.

+ They are one of the oldest known ethnic minorities in Afghanistan.

+ Although ethnic UkrainiansThe Ukrainian Census 2001 Ukrainian Census does not recognise Rusyns as a separate nation, instead, as a subgroup of Ukrainians.

+ Often one country may have several different ethnic groups, or the people of one ethnic group may live in several different countries.

+ The Kyrgyz people are a Turkic peoplesTurkic ethnic people living in Central Asia and China.

+ Ethnologists have documented the belief among nearly all the traditional religions of ethnic groups in Africa, North and South America, and Australia/Oceania.

+ This list generally excludes Ethnic Pashtuns who originate from regions that were not controlled by Afghanistan at the time, though there are exceptions for certain figures who are prominent to Pashtuns.

+ Featuring distinctly Chinese cultural elements, Chinatown has had a historically concentrated ethnic Chinese population.

+ The One Unit policy was regarded as an administrative reform that would reduce expenditure and help eliminate ethnic and parochial prejudices.

+ Most ethnic Malays speak one or more of the many dialects of the Malay language, a language of the Austronesian family of languages.

+ It includes one of the highest ethnic minority populations in the country, mostly families of South Asian origin.

+ The national education for all of Vietnam now usesthe Hanoian dialect, but each ethnic tribe may still use a different dialect, language, or vocabulary.

+ He was also convictionconvicted of persecution, extermination, deportation, ethnic cleansing, and murder.

+ Punjabi languagePunjabi and Urdu/Hindi are spoken in a region that has had ethnic and identity conflict, so have been exposed to the dialect versus language question.

+ Various ethnic groups from Dagestan are present in Turkey.

+ As Muhammad Ali was expanding his authority into Africa, the Ottoman Empire faced ethnic rebellions in its European territories.

+ Jamaican American or Jamerican are an ethnic group of Caribbean Americans who have full or partial Jamaican ancestry.

+ These three family names are held by around half of the ethnic Korean population.

+ The peoples of East Pakistan were mostly ethnic Bengali peopleBengalis who had a different language and culture to the people of western Pakistani.

+ It is a popular ethnic food in Western countries.

+ Lee and his government stressed the importance of maintaining religious tolerance and racial harmony, and they were ready to use the law to counter any threat that might incite ethnic and religious violence.

+ Geert-Hinrich Ahrens:Diplomacy on the Edge: Containment of Ethnic Conflict and the Minorities Working Group of the Conferences on Yugoslavia, Woodrow Wilson Center Press.

+ More than 90% of the people are ethnic Azerbaijanis.

+ The predominant ethnic population in the village is Punjabi with small communities of Muhajirs and Pashtuns.

+ As a consequence Istria has been the theater of an ethnic struggle between them, with bloody nationalistic wars, during the XIX and XX centuries.

+ Official results from the book: Ethnic composition of Bosnia-Herzegovina population, by municipalities and settlements, 1991.

+ The ultimate effect of this ruling was that the protection of the 14th Amendment was ruled to cover any racial, national and ethnic groups of the United States for which discrimination could be proved.

+ Xian’s profound culture is featured by many kind of traditional festivals, handicrafts and more ethnic flavor.

+ This Declaration aims at full realization of all human rights and freedoms without any discrimination such as racism, xenophobia, being in immigration, migrant workers, indigenous, ethnic groupethnic or disabilities.

+ Cornish Americans are Cornish ancestry, an ethnic group of Brittonic Celts native to Cornwall and the Scilly Isles in the United Kingdom.

+ Poetsch hated the Habsburgs and argued that all ethnic groupethnic Germans should be united by a single government.

+ He is an ethnic Hutu.

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