“ethics” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “ethics”:

– In our own time, subjects such as consciousness studies, decision theory, and applied ethics have increasingly found independence from philosophy as a whole.

– It is against medical ethics and international laws of human rights.

– Rasputin’s work are about the hard questions of ethics and spiritual revival.

– He is a research engineer at the centre of economics and ethics of environment and development of the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.

– Throughout there is a strong emphasis on ethics and ritual purity.

– Paul asks the Romans to observe Christian ethics and submit themselves to authorities.

– For example, ethics is a branch of study within philosophy, but determinism is “a philosophy” in the sense of being a certain philosophical viewpoint.

ethics in-sentences
ethics in-sentences

Example sentences of “ethics”:

– As mentioned in our article on “Internet Ethics and Copyright Laws”, the music industry faces most copyright infringement cases.

– Midgley was known for her work on science, ethics and animal rights.

– One relies more on ethics and less on economics when dealing with humans, at least according to any ethical tradition.

– Over the next three seasons, these characters learn more about ethics and try to save themselves and other people from the Bad Place.

– This is because ethics is about asking questions and not just thinking what other people think.

– It is an objective ethics needed to see life in its proper perspective and to be guided in action.

– Before this the child’s parents have the responsibility that the child follows Jewish law and tradition and, after this age, children have their own responsibility for Jewish ritual law, tradition, and ethics and have the right to take part in all areas of Jewish community life.

– The term “Rakhine” may have come from the Pali word “Rakkhapura” from “Rakkhita” meaning the land of the people of Rakhasa who were given this name in honor of their preservation of their national heritage and ethics or morality.

– Like other types of laws and values in other religions, the subject of Jewish ethics tries to provide answers for many moral questions.

– People try to follow the ethics from the Sermon, but they will always fail.

– Deontological ethics is different from consequentialism, which judges actions based on what happens because of them.

- As mentioned in our article on "Internet Ethics and Copyright Laws", the music industry faces most copyright infringement cases.

- Midgley was known for her work on science, ethics and animal rights.

More in-sentence examples of “ethics”:

– Though elected on a platform of clean government, she blamed the many ethics cases brought against her.

– She managed the Center for economics and ethics environment and sustainable development, which, in 2002, became a joint research unit between UVSQ and the “Institut de recherche pour le développement”.

– He is Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Contemporary Aristotelian Studies in Ethics and Politics at London Metropolitan University, and an Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame.

– The Gamergate controversy is a popular nickname for a controversy about women and video games as well as ethics in video game journalism.

– They do this by promoting outdoor ethics to heighten awareness.

– Along with aesthetics ethics forms part of axiology, the philosophy of what people like.

– They obtained a fatwa issued by the recognized legal scholars, stating the genital mutilation of girls is referred to and forbidden as “devil’s work” because it is directed against the ethics of Islam.

– There is always some agreement on ethics and personal conduct in a political system.

– One of the things he said that made people worried, was that ethics and politics are different.

– Medical social workers value the ethical concept of patient autonomy and self-determination although this value can conflict with the values and ethics of other disciplines in a medical setting.

– He was the first Director of the Wellcome Sanger Institute, and then Chair of the Institute for Science, Ethics and Innovation at the University of Manchester.

– Hoiles Chair of Business Ethics and Free Enterprise at the Chapman University, Argyros School of Business and EconomicsArgyros School of Business Economics at Chapman University in Orange, California until December 31, 2014.

– The movement made important contributions to Jewish ethics and Musar literature.

– Religious ethics are conceptions of right conduct and good living that are derived from, or influenced by, religious belief.

– This type of ethics is sometimes called the science of morals.

– He was known for his writing “Bahá’í Ethics in Light of Scripture” and “Beyond the Clash of Religions: The Emergence of a New Paradigm”.

– In part because of this potential for abuse and dependency, the ethics of drug use are the subject of a continuing philosophical debate.

– His treatise in the book also has info about other topics, such as accounting ethics and cost accounting.

– Other writers adjusted Alger’s morality and ethics to suit more money-focused times.

– Yet by his view of nature, Plato regarded astronomy as similar to seeking a theoretical proof in geometry—abstract and not the real world—whereupon the mind’s insights derived from a quest to hold other truths through the mind’s probing of ethics and aesthetics would yield discovery of truths within the realm of Forms, outside space and time.

– Sihvola “The Sleep of Reason”: Erotic Experience and Sexual Ethics in Ancient Greece and Rome”, Chicago University Press, pages 149 Eventually the Greek city-states joined Pammenes’ views on the most effective order of unit formation.

– Jewish ethics refers to the philosophyphilosophical tradition of ethics in Judaism.

– In 2015, he was banned from football due to ethics violations.

– He resigned on May 3, 2011 due to an ethics violation of Senate rules.

– Justice is a concept on ethics and law that means that people behave in a way that is fair, equal and balanced for everyone.

- Though elected on a platform of clean government, she blamed the many ethics cases brought against her.

- She managed the Center for economics and ethics environment and sustainable development, which, in 2002, became a joint research unit between UVSQ and the "Institut de recherche pour le développement".
- He is Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Contemporary Aristotelian Studies in Ethics and Politics at London Metropolitan University, and an Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame.

– He is also laureate professor of the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at the University of Melbourne.

– It has history and military tactics, and it talks about the ethics of war.

– This book is about Ethics and Philosophy.

– He was formerly the committee chairman, then in 1995, ranking minority member on the House Ethics Committee.

– The Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote that humans are a political animal and that ethics and politics are closely linked.

– The commandments have influenced Jewish ethics and law and, through Judaism and Christianity, Western ethics and law since the Roman Empire.

– His literary work was inspired by ethics and psychology.

– Understanding ethics can help people decide what to do when they have choices.

– He then argues that certain beliefs and ethics followed from his outlook on biology: atheism, rationalism, anti-Marxism.

– It involves romantic descriptions of nature, and opinions on ethics and death.

– She is Professor of Environmental History, Philosophy, and Ethics at UC Berkeley.

– This brought up many arguments about ethics in scholarship.

– In most episodes, the characters learn an idea about ethics or the study of telling right from wrong.

– Award for Professionalism and Ethics from the American Inns of Court, the Judge Learned Hand Award from the American Jewish Committee and the 2008 Alumnus of the Year Award from the California Alumni Association at the University of California, Berkeley.

– Members of Congress from both parties asked for an investigation of ethics violations after she publicly endorsed the president’s daughter, Ivanka Trump’s commercial products.

– In 2005 Governor Bob Taft pleaded no contest to charges that he broke state ethics law by failing to report golf outings and other gifts.

– Fraternity is some kind of morality, ethics or idea.

– Specialized in connections between literature, philosophy and ethics in the Classicismclassical age, he is the author of books on libertarianism scholar and Epicureanism, the forms of the fable or satire, from an interdisciplinary perspective.

– As of November 1, 2018, Blum was under investigation by the United States House Ethics Committee Committee.

– That’s because he might have violated certain ethics rules.

– Kant used the “hypothetical” imperative to explain his ideas about the ethics of a “categorical “imperative.

– Eleanor tricks another dead person, ethics professor Chidi Anagonye, into teaching her ethics so she can pretend to be good and hide in the Good Place.

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