“ethanol” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “ethanol”:

– Substances such as ethanol and capsaicin cause a burning sensation called chemesthesis, piquance, spiciness, hotness, or prickliness.

– An example of this is ethanol in water.

– Engines can use pure ethanol or ethanol mixed with gasoline.

– In Brazil, ethanol fuel made from sugar cane provides 18 percent of the country’s fuel for cars.

– Ether is made as a byproduct when ethanol is made, so it is not very expensive.

ethanol use in sentences
ethanol use in sentences

Example sentences of “ethanol”:

- Ethanol fermentation has many uses, including the production of Alcoholic drinkalcoholic drinks, the production of ethanol fuel, and the cooking of bread.

- However, ethanol boils at 78°C, which means its upper limit is much lower than mercury thermometers.

Ethanol fermentation has many uses, including the production of Alcoholic drinkalcoholic drinks, the production of ethanol fuel, and the cooking of bread.

– However, ethanol boils at 78°C, which means its upper limit is much lower than mercury thermometers.

– Car makers like Ford Motor CompanyFord, GM also make vehicles specifically designed to run on higher ethanol blends.

– In Brazil, Laboratorylaboratories use sugarcane juice to make ethanol fuel.

– There is the problem though that the expansion of ethanol is different at different temperatures – it is non-linear.

– Once the ethanol is stuck onto the poisons, the kidneys urinate out the poisons.

– Brazil has one of the largest renewable energy programs in the world, involving production of ethanol fuel from sugar cane, and ethanol now provides 18 percent of the country’s automotive fuel.

– Dimethyl ether and ethanol would have dissimilar infrared spectra in the functional group region.

– The alcohol used in alcoholic drinks is known as ethanol or “grain alcohol”.

– In 1997, he chaired the Education Commission of the States, the Republican Governors Association, and the Governors’ Ethanol Coalition.

– Most of the ethanol evaporates when the bread is baked.

– Initiatives are also being taken with solar power, ethanol fuel and geothermal energy.

– Hydrous ethanol can be used as fuel in more than 90% of new cars sold in the country.

– Réaumur used ethanol for his thermometers.

– Thermometers that use ethanol show the change of temperature better than those using mercury.

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