“erased” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “erased”:

– However, another Mamodo, named Zeno, somehow erased Zatch’s memory.

– This terrified the Doctor as “Daleks have no concept of blasphemy.” These Daleks and their fleet were erased from time itself in “The Parting of the Ways”.

– As of today, someone has erased all of my “big” font tags and erased my bold font head tags in my userpage.

– In the final episode of the fourth series Journey’s End the Doctor erased Donna’s memory of him and left her on Earth.

– This is zhyboo, I wasn’t very pleased when I saw that McDonald-ross deleted the human article, because it erased the page history.

– The series follows Echo as she begins to remember things even though her mind is constantly being erased and new memories implanted into it.

– In fact, there is a useful project right there, displaying the site in TREE form, so users can navigate to the correct destination I am right royally peed off if someone has arbitrarily erased my account, and will dedicate myself to being a nightmare and a nuisance if this is the case.

– The series ended with multiple Earths being erased and merging into to one unified Earth.

erased - example sentences
erased – example sentences

Example sentences of “erased”:

– His first role in the comics were, as Lee described in 2009: “In those days dipped the pen in ink, I had to make sure the inkwells were filled…I went down and got them their lunch, I did proofreading, I erased the pencils from the finished pages for them”.

– Amy learns that her family had been erased by the crack in her wall.

– A CD-RW is a Compact disc that can be recorded and erased multiple times.

– A new CSNY project was dashed when Stills and Young erased Crosby and Nash’s vocals from the master tapes.

– A PROM that is able to erased and rewritten only using electricity is called an EEPROM.

– It was brought alive by the Pandorica light, which could restore thing which had been erased by the cracks.

– He is offered a chance to have his criminal history erased as payment for the implantation of another person’s idea into a target’s subconscious.

– An anecdote about Wright, disclaimed by Wright himself, describes a lecture during which Wright tucked an unruly guinea pig under his armpit, where he usually held a chalkboard eraser: at the end of the lecture, Wright absent-mindedly erased the blackboard with the guinea pig.

– For example, computers today have to bootingboot from hard drives because the data is erased from operating memory immediately after shutting down the computer.

– The many glacial lakes of the Canadian Shield will have been erased by post-glacial rebound and erosion.

– A PROM that is able to be erased and rewritten is called an EPROM.

– After they were erased from time by the cracks, a stone Dalek showed up, which was an echo of the Dalek race.

– On July 17, 2009, the judge in his case dismissed the charge and erased it from Farina’s otherwise clean record.

- His first role in the comics were, as Lee described in 2009: "In those days dipped the pen in ink, I had to make sure the inkwells were filled...I went down and got them their lunch, I did proofreading, I erased the pencils from the finished pages for them".

- Amy learns that her family had been erased by the crack in her wall.

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