“enzyme” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “enzyme”:

– ATP synthase is an enzyme found among all domains of life.

– Its active form serves as a coenzyme in some 100 enzyme reactions in amino acid, glucose, and lipid metabolism.

– For the transcription to take place, the enzyme that makes RNA, known as RNA polymerase, must attach to the DNA near a gene.

– RNA polymerase is the enzyme that copies genetic information from DNA to RNA for specific genes.

– Telomeres are destroyed during cell division, and are remade by the enzyme telomerase.

enzyme use in-sentences
enzyme use in-sentences

Example sentences of “enzyme”:

– Some chemicals can help an enzyme do its job even better.

– The serous fluid contains the enzyme amylase which acts in the digestion of carbohydrates.

– The DNA sequence is copied by a special enzyme called RNA polymerase to make a matching RNA strand.

– Babies make an enzyme called lactase inside their bodies.

– A lipase is an enzyme that catalyzes the formation or cleavage.

– Sufferers can not make the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

– Biochemists often draw a picture of an enzyme to use as a visual aid or map of the enzyme.

– When flour comes in contact with water, the enzyme amylase breaks down the starch into different sugars.

– The enzyme moves Na ions.

– Each step of the cycle has its own enzyme which speeds up the reaction.

– Inhibiting an enzyme means to make it work less well.

– She was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, with Blackburn and Jack Szostak, for their discovery that telomeres are protected from progressive shortening by the enzyme telomerase.

– This strain produces an enzyme which chops up the antibiotic molecule.

– There are many enzymes working in photosynthetic reactions – such as the enzyme in photolysis.

– Some substances are also only toxic when they are with other chemicals, as one liver enzyme can cause activity in another enzyme.

- Some chemicals can help an enzyme do its job even better.

- The serous fluid contains the enzyme amylase which acts in the digestion of carbohydrates.
- The DNA sequence is copied by a special enzyme called RNA polymerase to make a matching RNA strand.

More in-sentence examples of “enzyme”:

– Average people produce an enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase in their bodies.

– Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme found in nerve synapses, including nerve-to-muscle junctions.

– A hexokinase is an enzyme that phosphorylates.

– ATP, the biological energy source, reacts with luciferin with the aid of the enzyme luciferase to yield an intermediate complex.

– Thioredoxin reductase is an enzyme found in the cells’ response to double-strand DNA breaks.

– In this hypothesis, RNA is said to work both as an enzyme and as a container of genes.

– In 1894 Emil Fischer suggested that both the enzyme and the substrate have “specific complementary geometric shapes” that fit exactly into one another.

– To digest it an enzyme called lactase cleaves the lactose into its two subunits glucose and galactose for absorption.

– However, in 1970 when Howard Temin and David Baltimore both independently discovered the enzyme responsible for reverse transcription, the possibility that genetic information could be passed on in this manner was finally accepted.

– The blood of horseshoe crabs contains an enzyme that causes very rapid clotting in response to the presence of infectious bacteria.

– He also studied the biochemistry of plants, and enzyme reactions in plant cells.

– Depending on which enzyme is doing the snipping and what parts of the APP are snipped, two different things can happen.

– Zinc-finger nucleases are enzymes got by fusing a zinc finger to a DNA cleavage enzyme called a “Fokl”.

– Watson and Francis Crick knew that there was need for an enzyme to overcome this problem.

– One carbon dioxide molecule and one hydrogen molecule are removed from the pyruvate to produce an acetyl group, which joins to an enzyme called CoA to form acetyl CoA.

– It also contains a small basic peptide that works as a myotoxin, a fibrinogen-Coagulationclotting enzyme that can produce defibrination syndrome, and a bradykinin-releasing enzyme.

– This causes an enzyme to split the water.

– Lysozyme was the second protein structure, and the first enzyme structure, solved by X-ray diffraction methods.

– Monoamine oxidase inhibitors work by stopping the action of an enzyme called monoamine oxidase.

– RNase P means “ribonuclease particle”, which is a type of enzyme built of an RNA part and a protein part.

– Their hypothesis was later elaborated to enzyme pathways by Norman Horowitz, also working on “Neurospora”.

– Synthesis is achieved through a sequence of enzyme driven steps, which convert glucose to ascorbic acid.

– There are five main ways that enzyme activity is controlled in the cell.

– They make use of gut flora, some of which produce an enzyme called cellulase.

– The first enzyme was found in 1833 by Anselme Payen.

- Average people produce an enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase in their bodies.

- Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme found in nerve synapses, including nerve-to-muscle junctions.

– One example of an enzyme is amylase, found in saliva.

– Na-ATPase is an enzyme found in the plasma membrane.

– The HMG-CoA Reductase enzyme causes the body to make more cholesterol.

– However, when it is time for the muscles to relax, an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase destroys acetylcholine, and another neurotransmitter tells the muscles to relax.

– The repeated cycles of diversification-selection-amplification make enzyme variations adapted to the selection process.

– When it is time for the muscles to relax, an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase destroys acetylcholine, so the muscles stop getting the signal to relax.

– The enzyme works by attacking polymers in the cell walls of bacteria, especially Gram-positive bacteria like “Bacillus” and “Streptococcus”.

– This enzyme breaks down a group of neurotransmitterbrain signalling chemicals called the monoamine neurotransmitters.

– It is a DNA polymerase enzyme that transcribes single-stranded RNA into single-stranded DNA.

– The thiol side chain in cysteine often does enzyme reactions as a nucleophile.

– Burns showed that the reason why some animals get scurvy is because their liver cannot make one chemical enzyme that other animals have.

– Most drugs are chemicals that either speed up or slow down some enzyme in the human body.

– Since they consumed more milk products, these societies developed lactase pesistence: The milk-digesting enzyme lactase was present in their body during the whole lifetime: They could also drink unfermented milk as adults.

– It was also the first enzyme to have a detailed, specific mechanism suggested for its action.

– Lactase is an enzyme which acts on lactose, breaking it down so it can be digested.

– Carbon-based life originates from a carbonation reaction that is most often Catalysiscatalysed by the enzyme RuBisCO.

– A man made uricase enzyme is also available.

– The scientists learned that adding human soluble recombinant angiotensin converting enzyme 2 to these tissues infected with SARS-CoV-2 made it harder for the virus to reproduce.

– The sequence of base pairs is Transcription transcribed from DNA by an enzyme called RNA polymerase.

– They are found either as single or as part of bigger enzyme complexes which catalysiscatalyze redox reactions.

– Inhibitors can be used to stop an enzyme from binding to a substrate.

– The enzyme from the pineapple is also beneficial for a person who wants to go on a good diet.

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