“engraving” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “engraving”:

– Revere made a silver engraving of the Boston Massacre.

– Paul Revere, a man who worked with metalmetals in Boston, made an engraving of the British soldiers shooting into the crowd.

– The main techniques used to make an old master print are woodcut, engraving and etching.

– The Jefferson Memorial, the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing are to the south.

– The earliest allusion to engraving in the Bible may be the reference to Judah’s seal ring.

– A description of the making of beer on this ancient engraving in the Sumerian language is the earliest account of what is easily recognised as barley, followed by a pictograph of bread being baked, crumbled into water to form a mash, and then made into a drink, that is recorded as having made people feel “…wonderful and blissful”.

engraving - sentence examples
engraving – sentence examples

Example sentences of “engraving”:

– Pictures for prints can be cut into plates of metal, usually copper or zinc for engraving or etching; stone, used for lithography; blocks of wood for woodcuts, linoleum for linocuts and fabric plates for screen-printing.

– Her illustrations in oil or engraving accompanied the works of the writers Baltasar Porcel, Miquel de Palol, Marta Pessarrodona, Cesareo Rodriguez-Aguilera and Josep Maria Carandell.

– He held seat #2 in the engraving section at the Académie des Beaux-Arts.

– Now, laser engraving machines are being made and even today the mechanical cutting has proven its strength in economical terms and quality.

– The holy sign of dedication, the shining gold plate on the high priest’s turban, was engraved with the words: “Holiness belongs to Jehovah.” Bezalel, along with Oholiab, was qualified to do this specialized engraving work as well as to train others.—Ex 35:30-35; 28:9-12; 39:6-14, 30.

– Most of Doré’s work was wood engraving and steel engraving.

– By the nineteenth century, most engraving was for commercial picture-making.

– This is the only existing engraving signed with his full name.

– This is a series of drawings show Dürer’s experiments in human proportion, before he made his famous engraving of “Adam and Eve”.

– First, an engraver made an engraving from the painting, with small dots instead of lines.

– In 1803, music was added to the subjects, and in 1804 engraving was added.

– Albrecht Dürer made a famous engraving of the “Prodigal Son” amongst the pigs, a popular subject in the Northern Renaissance, and Rembrandt depicted the story several times, although at least one of his works, “The Prodigal Son in the Tavern”, a portrait of himself as the Son, revelling with his wife, is like many artists’ depictions, a way of dignifying a genre tavern scene.

– Egenau first worked in enamel and in engraving on metal.

– He won the Prix de Rome for engraving in 1914.

- Pictures for prints can be cut into plates of metal, usually copper or zinc for engraving or etching; stone, used for lithography; blocks of wood for woodcuts, linoleum for linocuts and fabric plates for screen-printing.

- Her illustrations in oil or engraving accompanied the works of the writers Baltasar Porcel, Miquel de Palol, Marta Pessarrodona, Cesareo Rodriguez-Aguilera and Josep Maria Carandell.

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