“end up” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “end up”:

– These para-bronchi end up in tiny capillaries or very small blood vessels and they pass close to the body’s blood vessels, so diffusion can occur and the oxygen and carbon dioxide is exchanged.

– He is told not to see Bella, because if he loses his temper, he will transform into a wolf and could end up hurting her if she is too close by.

– Sometimes computers try to fix this and end up sending it twice.

– Therefore, the circumference divided by the diameter will end up being a little bit less than.

– Rapunzel and Flynn escape through a secret passage, but end up trapped in a flooding cavern.

end up use in sentences
end up use in sentences

Example sentences of “end up”:

– Freedom and Duty are at war with one another, and although th player can keep friendship with both of them at first, the player will end up having to choose a side.

– It has been said that some people who use LSD can end up with damage to their chromosomes, but this is a myth based on one wrong report that was disproved soon after it was published.

– Each city should only be visited once, the distance of the travelling should be minimal, and the salesman should end up where he started.

– In the game, Sora, Riku and Kairi end up going separate ways, when their island is invaded by Heartless.

– Edmund, Lucy and their cousin Eustace come back to Narnia again by a painting, and end up in the ocean.

– However, in an interview with Pulse of Radio, Lee noted the possibility of using the discarded tracks in future projects “I think it’s totally possible that some of those songs will end up in a different project someday – maybe solo, maybe something else”.

– However, this did not end up happening.

– One night, Jack makes a move on Ennis and the two men end up having sex.

– Sakurai’s Object and other similar stars are expected to end up as helium-rich white dwarfs.

– In the fifth book, Nico tells his father, Hades, that he is holding a grudge that could end up killing the Olympians and the campers.

– They try to pretend that nothing is wrong but end up having a tense argument about it.

– They meet, and end up helping each other.

– We can now do the same thing again and again to all the bits we end up with.

– However, people who do good things end up happy.

– These matches are followed by a series of finals matches which end up in the two best teams playing off for the premiership in the AFL Grand Final, one of the largest domestic club championship events in the world.

– In the end Juror #3 cracks under the pressure of the other jurors and they all end up voting not guilty.

- Freedom and Duty are at war with one another, and although th player can keep friendship with both of them at first, the player will end up having to choose a side.

- It has been said that some people who use LSD can end up with damage to their chromosomes, but this is a myth based on one wrong report that was disproved soon after it was published.
- Each city should only be visited once, the distance of the travelling should be minimal, and the salesman should end up where he started.

More in-sentence examples of “end up”:

– Boolean expressions also end up with a value of either true or false.

– Also: given our average category only has very few entries, e end up with smallish categories: Splitting an 8 item category, into male and female will lead to 2 categories of 4, or a 5/3 split.

– The other Beatles try to help, but also end up in danger.

– The male-causing sperm end up at the top of the plug of sperm in the test-tube.

– A lot of radon can get stuck in the basement of old houses, and so people end up breathing it in.

– Shall we change to ‘Other websites’ then? A lot of these conversations seem to end up with no decisions.

– He once said that “Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets” It reflects on his writing because he likes to write more on the bonds between individual and society rather than only character.

– The former two have been somewhat quiet for several months now, and it would be nice to have some articles brought to them for promotion! Many of the articles that do arrive also end up closing due to a lack of community input.

– SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward end up on an island with other surfers.

– These nets then float around in the sea, or they end up attached to a rock or other structure.

– If we categorize this way, we would end up with a lot of overlapping categories, each potentially containing most of the actors we have articles on.

– If we add values such as together, we might end up with numbers greater than 1, but we want our output to be between 0 and 1! To solve this, we can apply a function which limits our actual output to 0 or 1, even if the result of the neuron’s math was not within the range.

– Doing so starts off a series of events that will end up taking the World into World War III unless it is stopped.

– The exit point is called the “return” because electrons always end up at the source when they complete the path of an electrical circuit.

– The chunks of food that a shark swallows end up in its stomach, where they are digested.

– Under Kaldor–Hicks efficiency, an outcome is considered more efficient if a Pareto optimal outcome can be reached by arranging sufficient compensation from those that are made better off to those that are made worse off so that all would end up no worse off than before.

– The entire band end up meeting up at the diner.

– Some orphans end up in a house called an orphanage.

– Often because different parts of governments use taxes for different things, people end up paying lots of taxes.

– It would end up being his final tour.

– The Duke, however, does not appreciate the ending and tells the cast that the courtesan must end up with the maharaja.

– Their world is destroyed, and Sora, Riku and Kairi end up on different worlds.

– Recycled aluminum requires no electrolysis, thus it does not end up in this process.

– Crover would end up drumming on Nirvana’s ten-song demo that was recorded on January 23, 1988 at Reciprocal Recording Studios in Seattle.

– Naturally, the babies try to figure out why and end up causing trouble with Stu’s mechanical couch.

- Boolean expressions also end up with a value of either true or false.

- Also: given our average category only has very few entries, e end up with smallish categories: Splitting an 8 item category, into male and female will lead to 2 categories of 4, or a 5/3 split.

– Rockwell needed four attempts to end up with this version of the painting.

– When these parts end up in the landfill, they can put poisonous chemicals like lead into the ground-water.

– I understand we’ve all been newbies at one point, and that if someone just try to explain things to us, many end up growing into valuable and helpful contributors.

– During their search, Yzma and Kronk end up in the jungle and take directions from Bucky, a squirrel who Kuzco had encountered earlier.

– Dave tries to take a hanglider to find the chipmunks but after Ian tries to stop him and they both end up in the ocean.

– User accounts or IP addresses which were used to evade blocks may also end up blocked themselves.

– If we do not agree, we shouldn’t try to continue discussing it as it will just end up in an all-out dispute.

– Batista then became involved in WWE Chairman Vince McMahon and Bret Hart’s rivalry in February 2010 by assisting McMahon in attacking Hart; John Cena attempted to save Hart, but would end up being assaulted by Batista. On February 21 at Elimination Chamber, as payment for Batista attacking Hart, McMahon allowed Batista to face Cena for the WWE Championship right after Cena won the title in an Elimination Chamber match.

– However, they both end up falling in love and have to avoid facing their promise.

– They end up with a mash-up with Rihanna’s “Umbrella Umbrella” song.

– For reasons which are unknown, pilot whales seem to end up stranded on a beach fairly often.

– Through history such situations tend to end up resolved violently.

– The group obtain the map, but end up being caught by Silver when they return.

– While helping their friends, they often end up in trouble fighting crime and villan.

– Their brains are ready-to-go, but end up smaller in relation to body size.

– Axolotls in the lab have reduced pigmentation and end up being a lighter pink color, while axolotls that live in nature are a darker, brown to black color.

– It starts off well but they end up fighting over whose story is better and generally making each other look bad.

– Even when I completely agree with most of your concerns and am out right frustrated or annoyed by the activity of those users I end up more frustrated at your hostility.

– As the twelve-year old Popeye set off on his first voyage, he would end up losing the vision of his right eye in “the mos’ arful battle” of his life.

– A complication is that some rivers empty into deserts or inland seas, and so do not end up in the ocean.

– As Angle returned to the ring, he applied another Ankle lock on Guerrero that would end up being unsuccessful with Guerrero escaping the hold by pushing Angle off with his other foot leaving Angle holding the Guerrero’s loosened ring boot.

– Some discussion has taken place on the article’s talk page, and that may end up duplicated here.

– In a crazy car chase the Good Ole Boys end up in a lake, hundreds of police cars are wrecked and the Neo Nazis cannot brake on an unfinished bridge.

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