“encircling” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “encircling”:

+ Rutherglen, and most of the towns encircling the city, are now dormitory suburbs of Glasgow.

+ According to ancient Meitei scriptures, the Khamnung kingdom is described as a generally dark and cool place, whose capital city is the “Khamnung Sawa”, which remains isolated from the rest of the areas, as the “”Ashi Turel”” flows encircling the charmed city of Thongalel.

+ They encircling the Allied Armies.

+ Stability was achieved by grooving the undersides of the stones so that they interlocked, rather like a jigsaw puzzle, with everything held in place by an encircling ‘frame’.

+ The original Allied plan was for encircling the Germans as far as the Loire valley.

encircling how to use?
encircling how to use?

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