“enabled” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “enabled”:

+ The Lower Cretaceous birds are clearly more bird-like, and the features they developed enabled them to invade habitat niches which had been the preserve of pterosaurs, or maybe were not previously exploited at all.

+ Once VisualEditor is enabled you will have the option to disable it in your preferences so that you will no longer see it while it is in beta testing.

+ This feature is now ready for production deployment, and will be enabled on all wikis, except Wikidata.

+ While the satellite era has enabled better measurement of trends in area, accurate ice thickness measurements remain a challenge.

+ On this same vein of discussion, I would like to be enabled for AWB use for typo fixing, interwiki re-ordering, cleaning up articles, wikifying, and possibly some other things that I haven’t learned about.

+ What enabled a much better understanding of the pinhole camera was the discovery that light enters the eye rather than leaving it.

+ It was his refusal to engage in premature and piecemeal counter-attacks which enabled the Americans to gather their reserves and frustrate the German attempts to extend their breakthrough.

+ The Allied forces were not grouped together enough, which enabled the Germans to defeat them even though they had less men.

enabled some ways to use
enabled some ways to use

Example sentences of “enabled”:

+ This enabled the Commercial Act to enhance managerial accountability by holding “owners”, who do not hold any official corporate directorship, liable for mis-management and misconduct.

+ The Beringa land bridge is significant for several reasons, not least because it is believed to have enabled human migration to the Americas from Asia about 25,000 years ago.

+ If Citoid is enabled on your wiki, then the design of the citation workflow changed during May.

+ Kenya’s victories over Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe, among others – and a forfeit by the New Zealand team, which refused to play in Kenya because of security concerns – enabled Kenya to reach the semi-finals, the best result by an associate.

+ Police gave chase but Peisley’s superior horse enabled him to escape easily.

+ Microsoft had worked with Apple Inc.Apple Computer to develop applications for Apple’s January 1984 original Macintosh, the first mass-produced personal computer with a graphical user interface that enabled users to see user friendly icons on screen.

+ In 1984 and 1988, he was awarded the scholarships by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, which enabled him to continue his studies in Cologne and Freiburg.

+ This enabled the Commercial Act to enhance managerial accountability by holding "owners", who do not hold any official corporate directorship, liable for mis-management and misconduct.

+ The Beringa land bridge is significant for several reasons, not least because it is believed to have enabled human migration to the Americas from Asia about 25,000 years ago.
+ If Citoid is enabled on your wiki, then the design of the citation workflow changed during May.

+ I would suggest we leave the filter enabled for now, even if this wiki has largely been spared.

+ This enabled them to build light speedfaster than light spacecraft.

+ We have now enabled the second phase of Wikidata here.

+ They enabled European empire expansion into the Americas.

More in-sentence examples of “enabled”:

+ The substantial economic and political concessions granted by Abdali to Subah Khan enabled his descendants and clansmen to consolidate their power in Tanawal.

+ A while back there was an issue where Twinkle wasn't working just from being enabled through the settings.
+ After several rounds of testing and with feedback from the community, this Beta Feature will be disabled and successful aspects enabled in the default site appearance.

+ The substantial economic and political concessions granted by Abdali to Subah Khan enabled his descendants and clansmen to consolidate their power in Tanawal.

+ A while back there was an issue where Twinkle wasn’t working just from being enabled through the settings.

+ After several rounds of testing and with feedback from the community, this Beta Feature will be disabled and successful aspects enabled in the default site appearance.

+ This enabled America to become a huge economic power at the beginning of the 20th century.

+ As I have previously announced here we have now enabled the arbitrary access feature here.

+ I would like to request that my bot be enabled for a new project, which is general fixes with cosmetic_changes.py.

+ He got a generous award from the king, which enabled him to stop work as a musician, and devote all his time to astronomy.

+ Conscious language revival movements in the 19th century, such as Félibrige in Provence, coupled with wider literacy and regional presses, enabled a new flowering of literary production in the Norman language and others.

+ I feel that by doing it, we not only faced some of our biggest fears, but it enabled us to use our talents to bring some light to people that need it.

+ The use of twitter, as an example has enabled many to fight for their rights and have their issues resolved or at least get recognized.

+ At the beginning of the 20th century, Sierre became economically important as very early aluminium smelting is enabled by its access to hydroelectricity.

+ For NCQ to be enabled, it must be supported and enabled in the SATA host bus adapter and in the hard drive itself.

+ Generally, this “smart quote” feature is enabled by default.

+ Range blocking is enabled on all wikis; to enable it on other wikis, add “.

+ If your wiki has enabled the “” and select the appropriate template from the menu.

+ This progress enabled Bulgakov to introduce a system of express posts between major cities.

+ The social position of the family enabled her to learn.

+ The idea was originated when the founder Reddy Yattapu thought that there were lots of websites for flights, hotels and car rentals comparison but not one which enabled families and tourists to compare ticket prices of sightseeing tours and attractions and thus this would make a difference to those holiday budgets, while attractions would also feel the benefit with increased footfall.

+ This will be enabled as a feature in the coming week for all users, which can be turned on or off using a preference setting.

+ A few years later, she got another chance to redeem her career with the single ‘Hunt 4 U’, and its success enabled her to approach studios to produce her second album.

+ Better discipline and using more Zeroes for the CAP might have enabled Nagumo to prevent the damage caused by the coming American attacks.

+ He revitalized Sony Music’s publishing division by making such acquisitions as the Beatles catalogue and enabled Sony to become the first major music company to make available commercial digital downloads.

+ The new dictionaries of the Old Norse language enabled the Victorians to study some of the Icelandic Sagas.

+ Gas lighting made it possible to create special dimming effects and wires enabled ballerinas to “fly”.

+ This enabled him to stay at the university for a fourth year.

+ This enabled the train to set the UK rail speed record of 162.2mph in December 1979, a record that stood for 23 years.

+ Several large scale mobile telephone industry companies are planning to jointly deliver a ubiquitous, interoperable presence enabled messaging service, built according to interoperability recommendations developed in the GSM Association.

+ His friends came to his aid, enabled him to study at Basel.

+ A separate question would be whether the button would be enabled or disabled by default, so if many people objected here, it could be disabled by default, and turned on in each individual editor’s preferences.

+ This enabled the BIPM to published the standards for the International System of Units.

+ The family of Fatima Nsoumer was affected by her brother, who was afflicted with various religious and worldly sciences, which enabled him to become a forerunner of the Rahmanian angle in the region and to take from him various religious sciences, which became popular throughout the tribes.

+ The Allies had “Ultra” intercepts from Bletchley Park, which predicted the Italian movements, and radar, which enabled them to locate the ships and to range their weapons at distance and at night.

+ The Space Race enabled the first launches of artificial satellites, uncrewed space probes to the Moon, Venus, and Mars, and human spaceflight in low Earth orbit and ultimately to the Moon.

+ This historic agreement enabled AIM, ICQ and MSN Messenger users to talk with Reuters Messaging counterparts and vice-versa against an access fee.

+ The fund enabled cities to renovate existing theatres and commission new ones.

+ I have my login settings checked to remember my name and password here, and I also have cookies enabled in my browser.

+ This feature will be disable by default for existing editors, and enabled by default for new editors.

+ The Party of the Animals gained for the first time some House of Representatives in the 2006 Dutch general election, which enabled Ouwehand and party leader Marianne Thieme to enter parliament.

+ Their victory at Kaiapit enabled the Australian 7th Division to be flown into the upper Markham Valley, stopping the Japanese from threatening Lae or Nadzab, where a major airbase was being developed.

+ I’d like to see this tool either disabled or, if possible, enabled for use only in userspace.

+ Also, I would like to be enabled for AWB use.

+ This enabled it to chase down the fastest of prey.

+ Mobile Instant Messaging is a presence enabled messaging service that aims to transpose the desktop messaging experience to the usage scenario of being on the move.

+ In 1101, he led an invasion to oust his brother Henry; he landed at Portsmouth with his army but his lack of popular support among the English as well as Robert’s own mishandling of the invasion tactics enabled Henry to resist the invasion.

+ It was also enabled for all contributors at the French Wikinews.

+ As a result, during World War II, the F-T process enabled Nazi Germany and Japan to produce substitute fuels for tanks and cars.

+ The Act enabled Chancellor Adolf Hitler and his cabinet to enact laws without the participation of the “Reichstag”.

+ Just to check is this enabled here? If not for having this tool will be useful to prevent abuse while not being overtly protective of a page.

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