“emphasizing” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “emphasizing”:

– The most popular style of ao dai fits tightly around the wearer’s upper torso, emphasizing her bust and curves.

– Technology has changed sawmill operations significantly in recent years, emphasizing increasing profits through waste minimization and increased energy efficiency as well as improving operator safety.

– In it, Husserl for the first time attempts a historical overview of the development of Western philosophy and science, emphasizing the challenges presented by their increasingly empirical and naturalistic orientation.

– The term “Protestant”, however, was not originally used by these leaders; instead, they called themselves “evangelical”, emphasizing the “return to the true gospel “.

– Vitruvius considered both types of wall construction as Greek, emphasizing that “both kinds are strong”.

– Kirsten is set apart from other authors by emphasizing the importance of “girl power”.

– The opposite technique, of “increased” line-height, might be used for some indented song lyrics, where the larger line-height could help in emphasizing the “double-spaced” appearance of a text section.

– Most competitive teams keep two sets of uniforms, with one design emphasizing the primary color and the other emphasizing the secondary color.

emphasizing use in-sentences
emphasizing use in-sentences

Example sentences of “emphasizing”:

- When Shinji expresses his fear at what happened in the 14 years he was gone, Kaworu shows him the destruction of near-Third Impact, emphasizing that it was all brought about by Shinji, but also assuring him that "there is always hope" and later telling Shinji that together, they can fix everything with the two spears in Central Dogma.

- Another use of reduced line-height might be for an indented quote-box, where the smaller line-height might help in emphasizing the quote as being a special text section.
- At its purest the style was simple and austere, emphasizing the height of the building, as if aspiring heavenward.

– When Shinji expresses his fear at what happened in the 14 years he was gone, Kaworu shows him the destruction of near-Third Impact, emphasizing that it was all brought about by Shinji, but also assuring him that “there is always hope” and later telling Shinji that together, they can fix everything with the two spears in Central Dogma.

– Another use of reduced line-height might be for an indented quote-box, where the smaller line-height might help in emphasizing the quote as being a special text section.

– At its purest the style was simple and austere, emphasizing the height of the building, as if aspiring heavenward.

– Ronnie has been popular with children who attend games, emphasizing the club’s intention to cater for families.

– The Report was ultimately amended to provide greater clarity on this issue by emphasizing that it was the people themselves, acting through the states in their sovereign capacity, who were parties to the Constitution.

– In addition, the video game company Ubisoft sent a study on Amaro Pargo, emphasizing its physiognomy, facing its possible appearance in the video game Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag.

– The song is infamous for vocalist John Lydon’s phrasing of the word “vacant”, emphasizing the last syllable making it sound like the vulgar word “cunt”.

– MacBook Air’s launch was accompanied by a television commercial emphasizing its slender design.

– It is worth emphasizing that those distant regions of space are taken to exist and be part of reality as much as we are; yet we can never interact with them, even in principle.

– Many areas of science are quantitative, emphasizing numerical data and mathematical analysis.

– He constantly stressed the importance of a strong and exclusive brand image for Pears and of emphasizing the product’s availability through saturation campaigns.

– Orphism is a mystic religion of ancient Greece, originating in the 7th or 6th century BC and based on poems attributed to Orpheus, emphasizing the necessity for individuals to rid themselves of the evil part of their nature by ritual and moral purification throughout a series of reincarnations.

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