“emperor” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “emperor”:

– After that the taxes were lowered but the House of Emperor Nintoku became poor.

– He is emperor and can do what he likes.

– The Origin of Raval is that he was a one of the members of the rogue Linden group which is lost to SL history, named the Race Maker’s a group which set out to build their own races on the game within the very pre-release of Second Life, all 10 Race Makers filled with National Socialist, Communist and EmpireImperial ideas for how a society should be ran, Raval being the only Race Maker to proclaim himself a God, the rest proclaiming themselves the political rulers of their society, Instead Raval decided to make his first Zongian the Emperor of his society, which was the Legendary Emperor – Altmoss Torok.

– Although her inferior position, She still received the special love from the Emperor Thiệu Trị much more than the other primary wifes of him.

Emperor Ming of Han was the second emperor of China’s Eastern Han Dynasty.

– For a short time, Go Daigo became the emperor of Japan.

emperor - example sentences
emperor – example sentences

Example sentences of “emperor”:

– He became emperor at one year of age.

– He was the third son of Emperor Sujin.

– But Gampo later gave up and apologized so the emperor married him to Princess Wencheng.

– The emperor had to decide what were the most important issues facing the Empire, and what should be done about them.

– Huang Taiji was the emperor of Qing Dynasty.

– He became heir to Emperor Go-Uda.

– In the 4th century, Christianity was eventually taken up by the emperor Constantine.

– The most famous wall was built between 226–200 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Hong, during the Qin Dynasty.

– The emperor even let his three sons—kept in the capital city to be sure of their father’s good behavior—go north see him.

- He became emperor at one year of age.

- He was the third son of Emperor Sujin.

– The Emperor of Japan was seen as a god.

– They celebrated what was believed to be 2,600 years since the start of Emperor Jimmu’s reign.

– The building was changed by Vespasian’s younger son, Emperor Domitian.

– The traditional order of succession begins with Emperor Jimmu.

– The Emperor penguin is a penguin that lives in Antarctica.

– In 110BC, the Yue dynasty against Han and was settled by Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, after which most of the Yue people were moved to the Jianghuai area.

More in-sentence examples of “emperor”:

- He lived off the benefits of Park Young-hyo, who was the son-in-law of Emperor Choljong of Joseon.

- Jingū's son, Emperor Ōjin, is today considered to have been the 15th emperor in the order of succession.
- In politics, the presence of a Roman Emperor was felt to be desirable long after the empire fell.

– He lived off the benefits of Park Young-hyo, who was the son-in-law of Emperor Choljong of Joseon.

– Jingū’s son, Emperor Ōjin, is today considered to have been the 15th emperor in the order of succession.

– In politics, the presence of a Roman Emperor was felt to be desirable long after the empire fell.

– The Japanese Emperor was the head of the government, but he had no real power.

– Franz Ferdinand Karl Ludwig Josef of Austria, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Este of Austria and, from 1896 until his death, Heir apparentnext in line to be the emperor of the former country called Austria-Hungary.

– He was the second son of Emperor Kimmei.

– Hirohito was the emperor of Japan during the Second Sino-Japanese War which became World War 2.

– Bari Imam lived in the times of Mughal emperor Jahangir.

– The Cheema Clan located in Nurmahal the twentieth and last wife of the Mughal emperor Jahangir.

– Eventually, Napoleon Bonaparte rose to be the emperor of France.

– He then became Francis I, first Emperor of Austria.

– Before he became emperor he was a citizen of San Francisco.

– He and her nephew the Guangxu Emperor attempted unsuccessfully to rule in their own right.

Emperor Ōjin was the 15th Emperor of Japanemperor of traditional order of succession.

– They travel to the planet Mongo, where the evil Emperor Ming plans to take over the Earth.

– By 1875 the opera company moved to the new “Palais Garnier” which was part of the rebuilding of Paris by Emperor Napoleon III.

– Meanwhile, Yzma, Kuzco’s aged adviser, who is angry about him firing her, decides to get revenge on the emperor so she can take over the throne.

– Yōzei was made emperor when he was a young boy.

– It is certain that when one Christian writer, Athenagoras of Athens, wrote “A Plea for the Christians” to Emperor Marcus Aurelius in around 176 AD, at a time when Christians were being punished by the pagan Roman Empire, he quoted word-for-word from these “Oracles” that are known today.

– As the ruler of Qin EmpireChina, the First Emperor ordered great undertakings: his men put together earlier bits into a China to the Pearl River in the south.

– Prince Korehito became emperor at the age of 8, but the real power was held by his grandfather, Yoshifusa.

– In Japan today, the system of counting years from the reign of Emperor Jimmu has been abandoned.

– Benedict crowned Henry Holy Roman Emperor in 1014.

– He was declared emperor at the insistence of the Praetorian Guard after Caligula’s assassination.

– The Emperor directly ruled some areas.

– Ministry of the Imperial Household was organized under the Taiho Code, which was adopted in during the reign of Emperor Monmu.

– Taizu Emperor was the founding father of the Qing Dynasty.

– The new Emperor named the chancellor to advise him.

– America said the Emperor of Japan leader could stay in power, but the Japanese had to take orders from American soldiers placed in Japan, making it an occupied territory.

– To celebrate the end of Nero’s rule, the Emperor Vespasian built the Colosseum on the site of Nero’s lake.

– The Jianwen Emperor was about 20 years old and didn’t like the power of his many uncles.

– After the Mughal Emperor ended by the British East India Company, the title “Empress of India” was taken by Queen Victoria from 1 May 1876.

– Qianlong Emperor made Manchus ride horses and shoot bows and arrows so that they would remember where they came from.

– After a year Yamagata returned and reported directly to Emperor Meiji in Tokyo.

– Most penguins lay two Cleidoic eggeggs per year but emperor penguins lay only one.

– Prince Naka no Oe who would later become Emperor Tenji.

– To legitimize his rule, he divorced his wife Joséphine and married Marie Louise, duchess of Parma and daughter of the Emperor Francis I of Austria.

– The closeness of this information to the executive authority of the emperor is attested by Tacitus’ statement that it was written out by Augustus himself.

– After the abdication of Emperor Hanazono, Takaharu-shinno was proclaimed emperor.

– The Qing emperor Qianlong gave his support to Tibetan Buddhism, allowing new translations of Buddhist books to be made and building new temples.

– Henry was crowned emperor by his rival, while Gregory himself had to flee from Rome in the company of his Norman “vassal” Robert Guiscard.

– The remaining branch went extinct in the male line in 1740 with the death of Charles VI, Holy Roman EmperorHoly Roman Emperor Charles VI and completely in 1780 with the death of his eldest daughter, Maria Theresa of Austria.

– Some three centuries later a pair of qilin were reported in the capital of Emperor Yao.

Emperor Thiệu Trị was the eldest son of Emperor Minh Mạng; his mother was Empress Consort Tá Thiên Nhân.

– The writings of Procopius are the primary source of information for the rule of the Roman emperor Justinian.

– This is when the controversy between emperor and pope began.

– With the defeat in the Opium Wars and the outbreak of Taiping Rebellion, the emperor and the imperial officials realised that it was necessary to improve the country’s state with a series of reforms.

– Mishi said that Emperor Xuanzong told of his love for his aunt in his autobiography.

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