“embed” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “embed”:

– By adding “”embed = yes”” to the first line of the infobox code, one can embed this infobox into another, creating the illusion of one continuous infobox.

– This can be used to embed the browser functionality inside the application.

– For years in HTML, a table has always forced an implicit line-wrap, so to keep a table within a line, the work-around is to put all text into a table, then embed a table-within-a-table, using the outer table to force the whole line to stay together.

– It may sometimes be necessary to embed this template in one of these other infoboxes.

– This template provides the correct styling with which to embed an within another template.

– The child or embed parameter is used when embedding this infobox into another.

– Before this layer sets, terrazzo workers partially embed metal divider strips in the concrete wherever there is to be a joint or change of color in the terrazzo.

embed in-sentences
embed in-sentences

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