“else” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “else”:

– This view is claimed to have been taught in Cuban schools and wherever else Cuban teachers are sent.

– So is any threat of violence or outing or legal action, or anything else that makes an editor’s experience here highly unpleasant.

– That’s something else that could be managed better.

– Mohan’s boss, Bhai from Mumbai, blackmails Kokila to continue his drug smuggling or else her entire family will be killed.

– I’m thinking this had something to do with software changes, so I thought I’d mention it here in case anyone else wants to check their settings.

– If you revert a page the same time someone else changes the page, you can overwrite their changes without knowing.

– As I need to do the same with many other wikis, I’d be grateful if someone else handles the simplification part.

else some example sentences
else some example sentences

Example sentences of “else”:

– Later, Grover finds Pan and learns the truth about his disappearance and that he, the God of Wild Things, must fade away and leave the job of making the earth green again to Grover, Annabeth, Percy, Tyson and everyone else on the planet.

– You can also put anything else on the cover.

– Everything else meant shame, not only for the parents, but also for a child whose parents were not married.

– The results are as alarming to me, as they are unusual to anyone else here who has witnessed this.

– Some published documents are written by just one person, and nobody else checks it before it is published.

– If you state in your request that the changes which led to your block were made by someone else who logged on to your account without your knowledge or permission, we will have to leave it blocked and request that you start over with a new account.

– In general, when ancient Greek writers wrote about orichalcum, they said it was a metal that looked like gold but that they did not know much else about it.

– And it is something else than tutoring, because the teacher gives continuous support when they prepare teaching.

– Note that being in Jail doesn’t prevent you from doing anything else in the game – it just stops your token from moving around the board.

– He says that Percy is not his type, and he was simply young, confused, lonely and scared with no one else to turn to or trust at the time.

– Unless someone else improves this article, it should be deleted.

– Is it just me, or does it seem to anyone else that we’ve had more vandalism lately than we used to? I’ve been trying to think of things we could do to address it, and I’ve only come up with two ideas.

– It was released everywhere else in early 2008.

– I will do the article deletion tomorrow, unless someone else does.

– Depending on the size of the motorcade and who it is carrying, streets may be completely blocked off so no-one else can use them.

– Eptalon told me this yesterday so I thought everbody else should know, to comment out the species and genera on the taxobox’s.

- Later, Grover finds Pan and learns the truth about his disappearance and that he, the God of Wild Things, must fade away and leave the job of making the earth green again to Grover, Annabeth, Percy, Tyson and everyone else on the planet.

- You can also put anything else on the cover.
- Everything else meant shame, not only for the parents, but also for a child whose parents were not married.

More in-sentence examples of “else”:

– Very little else is known about this 9 m long sculpture, which even today stands “in situ” near the village of Ioulida.

– I’m in favour of deletion but I’m going to leave my vote for a bit and see what everyone else thinks.

– It is a deliberate act, rather than simply overhearing someone else talking.

– When two people get marriagemarried and one of them have children with someone else before this marriage, that child is called a “step child” by the child’s non-birth parent.

– I don’t know if anyone else is having trouble with this.

– Breasted, “Ancient Records of Egypt”, Part One, Chicago 1906, §90 Nothing else is known of his life or what he did while he was Pharaoh.

– If nothing else it would help other contributors gauge where they can be more productive on Simple.

– Some interpreters say that a future world leader will force people to accept this number as a mark or else be forbidden to buy or sell.

– A man can ejaculate after he masturbates, is touched by someone else sexually, and sometimes, even if he is not touched.

– This means that they will often be dressed the same way as everybody else in a crowd.

– The coast guard is sometimes part of a military, or a semi-military organization, or else is a law enforcement agency.

– The second image may be another thing of this sort, or something else entirely, such as an image of a founding/namesake person, family estate, ancestral castle, map of territory, etc.

– If someone else has already reverted the page, an error message will appear.

– DOCTOR might say, for example, responding to “My head hurts”, “Why do you say your head hurts?” The response to “My mother hates me” might be “Who else in your family hates you?” ELIZA was programmed using simple pattern matching techniques, but was taken seriously by several of its users, even after Weizenbaum explained to them how it worked.

– They are well known for many of their songs, including “Master of Puppets”, “The Unforgiven”, “One”, “Enter Sandman”, and “Nothing Else Matters.” Since then, they have become one of metal’s most popular and successful bands, and have sold over 100 million albums worldwide.

– After this, Pablo started doing whatever else he could do to make money.

– Sorting can be done in separate files, such as using a DOS-prompt command: SORT myfile.DAT gt; myfile2.DAT, or else use a text-editor such as Notetab, which has a modify-lines-sort option.

– Prometheus warned Herakles not to pick the apples himself, but to ask someone else to do it.

– It is similar to male masturbation but it is done by someone else instead of by one’s self.

– So later they record what they saw and heard, so someone else can write it down.

– Wozzeck becomes determined that if he can not have Marie, no one else can, and he stabs her.

– If people have had chickenpox, they cannot get chickenpox from someone else again.

– In fact, most of the mammals living in Madagascar do not live anywhere else in the world.

– Everywhere else the Ethiopian calendar is used.

- Very little else is known about this 9 m long sculpture, which even today stands "in situ" near the village of Ioulida.

- I'm in favour of deletion but I'm going to leave my vote for a bit and see what everyone else thinks.

– So, if you turn an area that no-one else owns into a farm and use it, that area becomes your property.

– Many thanks, and let me know what else I may need to do to help this process along.

– We “do” need more bcrats, and even if people don’t want me as one, perhaps someone else should do it instead.

– Yin cannot dominate Yang or else Chaos will happen.

– This is known as an else block.

– A genius, on the other hand, is also very creative and able to do things that no one else has thought of.

– But for Perl, it is spelled like “elsif.” Else If blocks will only run if their condition is true, just like the first if block.

– Siddhartha left his family, his land and everything else in Nepal at the age of 29.

– Anyone else have any thoughts on these or how best to proceed? I’m really not interested in cleaning up hundreds of these but the New Pages queue needs attention.

– The Constitution of Venezuela lets the President of the National Assembly hold the role of Interim President of Venezuela if nobody else can have it.

– The causes for it very often are not in the stomach itself, but somewhere else in the body.

– Is anyone else having a problem with HotCat adding the changed category to the bottom of the entire article i.e.

– Because it is currently not wanted, it should be deleted unless someone else wants to restart the project in the future.

– She never met the Doctor, the Doctor died and so did everyone else in the whole universe.

– To this day, no one else has reached 2000.

– Everyone else that wanted to use an Australian flag used the red one, called the Red Ensign.

– He is considered one of the greatest football manager of all time, and has won more trophies than anyone else in the history of English football.

– Harvard University Press p80 Huxley more than anyone else was responsible for this trend in Britain.

– Everything else was the same, except for one group who had to go through an extra, less unpleasant experience at the end.

– If the if block, and none of the else if blocks are true, then the plain “else” statement will be used by the program.

– As well as being used for prayers, the chapel might also hold the graves of members of the family, or else have memorials and statues around the walls.

– Little else is known until 41-40 BC, when Lucius Antonius took refuge there, in the Roman civil war between Mark Antony and Octavian.

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