“eliminate” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “eliminate”:

– It is an ecological approach that can reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides.

– In the UEFA Cup the Swiss team could eliminate English top club FC Chelsea.

– However, distractor tasks can easily suppress or distract STM, explaining why they eliminate the recency effect.

– After four days, the malware did not spread any further, and it was now easy to eliminate the malware.

– After her husband’s inauguration, she focused on lifestyle and fitness, and she launched the Let’s Move campaign to eliminate childhood obesity.

– In any Condorcet method that passes Independence of Smith-dominated alternatives, it can sometimes help to identify the Smith set from the head-to-head matchups, and eliminate all candidates not in the set before doing the procedure for that Condorcet method.

– Some fruitarians who hold Judeo-Christian beliefs hold that fruitarianism was the original diet of humankind in the form of Adam and Eve, based on the Book of Genesis. They believe that a return to an Garden of EdenEden-like paradise will require simple living a health and diet.  Another common motivation is the desire to eliminate perceived toxicity within the body.

eliminate example in sentences
eliminate example in sentences

Example sentences of “eliminate”:

- However, modifications to the bridge did eliminate the wobble, which has not recurred since the bridge reopened in February 2002.

- Template page may need to be reloaded once to eliminate the slight horizontal offset.

– However, modifications to the bridge did eliminate the wobble, which has not recurred since the bridge reopened in February 2002.

– Template page may need to be reloaded once to eliminate the slight horizontal offset.

– The purpose was to ensure fair Pricerates, to eliminate rate discrimination, and to regulate other aspects of common carriers.

– It seeks to eliminate Sufism from Somalia and has opposed various Sufi groups.

– We believe that we can eliminate vibrations enough to give us results just as accurate as we want.

– Christian priests regarded Glima as a pagan activity and tried to eliminate it when Scandinavia, became Christian.

– Before its release, Todd left the Cinerama Company to develop a widescreen process which would eliminate some of Cinerama’s flaws.

– The Harkin-Engel protocol specified a deadline in 2005, to eliminate these from cocoa production.

– If the deletion goes through, I will eliminate the shortcut for BE 1500 in the target article.

– It tries to eliminate subjective, unrecognized biases carried by an experiment’s subjects ‘ conductors.

More in-sentence examples of “eliminate”:

– A more complex two-stage process is, when there is a cycle, to first eliminate all candidates not in some group which is found by looking at the pairwise comparisons, and then use a separate voting system to find the winner.

– This aircraft was used from the beginning of 1939 and made it possible -thanks to improved flight authonomy and top speed of 370kmh – to eliminate the change of aircraft, to reduce the number of stopovers and to shorten the travel time of a full day.

– Expensive and complicated changes were made to eliminate the wobble.

– Removing the Defender, also known as removing the guard is a chess tactic where a chess piece is either captured or forced to move in order to eliminate the protection of an opponent’s piece.

– Anti-seal hunt campaigns work to eliminate this aspect of northern culture, which most Inuits regard as vital to their lives.

– Melvin, Charles King Western Armenians consider Armenians who assimilate within the local population of the country where they were eventually forced to emigrate as lost to their nation due to the continuing exile after the actual genocide itself, and thus consider that lost Armenian to be another victim of the genocidal attempt to eliminate the Armenians.

– To continue pursuing universal and non-discriminatory nuclear disarmament, as well as a general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control and in this context, to work towards the objective of arriving at an agreement on a phased program for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons within a specified framework of time to eliminate nuclear weapons, to prohibit their development, production, acquisition, testing, stockpiling, transfer, use or threat of use and to provide for their destruction.

– The units can also be used with to create an unbulleted list, and to eliminate the need for usage in the event of multiple relays.

– Vlad wanted to eliminate all threats to his power, mainly the rival nobility groups, such as the boyars.

– Turkish MB commandos priority throughout the war was to eliminate the Greek Junta armed forcein Cyprus which would ultimately cause the collapse of the Greek Junta Political-Military heavily armed force.

– Considering that this is an educational reference for students and academics, et al., I believe that we should eliminate all occasions of AD and BC and replace it with CE or BCE.

– A larger West German victory, by three goals or more, would see West Germany and Algeria qualify, while a draw or an Austrian win would eliminate the West Germans.

– After the WannaCry ransomware attack started, companies and universities around the world have researched ways to eliminate spread of the malware.

– Higher plants eliminate gases through the stomata on the surface of leaves.

– They eliminate human centred arbitrariness from the system of units: some physicists argue that communication with extraterrestrial intelligence would have to use such a system of units to make common reference to scale.

– Some therapists try to reduce or eliminate the alters so the patient only has one personality, while others do not.

– Once in power, they eliminate all other kinds of authority in the country, such as judges, the legislature, and political parties.

– Pope Innocent III started it to eliminate the Cathar heresy in Languedoc and make the Roman Catholic Church supreme there again.

– This was probably because Offa had arranged the murder of nearer relatives in order to eliminate any rivals to Ecgfrith.

– Would an admin be willing to edit those pages to eliminate these issues? Changes like would be helpful.

– This logic allows a person to spend less time searching, because every time they arrive on a page with the wrong letter, they know that they can eliminate the pages to their right or their left.

– Players often decide to vote off weaker rivals, but occasionally opt to eliminate stronger players as well.

– In 2012, Code Academy changed its name to The Starter League to eliminate confusion with a competing New York-based program called Codecademy.

– Space is full of dust clouds and magnetic fields which would disturb or eliminate even a coherent beam of electromagnetic radiation.

– Her Ultimate Ability, “Pulse Bomb” is commonly used to eliminate high priority targets in a small area, it can also stick to enemies and eliminate others nearby, Tracer herself can also be damaged by this if she is too close.

- A more complex two-stage process is, when there is a cycle, to first eliminate all candidates not in some group which is found by looking at the pairwise comparisons, and then use a separate voting system to find the winner.

- This aircraft was used from the beginning of 1939 and made it possible -thanks to improved flight authonomy and top speed of 370kmh - to eliminate the change of aircraft, to reduce the number of stopovers and to shorten the travel time of a full day.
- Expensive and complicated changes were made to eliminate the wobble.

– To eliminate this problem—or to direct readers to a “different” page—you can use the parameter.

– This technology makes use of the higher heat transfer capacity of the liquids, leading to greater savings in terms of energy requirement, in fact, single phase cooling systems can reduce, and sometimes eliminate needing for CRAC units.

– They identify and eliminate pathogens that cause infection.Janeway, Charles “et al” 2001.

– If there has been no disruptive behavior meriting the retention of that personal information, then the sysop can delete the page straight away in order to eliminate general public distribution of the history containing the information.

– These medicines eliminate toxins from the body and help people deal with alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

– He found that using his technique, he could eliminate most lookups.

– Keller demonstrates a formidable sense of close-quarters combat, with realistic analyses of certain hostage situations and how to eliminate the opposition in an effective and concise manner.

– Wouldn’t it be better to redirect most of them to Number and expand that article? It would eliminate quite a few stubs.

– His family captured him and brought him back because to become a Dominican one must eliminate material wealth.

– Rikishi looked like he was going to eliminate Sexay but Scotty entered the match next and they danced to their music while the Rumble match was still ongoing.

– To eliminate an opposing wrestler you must throw him over the top rope and have “both” his two feet hit the floor, this will continue til there is only one man left, who is named the winner.

– The Court also held that the Thirteenth Amendment was meant to eliminate “the badge of slavery” but not to prohibit racial discrimination in public accommodations.

– To eliminate “enemies of the working class”, Stalin instituted the “Great Purge”.

– During a #1 contender battle royal later that night, Barrett ordered Cena to eliminate himself when it came down to them.

– This will eliminate double redirects, plus it’s more standard to have “Foo ” linking to “Foo” than the other way around.

– Batista won it by last eliminating Roman Reigns and Roman eliminate 12 men which broke Kane’s record for most eliminations in one match from 2001.

– Such adaptations include physical protection against heat, increased growth after a fire event, and flammable materials that encourage fire and eliminate competition.

– Called the “Lame Duck” Amendment, it acquired this name because Norris wanted to eliminate the lame-duck sessions of Congress where outgoing members still held office and voted on bills for several months before the new members could be sworn in.

– Can someone figure out what this person’s actual name is? We need to rename the page to 1 eliminate the title and 2 use his actual name.

– Players may have to capture a flag held by the opposing team, defend or capture a particular point on the field, or simply eliminate all other players on the field until they are the only player or team remaining.

– For example, it would reduce or eliminate most personal and coporate taxes.

– As the tyrannical ruler of the planet Apokolips, Darkseid’s ultimate goal is to conquer the universe and eliminate all free will.

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