“electricity” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “electricity”:

+ Electric power stations brought electricity to urban and later rural areas to power them.

+ In early days, electricity was distributed as direct current.

+ In the late 19th century when electricity was used to make electric motors and to send messages to far away places, a new branch called electrical engineering was invented.

+ The direction of the electricity switches back 60 times every second.

+ When the cathode becomes hot, it gives out electricity particles.

+ He became an in physics at the University of Palermo in 1880, when he was there he studied the transfer of heat and electricity in bismuth.

+ In 2012 there was no electricity in the villages of Bangaeira and Portela but the connection is expected in 2016.

electricity how to use?
electricity how to use?

Example sentences of “electricity”:

+ Hearing aids did not improve very much until electricity and the telephone were created in 1898.

+ AC systems overcame the limitations of the direct current system used by Thomas Edison to distribute electricity efficiently over long distances.

+ Some examples are changes of shape, changes of states, and passing electricity through a copper wire.

+ Other countries build dams to generate electricity using Hydroelectricityhydroelectric turbine generators.

+ There are also electric matches, which use electricity and not friction to produce a fire.

+ At the University of Glasgow he did important work in the mathematical analysis of electricity and formed the first and second laws of thermodynamics.

+ This turbine is connected to a generator, which makes the electricity that is then sent out on the National Grid.

+ Strong winds knocked down signs, fences, trees and electricity and telephone poles, cutting off power and communication in hundreds of communities and at least two highways were blocked.

+ A disconnecting switch is an Electrical engineeringelectrical switch used in high-voltage electrical circuits to isolate the section which has electricity from the section with no electricity.

+ The green portrayal of the creature with electricity bolts in his neck came from Boris Karloff’s movie portrayal of the monster.

+ Normally, when light shines on it, then more electricity flows through.

+ Western Electric provides electricity to the people of Bunker Hill.

+ These sensors are useful because they are small and do not need any electricity at the place where the sensing happens.

+ The electricity is used to make powerful magnets inside the motor switch on and off at the right time to turn the shaft of the motor.

+ The university campus includes its own backup electricity and water supply, shopping complexes, eating joints, transportation facilities and banking and postal services.

+ People can also use energy sources that don’t burn fossil fuel, like hydrogen, solar panels or electricity from nuclear power or wind power.

+ An electric switchboard is an electrical device that directs electricity from one place to another.

+ Hearing aids did not improve very much until electricity and the telephone were created in 1898.

+ AC systems overcame the limitations of the direct current system used by Thomas Edison to distribute electricity efficiently over long distances.

More in-sentence examples of “electricity”:

+ Earnest research into static electricity was started in the 17th century, when Otto Von Guericke made the first friction generator.

+ In his twenties he tried to make diamonds by heating graphite and ruined Glasgow's electricity supply.
+ It started to commercially make electricity on March 26, 1971, and was planned to shutdown in March, 2011.

+ Earnest research into static electricity was started in the 17th century, when Otto Von Guericke made the first friction generator.

+ In his twenties he tried to make diamonds by heating graphite and ruined Glasgow’s electricity supply.

+ It started to commercially make electricity on March 26, 1971, and was planned to shutdown in March, 2011.

+ They generate power by burning natural gas in a gas turbine and use residual heat to generate additional electricity from steam.

+ Apart from this, it is a one-time investment and there will no longer need to spend on heavy electricity cost again and again.

+ Fueling a car with electricity is about 5 times cheaper than fueling it with gasoline.

+ There was no electricity in the dark house.

+ Thunderstorms are very active with electricity and so are also called electrical storms.Lightning is a large electrical discharge that happens between two opposite charged surfaces.

+ An item which allows electricity to move through it is called a conductor.

+ Witnesses said they heard Francis scream from behind the leather hood, “Take it off! Take it off! Let me breathe goddammit!” as the electricity was being used.

+ Tampering with electricity meters is illegal and can carry fines or legal actions.

+ The speed at which these turn gives us the frequency that our electricity supplies are at.

+ He underestimated how much electricity a small medicine bottle could hold by thousands of times.

+ It made just enough electricity for four light globes.

+ Because many faults in power systems fix themselves after they happen, the installation of recloser ensures more continuity of power and higher availability for electricity supply to the load.

+ Solar photovoltaic cells convert sunlight into electricity and many solar photovoltaic power stations have been built, mainly in Europe.Denis Lenardic.

+ If the machines are enemies, the player can use electricity to stun machines and hack them.

+ Electricity generation is the making of electricity for use by people.

+ With the voltaic pile, they could make electricity that keeps flowing for some time.

+ When this happens a nuclear electricity program can lead to making atomic bombs.

+ It provides an almost instantaneous supply of electricity during any power failure.

+ This combined electricity may be used locally, or adjusted to match the electricity in the power grid and sent to the power grid.

+ Like most subways, the Toronto subway/RT trains get electricity from a third rail that runs next to the tracks.

+ Working “hot” saves electricity users from being disconnected while routine maintenance is taking place.

+ In 2008, the Long Beach Airport began generating electricity with six 9 feet by 9 feet solar arrays.

+ The device that an electric Railwaytrain uses to get its electricity is also called a pantograph, because it looks a bit like the drawing instrument.

+ These alternating layers of charges have the ability to store electrical energy, in a way that depends on the amount of electricity initially applied to the electrode.

+ Using electricity we can transfer energy in ways that allow us to do simple chores.

+ Arc welding uses electricity to melt the metals and the welding filler by creating an electrical arc.

+ He is best known for discovering a relationship between electricity and magnetism, a field now known as electromagnetism.

+ Electric systems are also less environmentally friendly because electricity is usually produced by burning fossil fuels, which increases carbon emissions.

+ The Doubs is used for electricity generation.

+ However, it conducts electricity fairly well.

+ Power lines knocked down by fallen trees in the Metairie area cut power to 5,140 electricity customers in the New Orleans metropolitan area.

+ These reductions are largely the result of recycling waste material and the use of cogeneration equipment for electricity and heating.

+ This is useful in many ways, as it allows to only have one cable to both provide the computer network and electricity to a device.

+ It can attack using electricity which comes from two red pouches on its cheeks.

+ Different kinds of microphones will turn the sound waves into electricity in different ways.

+ Fuel cells make electricity by combining oxygen and hydrogen.

+ It is widely and successfully used for electricity transmission and distribution.

+ A nuclear power plant is a type of power station that generates electricity using heat from nuclear reactions.

+ Cruachan uses cheap off-peak electricity generated at night to pump water to the higher reservoir.

+ Glass objects do not conduct electricity well.

+ Many are built on land without a permit and often have no roads, numbered street, electricity or telephone lines.

+ Benjamin Franklin associated static electricity with storms.

+ To use the electricity that comes from the pile, we must connect something that uses electricity to the two discs at the top and bottom of the pile.

+ In 1873 he got a copy of the first edition of Maxwell’s book “A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism”.

+ Maxwell’s equations told us how to relate electricity and magnetism.

+ He built a hydroelectric plant to provide electricity to the town.

+ The idea of a device that could be used to control the amount of electricity going to a component was thought by many people, but the carbon potentiometer we commonly use today was invented by Thomas Edison in 1872 at the age of 25.

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