“Electric field” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “Electric field”:

+ So, the H-field is like the electric field E which starts at a positive electric charge and ends at a negative electric charge.

+ When an electric field is put on the wire, the electrons respond almost instantly by drifting slightly in the opposite direction of the field.

+ At each point near a charge, the electric field points in a certain direction.

+ It is plasma plasma made by a coronal discharge from a sharp or pointed object in a strong electric field in the air.

+ This is possible because each charge makes an electric field around itself.

+ The positive electric field will neutralize all of the spare electrons that make up the depletion zone.

+ ElectricityElectro-sensitive hydrogels, which either shrink or expand when an electric field is applied.

Electric field how to use in sentences
Electric field how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “Electric field”:

+ The accelerating electric field reverses just at the time the electrons finish their half circle, so that it accelerates them across the gap.

+ It is the ratio of the electric currentcurrent density to the electric field strength.

+ This “jolt” that electrons receive from the electric field is the source of current, not the overall flow of electrons themselves.

+ For the electromagnetic field, the curvature form is an antisymmetric matrix whose elements are the electric field and magnetic field: the electromagnetic tensor.

+ They describe how an electric field can generate a magnetic field, and vice versa.

+ Each MO’s electric field is generated by the nuclei of all the atoms and some average distribution of the other electrons.

+ This is because the tip of the electric field vector traces out a straight line in the plane perpendicular to the forward direction of the wave.

+ The applied electric field accelerates electrons between the “D” electrodes of the magnetic field region.

+ The accelerating electric field reverses just at the time the electrons finish their half circle, so that it accelerates them across the gap.

+ It is the ratio of the electric currentcurrent density to the electric field strength.

+ For example, this applies to the electric field at some fixed point due to an electrically charged surface, or the gravity at some fixed point due to a sheet of material.

+ The word electrophoresis comes from –electro, because an electric field is used, and –phoresis, which means movement.

+ General polarization: Some waves can be described by having the electric field perpendicular to the direction of the wave, and these are called TE waves.

+ If the magnitude of the electric field remains constant, and the direction is allowed to vary, the state of polarization is referred to as circular, because the tip of the electric field traces out a circle in the plane perpendicular to the forward direction of the wave.

+ As an electric field causes an electric current to follow the path of least resistance, a magnetic field causes magnetic flux to follow the path of least magnetic reluctance.

+ If the direction of the electric field remains constant, even if the size or magnitude is allowed to change, the state of polarization is referred to as linear.

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