“ejaculation” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “ejaculation”:

+ During ejaculation millions of sperm cells are released, but only one hundred or so reach the egg.

+ However, ejaculation can also happen if a man has not been touched, for instance if he becomes aroused or stimulated by looking at sexy pictures, watching sexy videos, or thinking about sex.

+ Normally, an ejaculation makes between 1.5 and 5 litremillilitres of semen.

+ Other cultures have rites of passage into manhood that culminate in the first ejaculation of a male, usually by the hands of a tribal elder.

+ Normally, an ejaculation makes between 1.5 and 5 litre#SI prefixes applied to the litremillilitres of semen.

ejaculation how to use?
ejaculation how to use?

Example sentences of “ejaculation”:

+ When a condom is used, after ejaculation the man’s semen stays inside the condom and does not touch the body of the person he is having sex with.

+ Frequent ejaculation through masturbation from an early age fosters frequent ejaculation well into adulthood.

+ Semen is valued and masturbation is seen as a waste of semen and is therefore frowned upon, even though frequent ejaculation is encouraged.

+ The ceremony culminates in a public ejaculation before a celebration.

+ In men pain in the genital organs during ejaculation or immediately thereafter is experienced as sharp, stabbing, and/or burning, it may be persistent and returning.

+ If a man cannot ejaculate after having been aroused for a long time, even though he wants to, this is called delayed ejaculation or anorgasmia.

+ The number of sperm in an ejaculation of semen depends on many things.

+ For some boys, the first ejaculation takes place when they are sleeping.

+ Apart from giving a man pleasure, ejaculation may help a man stay healthy.

+ The book made popular the phrase “Merry Christmas” as well as the name “Scrooge” and the ejaculation “Bah! Humbug”.

+ Nocturnal emissions are called wet dreams because of the dampness caused by ejaculation and because the orgasm and ejaculation often happen during a sexually exciting dream.

+ How long a man can be stimulated before ejaculating, how long the ejaculation lasts, the strength of the ejaculation, and the amount of semen that comes out, all vary from one man to another.

+ A boy’s first ejaculation usually happens about one year after he begins puberty, which is when his body starts changing into a man’s body.

+ The time period during which an erection cannot be repeated following ejaculation is called the refractory period.

+ During ejaculation the smooth muscle in the wall of the vas deferens contracts.

+ Pain after ejaculation is a very specific complaint that distinguishes CP/CPPS from men with BPH or normal men.

+ Slang terms for ejaculation are “blowing a load” or “blowing a wad”, “busting a nut”, “creaming”, “cumming”, “jizzing”, “jazzing”, “spurting”, “squirting” and “skeeting”.

+ When a condom is used, after ejaculation the man's semen stays inside the condom and does not touch the body of the person he is having sex with.

+ Frequent ejaculation through masturbation from an early age fosters frequent ejaculation well into adulthood.
+ Semen is valued and masturbation is seen as a waste of semen and is therefore frowned upon, even though frequent ejaculation is encouraged.

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