“einstein” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “einstein”:

– Because Einstein helped science so much, his name is now used for several different things.

– Albert Einstein explained this as a quantum effect.

– Albert Einstein kept a photograph of Faraday on his study wall alongside pictures of Isaac Newton and James Clerk Maxwell.

– Albert Einstein is perhaps the world’s most famous genius.

– There was one way that Heisenberg could be right, a reason that Einstein thought was nonsense: What if measuring the position of the first particle would mess up the velocity of the second particle.

– From 1977 till 1983 he was Director of Residency Training, Department of Psychiatry, Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

– Bose Einstein CondensationBose-Einstein condensates and fermionic condensates are phases of matter that apply to particles called bosons and fermions, respectively.

– Albert Einstein was the first to mathematically derive this in the formula E = mc.

einstein - sentence examples
einstein – sentence examples

Example sentences of “einstein”:

- They cannot be added together directly, but Einstein found a way to add them together.

- With his co-workers, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen, Einstein used entanglement to try to show weaknesses in quantum mechanics.

– They cannot be added together directly, but Einstein found a way to add them together.

– With his co-workers, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen, Einstein used entanglement to try to show weaknesses in quantum mechanics.

– When Einstein said that gravity could affect light, it took a few years before astronomers could test it.

– The Photoelectric effect discovered by Albert Einstein proved that light had to act like particles that carried specific amounts of energy, and that the energies were linked to their frequencies.

– Therefore, Einstein said, quantum mechanics had a big hole in it.

– Albert Einstein predicted them in 1916 on the basis of his theory of general relativity.

– Albert Einstein published a paper in 1905 that explained in precise detail how the motion that Brown had observed was a result of the pollen being moved by individual water molecules.

– He also derived the Lorentz transformationtransformation equations that were later used by Albert Einstein to describe space and time.

– Brouwer, Einstein read the philosopher Eric Gutkind’s book “Choose Life”, Gutkind, Eric.

– Albert Einstein found the equation for energy: E=mc².

– He won many awards for his works including the Albert Einstein Award.

– A very clear example was the prediction of Einstein that a source of gravity would bend light passing nearby.

– Two such models of the statistical mechanics, made by Einstein and Smoluchowski are presented below.

– Even though Einstein thought of many ideas that helped scientists understand the world much better, he disagreed with some scientific theories that other scientists liked.

More in-sentence examples of “einstein”:

- The 1926 thirteenth edition of the "Encyclopedia Britannica" included an article by Einstein titled "space-time".Einstein, Albert, 1926, "" "Encyclopedia Britannica", 13th ed.

- In spring of 1933, Einstein and Elsa were traveling in the USA when the Nazi party came to power.

– The 1926 thirteenth edition of the “Encyclopedia Britannica” included an article by Einstein titled “space-time”.Einstein, Albert, 1926, “” “Encyclopedia Britannica”, 13th ed.

– In spring of 1933, Einstein and Elsa were traveling in the USA when the Nazi party came to power.

– In 1905 Albert Einstein used mathematics to prove that the seemingly random movements were caused by the reactions of atoms, and by doing this he conclusively proved the existence of the atom.

– After this happened, Einstein divorced Mileva in 14 February 1919, and married Elsa on 2 June 1919.

– Albert Einstein saw that the new quantum mechanics implied a lack of position and momentum in the time prior to measurements being made, and he objected strongly.

– The links between these forces are shown in the Einstein field equations.

– Now, a hundred years or so after Einstein published his ideas, there have been many tests, all of which have been consistent with Einstein‘s predictions.

– Also, a statue of Einstein is nearby in the gardens of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

– Even Albert Einstein had trouble accepting such a bizarre concept, and in a well-known debate said, “God does not play dice”.

– Albert Einstein said the idea of the ether was not needed if another idea, the idea of “absolute time” was dropped.

– When Einstein realized that good models of the universe were possible even without the cosmological constant, he called his use of the cosmological constant his “biggest blunder” and that constant is often left out of the theory.

– This work also led Einstein to work with him.

– Among others, William Herschel, Hermann von Helmholtz, James Clerk Maxwell and Albert Einstein have praised Young’s work.

– The discovery of the Hercules–Corona Borealis Great Wall contradicts a theory proposed by Albert Einstein known as the cosmological principle.

– Mathematically, Einstein has been proven wrong.

– In 1917, Einstein became very sick with an illness that almost killed him, fortunately he survived.

– The Bose-Einstein Condensate was first suggested by Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein in 1924–25.

– Later on, Albert Einstein said that they were not completely true.

– After their return to Belgium, considering the threats from the Nazis, Einstein resigned from his position in the Prussian Academy in a letter from Oostende.

– The interpretation presented by Albert Einstein himself, states that the outcome of some random event is predetermined.

– They were predicted by Albert Einstein in 1916 on the basis of his theory of general relativity.B.

– Also, Einstein said that as Earth moves through space, all measurable lengths change.

– A scientist Albert Einstein wrote a letter about the atomic bomb on August 2, 1939.

– Albert Einstein Square is a public Town squaresquare in Jerusalem, Israel.

– Her team was successful in demonstrating dynamical tunnelling in the Bose Einstein Condensate Laboratory in a modulated standing wave.

– Albert Einstein was born in Ulm.

– Other scientists before Einstein had written about light seeming to go the same speed no matter how it was observed.

– In the early days of quantum mechanics, Albert Einstein suggested that if it were right then quantum mechanics would mean that there would be “spooky action at a distance.” It turned out that quantum mechanics was right, and that what Einstein had used as a reason to reject quantum mechanics actually happened.

– The modern era of physical cosmology began in 1917, when Albert Einstein first applied his general theory of relativity to model the structure and dynamics of the universe.

– Albert Einstein is often quoted as having said: “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”.

– In some ways he beat the famous scientist Albert Einstein to solving this question, but Einstein gave a more complete answer.

– This theoretical pursuit is different from statistical mechanics, in which Einstein did important work.

– Using his theory for the photoelectric effect, Einstein said that light existed in small “packets” or parcels which he called photons.

– Using an ingenious argument concerning the equivalence principle, Albert Einstein showed that the curvature in spacetime caused by the rotated disk could be a logical explanation for gravity.

– In 2017, he won the Albert Einstein World Award of Science.

– Francis and Einstein join the fight.

– Albert Einstein and Norbert Wiener also studied Brownian Movement, with greater mathematical precision.

– Some of the most revered scientists today like Albert Einstein are German.

– Eventually, Einstein drew the conclusion that the concepts of space and time needed a fundamental revision.

– For a long time people thought that there was no way to prove or disprove what was for Einstein an article of faith.

– When Einstein generalized classical physics to include the increase of mass due to the velocity of the moving matter, he arrived at an equation that predicted energy to be made of two components.

– Later, it turned out that experiments showed that it was Einstein who was wrong.

– This is not to say that iconic figures such as Albert Einstein is not important at all, in fact, I believe his impact on the world is more powerful than those I have mentioned combined.

– Albert Einstein resigned from his honorary membership at the Accademia dei Lincei, an Italian science academy, to protest the race laws.

– In 1905, Albert Einstein used Planck’s idea to show that a beam of light is made up of a stream of particles called photons.

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