“effectively” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “effectively”:

– Now, “less than a week after”, it has effectively died again, with just one nomination remaining.

– Tthe times and temperatures are not enough to effectively destroy all microorganisms.

– The Singaporean government currently discourages the use of Singlish in favour of Singapore Standard English as it believes in the need for Singaporeans to be able to effectively communicate with the other English users in the world.

– As Australia is part of the Antarctic Treaty System, which accommodates differences of opinions over the status of Antarctic territorial claims which pre-dated the 1959 Antarctic Treaty – effectively placing claims in abeyance – Australia only exercises its sovereignty in ways that in its view are consistent with good relations under the Antarctic Treaty.

– One version of the myth on how it got its name is that train drivers would get drunk there, then drive trains, effectively turning them into possible ‘Killers’.

effectively use in-sentences
effectively use in-sentences

Example sentences of “effectively”:

- The size of a proton is determined by the vibration of the quarks that are in it, and these quarks effectively form a cloud.

- It helps to know how effectively a batsman is playing.
- Cognitive-behavior therapy can be effectively used as a short-term treatment centered on helping people with a very specific problem and teaching them to focus on present thoughts and beliefs.

– The size of a proton is determined by the vibration of the quarks that are in it, and these quarks effectively form a cloud.

– It helps to know how effectively a batsman is playing.

– Cognitive-behavior therapy can be effectively used as a short-term treatment centered on helping people with a very specific problem and teaching them to focus on present thoughts and beliefs.

– The word dictator or despot in modern times is used to describe the absolute ruler of a country, who uses force and fear to keep himself and his friends in authority, and can effectively make laws all by himself.

– As Prime Minister of Luxembourg he also led the negotiations on the Single European Act, which effectively set aside the 20-year-old Luxembourg Compromise.

– In 1962, Nepal reorganized into 14 administrative zones but, around 1995, zones fell into disuse, so the already existing development regions effectively became the primary subdivisions.

– However, after the British occupation of 1882, Egypt was effectively under British administration until 1922.

– The course of the Río Negro across Uruguay effectively divides the south of the country from the north.

– This took place four years before the Cobden Treaty with France which is said to have effectively destroyed the British silk industry.

– This is effectively going to be a three-part comment, in that three edits to this discussion will be made in fairly fast progression, all of which are adding to the conversation but in different places and on different tangents.

– Then, patients can more effectively recover with a less total cost and shorter time.

– On 11 March, Kuwaiti Directorate General of Civil Aviation has suspended all travel, except cargo flights, to and from Kuwait starting from 13 March, effectively locking down the nation until further notice.

– As a member of the House of Bourbon, Louis Philippe was shortlisted for a trial, and effectively tried and guillotined in the space of one day on 6 November 1793.

– Very little is known about the venom of the brown recluse, and spider venom experts have been looking for a long time for ways to effectively tell whether a brown recluse has bitten a patient as well as an antidote for its venom.

– I think he can use the rights to fight more effectively against vandalism.

– It was almost a vassal, or a Russian EmpireRussian satellite state, with Russian tsars effectively choosing Polish kings.

– He saw her frequently after age 18, often exchanging greetings in the street, but he never knew her well—he effectively set the example for the so-called “courtly love”.

– To combat this, the vampire squid generates its own bluish light in a strategy called counterillumination: The light diffuses the animal’s silhouette, effectively “cloaking” its presence from the watchful eyes below.

– Some of the gang wars between organized crime groups are effectively forms of vendetta, where the criminal organization has taken the place of blood relatives.

– The Carroll rearrangement is an adaptation of the Claisen rearrangement and effectively a decarboxylative allylation.

More in-sentence examples of “effectively”:

– Each header is placed above one or more succession lines of the same type, effectively organising the boxes.

– Following Hindenburg’s death, Hitler declared the office of President to be permanently vacant, effectively merging it with the office of Chancellor under the title of Leader and Chancellor, making himself Germany’s Head of State and Head of government.

– Maplink is being effectively rolled out within info-boxes, where the map is automatically generated from already available data.

– He then entered his first classic race, Milan – San Remo, and, after a week of uncharacteristically humble pre-race statements, rode effectively over the climbs that his rivals had said made this race impossible for him to win – and then tracked down Heinrich Haussler in the last 200 meters to narrowly win the sprint and the race, Cavendish’s first victory in a race known as one of the “five monuments of cycling”.

– Reputation and clearing became central concerns, and the states which could handle them most effectively became very powerful empires, trusted by many peoples to manage and mediate trade and commerce.

– It is not clear when the UK will effectively leave the EU, this process being unprecedented.

– However, the Low Countries were effectively part of Spain during that period.

– The war effectively came to an end after the Eastern Command of the Pakistani Armed Forces signed the Instrument of Surrender on December 16, 1971.

– Communism became less attractive when it became clear that it could promote economic growth less effectively than the capitalistic Western states and that it was not suited for a reform “The illusion that Communism was reformable, that Stalinism had been a wrong turning, a mistake that could still be corrected that illusion was crushed under the tanks on August 21st 1968 and it never recovered.” Then the United States was the only superpower left.

– This effectively set the weight of the shilling, and its subsequent decimal replacement 5 new pence coin, at 87.2727 grains or 5.655grams from 1816 to 1990, when a new smaller 5p coin was introduced.

– These missiles in Cuba would have allowed the Soviet Union to effectively target almost the entire United States.

– The black humorous series about ghosts at the National Hospital effectively blended horror and satire.

– All operations were abandoned in 1898, when the island became effectively uninhabited.

– Price effectively dominated Belizean Politics from 7 April 1961 in the early 1969a until his retirement from party leadership as Leader of the People’s United Party on 10 November 1996, serving as the nation’s and country’s Head of government under various titles for most or during that period.

– The Chipmunks travel on a plane, but Theodore lets out a monkey, which then lets out several animals which cause an emergency landing and bring the ire of unscrupulous Air Marshal James Suggs, who reveals to have a grudge against the Chipmunks because his girlfriend dumped him for being so into them at the time, effectively eliminating his shot of becoming an FBI agent.

– In a brief but highly productive NFL career, Sayers spent seven seasons with the Chicago Bears from 1965 to 1971, though multiple injuries effectively limited him to five seasons of play.

– The particle that falls into the black hole effectively has negative energy, meaning that it will subtract from the overall mass-energy content of the black hole.

– However, the effects of the Zone drops at longer wavelengths, such as the infrared, and the Milky Way is effectively transparencytransparent at radio wavelengths.

– However, this did not last, and by the end of the 9th century Capua was effectively independent.

– The trouble with the Munsell system for computer graphics applications is that its colors are not specified via any set of simple equations, but only via its measurements: effectively a lookup table.

– Such cursors can effectively double the accuracy of readings, permitting a 10-inch slide rule to serve as well as a 20-inch.

– This modern group is effectively voiced through the anarcho-punk and crust punk subcultures, in attempt to fight what is seen by those groups as a general of, and way to profit from, life.

– Prime Minister Harold Holt’s “Migration Act, 1966” effectively ended the White Australian Policy so that migrants from different parts of the world could come to Australia, like refugees from the Vietnam War.

– Most of central Asmara was built between 1935 and 1941, so effectively the Italians managed to build almost an entire city in just six short years.

– Seconly, I am very accessible on IRC, via e-mail and on my enwiki user talk page, meaning that despite the fact I don’t edit much here, I am easily contactable meaning I can effectively help people.

- Each header is placed above one or more succession lines of the same type, effectively organising the boxes.

- Following Hindenburg's death, Hitler declared the office of President to be permanently vacant, effectively merging it with the office of Chancellor under the title of Leader and Chancellor, making himself Germany's Head of State and Head of government.

– This also effectively restricts the privileges of any add-ons.

– As Union forces advanced, nearly all four million slaves were effectively freed.

– He effectively cooperated with Ukrainian leaders.

– On November 27, 2017, just 6 days before the final day to file petitions to run for the office, Congressman Luis Gutierrez pulled his petition for re-election in the 2018 race effectively ending his congressional career.

– From 1969 to 1982, Aliyev was also the leader of Soviet Azerbaijan, effectively dominating the political life of Azerbaijan for many years.

– The reason that this theory is called “frame dragging” is probably due to the effect of particles effectively “dragging” or “grabbing” spacetime as they spin.

– The Majapahit kingdom unified Indonesia from Sumatra to New Guinea, effectively controlling the seas.

– The position is filled with executive power effectively being exercised by the Prime Minister.

– Having very small, ridged teeth they could not have chewed tough, fibrous plants as effectively as other dinosaurs of the same period.

– Claiborne Fox Jackson was a pro-Confederate States of AmericaConfederacy effectively deposed on June 15, 1861.

– They began taking the more aggressive people aside and stamped their passports with a special stamp that allowed them access to West Berlin however, the people were not aware that they were effectively revoking their East German citizenship and were shocked to be refused entry back into the GDR.

– They effectively exploit the addressing logic of computers.

– It is also important for donors as they rely on surveillance data to analyze the usefulness of their investments and whether it is being used effectively or not.

– The AIDA model is about designing the message and delivering it effectively to the target audience.

– A typical implementation of SQR codes would be to create a one-time use SQR code on a mobile phone’s Computer monitorscreen to effectively create a highly secure online account number.

– This marriage was looked upon favourably by the Holy See and effectively meant the conclusion of the diplomatic disagreement Charles and the See had had.

– They were soon overpowered and the Independent State of Croatia effectively ceased to exist in May 1945, near the end of the war.

– On December 1, 1989, the GDR government revoked the law that guaranteed the SED the right to rule the East German political system, effectively ending communist rule in the GDR.

– The marriage was ended in 1694, on the grounds that Sophia Dorothea had effectively abandoned George.

– It is worth noting that while this fix will effectively mitigate the technical issues.

– Although the WCW brand effectively died once and for all following the end of this storyline, ECW was “temporarily” revived by WWE in 2005 for the purposes of a special “reunion” show, One Night Stand ECW One Night Stand, held on June 12 2005.

– Even more seriously, no spacecraft could travel faster than light, so all galactic-scale transport would be effectively one-way, and would take much longer than than any modern civilisation has existed.

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