“effective” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “effective”:

– The C14 Timberwolf uses the.338 Lapua Magnum cartridge, with a muzzle velocity of over 823 meters per second and has a maximum effective range of 1,500 meters.

– This template uses the current date to calculate the effective date.

– The able-bodied adults of this band were a surprisingly effective armed force.

– We may concur that being an educator is one of the most effective ways to contribute to national development.” She pointed out some of the challenges she observed, explaining, “A part of those challenges is the endeavor to strike an important balance between the intense teaching load, the commitment to research and publication, and the need to be of service internal and external to the university.

– The other one is about a trustee candidate rubric to introduce new, more effective ways to evaluate new Board candidates.

– In addition, the ruler of Mysore had an army as effective as that of British.

– Humanistic therapy creates an effective means of getting to the source of a problem and treating it properly.

effective some ways to use
effective some ways to use

Example sentences of “effective”:

– The key to effective cost control is therefore optimizing the efficiency of these activities.

– Thorp also developed and applied effective hedge fund techniques in the financial markets.

– It is also one of the coolest stars in the LMC, with an effective temperature of 3,400 Kelvin.

– The AK-47 is included in the flag of Mozambique, an acknowledgment that the country gained its independence in large part through the effective use of their AK-47s.

– Before the war, Amherst did not believe that the Native Americans would offer any effective resistance to British rule.

– The results showed that about 90% of them were safe and effective as far as 15 years past their expiration date.

– With the production of cost effective steel, railroads were expanded and more industrial machines were built.

– Thutmose III was co-regent with his stepmother, and was head of the army, but Hatshepsut was the effective ruler, and the named Pharaoh.

– She was a powerful, firm, and effective ruler.

– It printed a decision, supported by a very big number of people in the parliament, calling for an “independent and effective investigation” into the death of Alexander Taraikovsky related to the protests.

– An effective way to actually erase many old revisions is to rename an old article, by creating the new name as a new article, then copy the article to become a brand-new entry in article-space.

– Roger Ebert called it “more effective for being” a “silent” film.

– On 12 December 2019, Scheer announced he would be resigning as the leader of the Conservative Party effective upon the election of a new one.

– An effective tactical method is to demoralize the enemy.

– Shedinja is notable because it only takes damage from super effective attacks and has one HP.

– Although it is more difficult to impart power to a scoober than a hammer, a scoober can be an effective short-range throw and is used in Ultimate for breaking the mark and to throw over defenders in a zone defense.

– He was named to the position of principal conductor of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden effective in September 1986, the first person in the House’s history to have that title.

- The key to effective cost control is therefore optimizing the efficiency of these activities.

- Thorp also developed and applied effective hedge fund techniques in the financial markets.
- It is also one of the coolest stars in the LMC, with an effective temperature of 3,400 Kelvin.

More in-sentence examples of “effective”:

– There is also a powder, but its use is impractical without advanced scientific equipment: The effective dose needed and a lethal dose of fentanyl powder placed next to each other would be difficult or impossible to differentiate with the naked eye.

– We can also use other measures to make the effective reproduction rate.

– Army, was given authority to make, in cooperation with the appropriate agencies of the various coastal States, investigations and studies aimed at devising effective means of presenting erosion of the shores of coastal and lake waters by waves and currents.

– Elizabeth’s government did much to make her government stronger, and to make common law and administration more effective throughout England.

– In a recent study, DBT has proven especially effective in reducing self-injurious behavior, suicide attempts and inpatient treatment days.

– Other decongestants such as pseudoephedrine are also effective in adults.

– He retired as commissioner effective July 31, 2015.

– This locality is the important and effective centre in Chennai.

– Half the stars are inside an effective radius of only 100parsecs.

– The first effective treatment for malaria came from the bark of Cinchonacinchona tree, which contains quinine.

– The Turks and Caicos Islands adopted a new constitution effective 9 August 2006; their head of government now also has the title Premier, and their autonomy has been greatly increased.

– A good latch is important for both effective breastfeeding and comfort.

– He received the 2012 King Faisal International Prize for dedicating half his fortune to charity, starting an Islamic bank, supporting charity work and implementing effective national projects.

– Their ability to move from place to place and adapt has made them a most effective group.

– I just wanted some feedback from the community on my edits/contributions, and I wanted to hear any suggestions that you may have to make me a better more effective editor here at simple.

– The Sassanids never mounted a truly effective resistance to the pressure applied by the Muslim conquests.

– In short, the thalamus helps to make mammals more effective at making decisions and living in their natural environment.

– Sejanus became the effective ruler of Rome, and plotted against Tiberius, murdering people who opposed him.

– Today few hubs are produced, because they are not an effective solution for building networks.

– Decision problems typically appear in mathematical questions of decidability, that is, the question of the existence of an effective method to determine the existence of some object or its membership in a set; some of the most important problems in mathematics are undecidable.

– Guns can be very effective weapons.

– Antibiotics can be the most effective way of treating bacterial infections.

– An opening batsman, Hobbs established several effective opening partnerships; with Tom Hayward and Andy Sandham for Surrey, and with Wilfred Rhodes and Herbert Sutcliffe for England.

– Because of the lack of scientific evidence supporting most Freudian ideas, psychoanalysis is rarely used by clinical psychologists and has been replaced by more effective forms of therapy.

– Bandura explains that the most effective way of developing a strong sense of self-efficacy is through “mastery experiences”.

- There is also a powder, but its use is impractical without advanced scientific equipment: The effective dose needed and a lethal dose of fentanyl powder placed next to each other would be difficult or impossible to differentiate with the naked eye.

- We can also use other measures to make the effective reproduction rate.

– However, heavy machine guns such as the Browning M2 are more powerful but need a crew to be as effective as they can be.

– The effective propagation of accumulated roundoff errors may depend on the discrete dimension of the sampled data to round: when sampling bidimensional images, including colored images, it may still be preferable to propagate this error into a preferred direction, or equally into several orthogonal dimensions, such as vertically vs.

– Scientists let the animals freerun and then do experiments to see what sort of signals are most effective at entraining them.

– Condoms are less effective than many other types of birth control, and if a couple is in a steady relationship and are having sex very often, condoms can become more expensive to use.

– In general taking benzodiazepines is safe and effective in the short term.

– Despite the many storms, Bangladesh does not have a very effective storm prevention system, and cyclones usually inflict heavy damage.

– Insomnia: Benzodiazepines are an effective treatment for severe insomnia.

– Efforts to improve compliance have been aimed at simplifying drug packaging, providing effective medication reminders, improving patient education, and limiting the number of medications prescribed at the same time.

– Emergency braking was effective only one second before the collision.

– At the start of the Vietnam War, the United States military had effective psychiatric services in place within 8 weeks of the start of the war.

– The convention became effective on July 1, 1908.

– The sooner the drug is taken after unprotected sex, the more effective it is.

– His other books include “First Things First First Things First”, “Principle-Centered Leadership”, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families”, “The 8th Habit” and “The Leader in Me: How Schools and Parents Around the World Are Inspiring Greatness, One Child At a Time”.

– Dieldrin was developed as an alternative to DDT and has proved to be a highly effective insecticide.

– After WPS folded, the effective top level of women’s soccer in the U.S.

– Black Elderberry has been found to be effective against the H5N1 strain of Avian Flu Zakay-Rones et al.

– Buffets are effective for serving large numbers of people at once, and are often seen in institutional settings, such as business conventions or large parties.

– The Supreme Court has ruled that Americans have the right to an effective lawyer.

– Hospital services/Health care management as an executive to care-coordinator or administrator is a critical role for a medical social worker, administrative responsibilities entail to ensure efficient and effective unit operation; contributing to staff development by promoting and ensuring a supportive/collaborative learning environment based on the principles of adult learning and practice standards for nurses, students and ancillary staff; performing human resources responsibilities in collaboration with the other line managers; attending administration level meetings for program launch and evaluation, budgetary decisions, augmenting CSR activities…etc.; liaising with members of the multidisciplinary team to ensure high standards of quality and optimal management of patient care outcomes ; staff stress management due to the competing needs in patient care and ongoing continuous improvement practices to strengthen clinic processes.

– Pakistan would like to see the United Nations strengthened so that it can serve as an effective force to uphold International law and protect weaker states.

– The main reason that 1.e4 was less effective than 1.d4 was the Sicilian defence, which gave White only a 52.3% score in 145,996games.

– The centerpiece of Peña Nieto’s governorship was his claim that he was to deliver his “compromisos” – 608 promises he signed in front of a notary to convince voters that he would deliver results and be an effective leader.

– Arc welding is the most effective way of permanently joining metals.

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