“easter” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “easter”:

– They play in the Scottish capital of Edinburugh at Easter Road Stadium.

– These altarpieces are to remind Christians of the Easter story.

– The Eastern Orthodox Church computuscalculates the date of Easter differently, so the Eastern Orthodox celebration of Ascension will usually be after the western observance.

– In Western Christianity, Easter can be celebrated on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25.

– The Easter Bunny is similar to Christmas’s Santa Claus, as they both bring gifts to good children on the night before the holidays they are related to.

easter some example sentences
easter some example sentences

Example sentences of “easter”:

– In the United Kingdom, children receive on average 8.8 chocolate Easter eggs every year.

– In modern time there is also an annual “Salzburg Easter Festival” held by the same organization.

– Because of this, the date of Easter celebrations is different for these two types of churches even though the way they calculate the date is the same.

– The last one is Easter Term, from April to June.

– The “Irish Independent” said about the 1916 Easter Rising that it was “”insane and criminal””.

– Good Easter is a village and civil parish in City of Chelmsford, Essex, England.

– After the Easter Rising conflict, the leaders of the rebellion were given trials in British courts and were sentenced to death.

– Orderic reports on an incident at Easter 1105 when Robert was supposed to hear a sermon by the venerable Serlo, Bishop of Sées.

- In the United Kingdom, children receive on average 8.8 chocolate Easter eggs every year.

- In modern time there is also an annual "Salzburg Easter Festival" held by the same organization.

– On Easter Sunday 1939 Anderson performed on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

– On Easter day, citizens of Dangriga participate in a yearly fishing tournament.

– However, he was able to perform in the Three Choirs Festival and he composed some church music, including the popular anthem “Blessed be the God and Father”, written for an Easter Day service when the choir only had boys and one male singer.

– Pádraig Pearse made Ó Ceallaigh his helper when Pearse was getting ready for the Easter Rising.

– A lot more people wanted an independent Ireland after the leaders of the Easter Rising were executed of the 1916 leaders and the threat of conscription.

– Michael Collins first became known during the Easter Rising in 1916.

More in-sentence examples of “easter”:

- They built the world's largest chocolate sculpture of an Easter egg.

- The name, and its similar male name, Anastasius, were given to children born during Easter in the early years of Christianity.

– They built the world’s largest chocolate sculpture of an Easter egg.

– The name, and its similar male name, Anastasius, were given to children born during Easter in the early years of Christianity.

– British newspapers and picture postcards often called the Easter Rising the Sinn Féin rebellion.

– We’ll call “A” the year that we want to calculate the Easter date.

– The Easter Bilby is an Australian alternative to the Easter Bunny.

– He invented a new system of numbering years to replace the Diocletian years that had been used in an old Easter table because he did not wish to continue the memory of a tyrant who persecuted Christians.

– In 2019 Easter was celebrated on the 21st of April.

– He attempted to resolve the ongoing controversy over the celebration of Easter through a great meeting of church members from Rome and Gaul that Easter should be celebrated on a Sunday instead of on Passover, whichever that day occurred on.

– Because of this, the date of Easter celebrations is different for these two types of churches even though the way they calculate the date is similar.

– Week-long vacations are taken following Easter Day, giving families the chance to visit with distant relatives.

– The bells of Easter sound and a chorus of angels sings “Christ est ressuscité!”.

– This caused chaos for travellers, many of whom were trying to return home after their Easter vacation.

– The Easter Bunny is a character depicted as an anthropomorphic rabbit.

– Christmas Day is the same as the Catholic and Protestant churches, but the date of Easter continues to be worked out differently.

– His father helped bring guns to Ireland for the Easter Rising, and opposed the Anglo-Irish Treatytreaty that set up the Irish Free State.

– YFest includes an Easter Saturday Street Parade, a three day Vintage Machinery Rally at Wheatlands Museum, four day Golf Tournament, three day Art Show, Easter Saturday Race Meeting and Waterski Spectacular.

– The top of the triangle is Hawai’i, the bottom left is New Zealand and the bottom right is Easter Island.

– Moai are stone statues on Easter Island.

– He said that people should eat meat during fastingLent, a Christian time of fasting before Easter when people eat only simple food.

– The history of Easter Island is rich and controversial.

– The issue of when to celebrate Easter was discussed again and Catholics were instructed to celebrate the day on a Sunday rather than on Passover which some Churches, particularly in Asia Minor, were doing.

– Rongorongo is a system of writing native to Easter Island.

– The terms of their position were very precise, for example: :”The geometrician is to read as followeth, every Trinity term arithmetique, in Michaelmas termMichaelmas and Hilary terms theoretical geometry, in Easter term practical geometry.

– Many Christian churches have a 40-day “season” of fasting called Lent, in which Christians prepare for Easter which is one of the two most important feasts in the Christian year.

– Eleanor arranged for Anderson to perform on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, on Easter Sunday, to a live audience of 70,000.

– The bottom of his toothpaste tube reads “NINA”, an Easter egg referencing Hirschfeld’s daughter Nina.

– Bishop Colmán argued for the Ionan calculation of Easter given them by Columba, founder of their order.

– She works with Easter Seals, the Children Affected by AIDS Foundation, and the Red Cross.

– Since the version 2.3 Android operating system an easter egg containing an animation has been hidden.

– In the Northern Hemisphere this is also known as Spring break because it is Spring during Easter in the Northern Hemisphere while in the Southern Hemisphere these are just known as the Easter holidays because it is Autunm over there.

– The International Astronomical Union gave it the name Makemake, the creator god of the ancient Easter Island people, to keep its connection with Easter.

– It also attracts many Off-roadingoff-roaders who come for the annual Easter Jeep Safari.

– The Easter Rising was a rebellion in Dublin, Republic of IrelandIreland at Easter in 1916.

– In places like America, summer vacation usually lasts from June until September last for about 6 weeks from late July until the begining of September because they have a 2 week holiday for Christmas and a 2 week holiday for Easter and several 1 week holidays.

– At the Arles Council, in 314, was obliged to all the Christianity to celebrate Easter the same day, and that this date was going to be assigned by the Pope, that was going to send epistles to all the churches in the world with the necessary instructions.

– He kept up his organ playing and in July 1954, again conducted by Karajan, Brain performed the organ part in a recording of the Easter hymn from Pietro Mascagni’s “Cavalleria rusticana”.

– The State Member for Tamworth told the NSW Parliament “that visitors had come to Nundle from all points of the compass during the Easter weekend to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and the beautiful setting.” The Great Nundle Dog Race, only open to working dogs, is run on the first Sunday in May and attracts many visitors.

– They both supported the Roman position that Easter should be celebrated the same throughout the Christian world.

– Constantine called the First Council of Nicaea in 325 to unify Christology, also called the first great Christian council by Jerome, the first ecumenical, decreed the Nicene Creed#The original Nicene Creed of 325Original Nicene Creed, but rejected by Nontrinitarianism such as Arius, Theonas, Secundus, Eusebius of Nicomedia, and Theognis who were excommunicated, also addressed Easter controversy and passed 20 Canon laws.

– The Easter Y-Fest began in 1988 and is organised by the Y-Fest Promotions Committee Inc.

– At first the British put up no resistance because of Easter public holiday, but soon more of them came into Dublin to fight the Irish.

– It is used in many desserts like pudding, cakes, candy, ice cream, and Easter eggs.

– Bede asserts that the current Christian festival of Easter took its name from the Goddess’s feast in “Eostur-monath”.

– It gave its first public performance on Dún Laoghaire Pier on Easter Monday, 1923.

– Instead, she sang on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday.

– Christmas and Easter fall on different dates than they would elsewhere.

– That happened on Easter Monday, 25 April 2011.

– Nearby is also Kilmainham Gaol, where the executions of the leaders of the Easter Rising took place.

– Recent protests by the Rapa Nui on Easter Island against Chilean rule has led to clashes with the Chilean police.

– The Easter Bunny will either put the baskets in a certain place or hide them somewhere in the house for the children to find when they wake up in the morning.

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