“drugs” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “drugs”:

– A group of drugs called dopamine receptor agonists acts similarly to dopamine when put in the brain.

– There are drugs that can help people manage tics.

– Some drugs have been tested and approved for sale as hair loss treatments.

– Some drugs need a prescription to be bought, other drugs do not.

– If drugs are used within the expiration date, the manufacturer guarantees that they work as expected.

– The drugs are cytotoxic, which means they are toxic to the body’s cells.

drugs - example sentences
drugs – example sentences

Example sentences of “drugs”:

- Sulfonamide drugs were the first antimicrobial drugs.

- The War on Drugs also lead to the creation of the saying "Just Say No" which was created by Ronald Reagan's wife and First Lady of the United StatesFirst Lady Nancy Reagan.

– Sulfonamide drugs were the first antimicrobial drugs.

– The War on Drugs also lead to the creation of the saying “Just Say No” which was created by Ronald Reagan’s wife and First Lady of the United StatesFirst Lady Nancy Reagan.

– Scientists also keep working on creating antiviral drugs to treat attacks of dengue fever and keep people from getting severe complications.

– This is complicated by the fact that, in the past, they may have used drugs or alcohol to help them handle strong emotions.

– The drugs will not work if the woman is already pregnant.

– Some illegal drugs are taken because they cause hallucinations.

– An example for such drugs may be Aspirin or Paracetamol.

– Later the police decided that Contador had not taken drugs from the doctor.

– Other drugs are illegal meaning a person is never allowed to have them.

– Johnny became worse at school and had his first experiences with drugs at the age of 12.

– WADA promotes, coordinates and monitors the fight against drugs in sports.

– The programmers renamed the drugs so that it could be sold in Australia.

– People with blood cancer often take drugs called chemotherapy or immunotherapy.

– Many other products can be and are often made from cattle: for example, car tires, home insulation, paint, hand lotion, soap, jello, and many drugs are made from parts of cattle.

More in-sentence examples of “drugs”:

- Some drugs are illegal because they are very addictive.

- African Americans are more likely to try new illegal drugs such as molly due to the influence of hip hop culture.

– Some drugs are illegal because they are very addictive.

– African Americans are more likely to try new illegal drugs such as molly due to the influence of hip hop culture.

– Pharmacy is also a branch of chemistry that studies the molecular structure of drugs to find better drugs.

– Betty joined the local task force and worked to make less drugs and crime in Berkley after that.

– Others define them as drugs or natural health products.

– There are standard drugs like Chloromycetin which cure typhoid.

– Radcliffe is an asthmatic sufferer who has voiced her opposition to the use of drugs in sport.

– The thalidomide disaster caused governments to test drugs more carefully.

– It is about street gangs, drugs and changing of the title character to superhuman.

– Today, it is used to treat certain cases where drugs do not seem to help.

– This may mean that the disease becomes more difficult to treat, or that certain drugs stop working.

– Aziz al-Abub used mind-control, drugs and physical torture in the infamous 444-day torture and mental derangement of United StatesAmerican William Buckley in Beirut.

– It can also be a symptom of certain Mental illnessmental disorders such as depression, withdrawal from drugs and alcohol, or psychotic disorders.

– Many cancer drugs target the proteins coded by oncogenes.

– Diet, exercise, changing people’s habits, and drugs are tried first to help people lose weight.

– It is estimated that these drugs may prevent 85% of expected pregnancies.

– The two drugs can work together to make it easier for the alcoholic not to drink.

– An activist at the trial said the police put drugs on Kamilova.

– Those drugs often include heroin, cocaine, marijuana or others.

– For this reason, only lipid soluble, drugs can enter cells.

– These illnesses, along with the various prescription drugs used to treat them, overweight and heavy smoking, may have led to her declining health and early death.

– The FDA subsequently initiated the Drug Efficacy Study Implementation to reclassify drugs already on the market.

– People are more likely to overdose when they use drugs intravenously.

– The company has made drugs for rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and other conditions.

– They also say that if the three drugs are given correctly, lethal injection should be pain-free.

– In the middle of the 20th century, new drugs were invented that made it easier to treat mental illness.

– Many drugs are based on them, like aspirin.

– All drugs that are absorbed from the small intestine are first transported to the liver by the hepatic portal vein, in many cases a large proportion of the drug is then metabolized immediately before the drug enters the systemic circulation.

– Many drugs have more than one action.

– Malaria drugs fail for first time on patients in UK.

– One idea about why people use drugs is because of their genes.

– Illegal drugs are drugs which a person is not allowed to own or use.

– Buell’s reason for the decision was that Steven Tyler was too heavily addicted to drugs at that time.

– There are drugs for many forms of epilepsy that make life better for those affected.

– Statin drugs can even help make atherosclerosis better.

– Codeine is often marketed as drugs in combination with paracetamol.

– Prednisone, Cyclophosphamide, levamisole are some drugs used to treat nephrotic syndrome.

– Other drugs are taken for fun, because of the effect they have.

– Prior to this many drugs were marketed as ‘patented’ medicines with ‘secret ingredients’.

– Pharmacology includes how drugs are made, how they interact with living organisms, what harmful effects they could have, how they can be used as medicines, and if they can be used to prevent illness.

– These drugs are really expensive, too.

– The United States Commissioner of Food and Drugs is the head of the Food and Drug Administration, an Government agencyagency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

– Now there are designer drugs for several alternative drug groups.

– Holiday said that she began using hard drugs in the early 1940s.

– Bentley said that he changed to believe in Jesus and be a Christian, and when he did that he did not have problems with drugs or drinking alcohol anymore.

– Many of the analgesic drugs have a similar action in the brain.

– He started using drugs when he was a teenager.

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