“dresden” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “dresden”:

– It is the seat of the governmental district of Dresden and of many universities.

– She was born at Dresden Castle in Dresden and was the eldest surviving the daughter of Augustus III of PolandFrederick Augustus II, Elector of Saxony and Maria Josepha of Austria.

– He played for Dynamo Dresden from 1983 to 1993.

– He studied the French horn at the Conservatoire in Dresden and played in a military band.

– His first important conducting job was with the Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra, with whom he worked from 1955 to 1958 and again from 1967 to 1972.

– He also held posts with the Dresden Staatskapelle and Boston Symphony Orchestra, and conducted many other great orchestras of the world.

– While living in Dresden he continued to write music including harpsichord concertos, sinfonias, trio sonatas, harpsichord sonatas, and other smaller works for keyboard.

dresden in-sentences
dresden in-sentences

Example sentences of “dresden”:

- The university also has a strong research tradition in microelectronics and transport sciences in the Dresden area, and now is becoming more important in new fields of research such as biotechnology.

- She became famous for being the singer of The Dresden Dolls.

– The university also has a strong research tradition in microelectronics and transport sciences in the Dresden area, and now is becoming more important in new fields of research such as biotechnology.

– She became famous for being the singer of The Dresden Dolls.

– It was composed between 1838 and 1840 It was first performed at the SemperoperHofoper, Dresden on 20 October 1842.

– Von Tschirnhaus and his assistant Johann Friedrich Böttger were employed by Augustus the Strong and worked at Dresden and Meissen in Saxony.

– For example, Coventry twinned with Dresden as an act of peace and reconciliation, both cities having been heavily bombed during the war.

– He experienced the fire bombing of Dresden in February 1945 which destroyed most of the city.

– André Sarrasani performs today in Dresden the Dinner-Varieté-Show “Trocadero”.

– Hamilton’s Anita Blake series, and Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files.

– Maria Josepha was born at Dresden Castle to Augustus III of Poland.

– The opera was first performed in Dresden in December 1905.

– It moved its headquarters to Berlin in 1884, although its registered office stayed in Dresden until 1950.

– The first post office in Dresden was created in October 1888.

– Although he had his job in Wolfenbüttel for many years he also worked a lot in Dresden where he met Heinrich SchutzHeinrich Schütz and in Magdeburg where he met Samuel Scheidt.

Dresden was already settled in the stone age, but the first written record of the city was in 1206, when Dresden began to develop as a royal residence.

– In 1839, the railway between Dresden and Leipzig was opened.

– The first performance outside Dresden occurred at Weimar.

More in-sentence examples of “dresden”:

– It was first performed in Dresden in 1843.

– He studied at Dresden Art Academy and at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf.

– The TU Dresden offers a wide range of courses and research.

– The 2019 Dresden heist occurred in the Grünes Gewölbe museum in Dresden, Saxony, Germany, on 25 November 2019.

– In the 2008 Dresden Olympiad, she played on board 1 for Georgia, which won the gold medal.

– It was first performed in Dresden on 26 January 1911 and was an immediate success.

– His first job as apothecary was in Dresden after which he returned to his father’s shop, now in the provincial town of Letschin in the Oderbruch region.

– Jahns died from a long illness in Dresden on 11 September 2020 at age 62.

– The Dresden University of Technology is a university in Dresden, in Germany.

– Lüdtke died on 29 January 2019 in Dresden from a stroke, aged 75.

– He also played for SG Dynamo Dresden from 1950 to 1954 and for SC Dynamo Berlin from 1954 to 1963.

– For many years Dresden and Leipzig were the only towns where he was famous.

– The “Deutsche Tabakgegner” was published in Dresden from 1919 to 1935, and was the second journal on this issue.

– Until the end of Nazi Germany he earned his money with technical drawings at the Dresden University of Technology.

– After the reunification of Germany Hansa played together with Dynamo Dresden in the German Bundesliga.

– On one occasion he was in Dresden at the same time as a French organist named Louis Marchant.

– Sarrasani came back to Dresden in 1990 for the first time after 45 years.

– He played for Dynamo Dresden from 1965 to 1975 and for the East German national team from 1972 to 1975.

– His father took him to Dresden for two years to study music.

– The Dresden University of Technology is organised into 14 departments.

– He became conductor at the opera house in Dresden when Fritz Busch lost that job because he said he did not like the Nazis.

– The draft of regulations for Moorland concentration camp and the edict from the “Landeskriminalamts” in Dresden for Sachsenburg concentration camp are also examples.

– It was first performed at the Dresden Royal Opera on 19 October 1845 with Wagner conducting.

– When the East GermanyEast German states were dissolved in 1952, Görlitz became part of the Dresden Bezirk, but the states were restored upon German reunification in 1990.

– Chemnitz is part of the railway line Dresden – Chemnitz – Hof – Nuremberg which is called ‘Franken – Sachsen – Magistrale’.

– In Dresden he worked hard to make German Opera a success.

– In 1990, he moved with his family to Germany, where he continued to study music in Dresden and Berlin.

Dresdens were produced mostly in Dresden and Leipzig, Germany, from the 1860s to WWI.

– The area is popular with Dresden locals and international climbers.

– In 1849 he was arrested in Dresden for being involved in the Czech rebellion of 1848.

– He was Director General of the Dresden State Art Collections from 2001 to 2011 and Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, England, from 2011 to 2016.

– In the 1993–94 season, Dynamo Dresden received a four-point penalty.

– Kurt Fiedler was born in the little village Eichbusch near Dresden as a son of a carpenter.

– The home of Kurt Fiedler was completely destroyed during Bombing of Dresden in World War II on 13 February 1945.

– On 10 January 1747 Louis was married by proxy at Dresden to Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony Maria Josepha of Saxony, the fifteen year old younger daughter of Frederick Augustus II, Prince-Elector of Saxony and King of Poland and his wife, Archduchess Maria Josepha of Austria.

– Afterwards Palmer and Viglione started The Dresden Dolls.

– It is a mountainous climbing area and national park near Dresden in Saxony, Germany.

– Saxony was put under Russian occupation and 40% of the Kingdom, including the historically significant Wittenberg, home of the Protestant Reformation, was taken by Prussia, but Frederick Augustus was allowed back to rule the remainder of his kingdom, which still included the major cities of Dresden and Leipzig.

– Dresdner Bank was the first to open its own office in former German Democratic RepublicEast Germany in Dresden in 2 January 1990.

– They both taught at the Leipzig Conservatorium and Clara also taught privately in Dresden and Düsseldorf.

– He did research in Dresden in Germany and at the medical school of the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.

– In 1906 he was elected to the Dresden town council.

– In 2002 Dresden was flooded in Germany’s so-called “century flooding”.

– Teplice lies between Prague and Dresden in a mountain area called Krušné hory.

– Meißen is a town of about 30,000 near Dresden on both banks of the Elbe in the Free State of Saxony, in eastern Germany.

- It was first performed in Dresden in 1843.

- He studied at Dresden Art Academy and at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf.
- The TU Dresden offers a wide range of courses and research.

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