“dome” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “dome”:

+ A mud volcano or mud dome is a kind of volcano that is made by liquids and gases from the earth.

+ The Ottomans began building “central dome mosques” in the fifteenth century.

+ The Navy bought the Teapot Dome Oil Field.

+ Also a dome makes it easier to identify an important building, for example a temple or a palace.

+ At Japan, JYJ performed the live concerts, “Thanksgiving live in Dome concerts” in June.

+ It is a grand building of pale grey limestone, with a central dome and a large Classical style porch like an Ancient Greek temple.

+ The capitol has a large dome in the center, above a rotunda—a large space that is shaped like a circle.

dome use in-sentences
dome use in-sentences

Example sentences of “dome”:

+ Although empoldering is usually carried out in low-lying coastal areas, it can also be dome in inland areas such as lakes and rivers.

+ This sent some people into a panic because they thought the dome would fall down, but it did not.

+ The Vredefort dome in the center of the crater is home to three towns: Parys, Vredefort and Koppies.

+ They enter a dome which takes them to the Bubble Bowl field.

+ The main way that the dome is different from the wooden model is that it is much more pointy.

+ In 1940, Adolf Hitler had Napoleon’s remains moved from Vienna to the dome of Les Invalides in Paris.

+ When breathing out, the diaphragm rests and goes up making a dome shape, decreasing the size of the lungs and pushing air out.

+ Although empoldering is usually carried out in low-lying coastal areas, it can also be dome in inland areas such as lakes and rivers.

+ This sent some people into a panic because they thought the dome would fall down, but it did not.
+ The Vredefort dome in the center of the crater is home to three towns: Parys, Vredefort and Koppies.

+ The dome built to house the Oddie telescope was the first Commonwealth building built in the new Australian Capital Territory.

+ It stands underneath the dome and has four huge bronze twisted columns decorated with olive leaves and bees, because bees were the symbol of Pope Urban.

+ The explosions destroyed its golden dome and severely damaged the mosque.

+ His most famous work of architecture is the east end and dome of Saint Peter’s Basilica.

+ He discovered that the dome of the Pantheon, which had been standing for nearly 1500 years, was made of concrete.

More in-sentence examples of “dome”:

+ During the reign of Sixtus V, the dome of St Peter’s Basilica was completed;.

+ The Dome of the Rock is a Islamic shrine in Jerusalem.

+ Its dome was destroyed in February 2006.

+ The Mont Mézenc has a Volcanovolcanic origin; it is a dome of “phonolite”, a kind volcanic rock.

+ There is often a dome at the centre of the building.

+ He was known for being involved in the Teapot Dome scandal.

+ The Pantheon’s dome stands on a round wall like a drum, with only one doorway in it, but Bramante’s dome was designed to stand on a drum, which was standing high up on four wide arches.

+ Today, Itsukushima shrine and the Atomic Bomb Dome are registered as World Heritage sites.

+ During the pay-per-view, Justin Roberts announced a new Georgia Dome “entertainment” attendance record of 71,617.

+ While serving in the Harding Administration, he became somewhat involved in the Teapot Dome scandal.

+ The new dome has a 360-degree view of the surrounding Berlin cityscape.

+ The building is known for its faux-patina steel dome painted to imitate copper cladding.

+ The shrine had a golden dome over the mausoleum of Saad Ibn Aqeel.

+ Then, he built a dome over the altar and the crypt.

+ Located in the heart of Guadalupe, this religious sanctuary, the second most important in the city and dating back to the late 18th century, has a baroque façade and a large dome covered in traditional “talavera” tiles.

+ The dome was the largest of its type in the world on completion.

+ Its central arch leads to a dome decorated with frescoes of biblical scenes featuring archangels, work by Francisco Albán.

+ The dome is the ruined Hiroshima Prefectural Products Exhibition Hall.

+ It is topped by a big dome which Paul Revere coated with golden copper.

+ In result, they corruptly abused their power for their personal gain and several scandals happened during his presidency, including the infamous Teapot Dome scandal based in Teapot Dome in Wyoming and involving United States Secretary of the InteriorSecretary of the Interior Albert Fall.

+ Domes would help the “imam” be heard, as the sound waves would bounce in and then out of the dome making the voice louder.

+ The team is based in Osaka and Kobe and play home games at Kyocera dome and Kobe Hotto Motto stadium.

+ Muhammad is said to have gone up to heaven from a stone now covered by a golden-domed shrine called the Dome of the Rock.

+ They had a big concert at TOKYO DOME on January 6, 2013.

+ Small golden and silver tickets are blown around the dome and they must try and catch as many as they can.

+ This is the nearest station to Kyocera Dome Osaka.

+ The Dome of the Rock and the ancient Al-Aqsa Mosque are among the holiest sites in Islam.

+ Hooke’s collaboration with Christopher Wren included St Paul’s Cathedral, whose dome uses a method of construction conceived by Hooke.

+ Stars are a part of dome of sky, and while sky rotates, we see stars moving.

+ A famous example include the United States Capitol rotundathe one below the dome of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C..

+ In 1436 Dufay composed the festive motet “Nuper rosarum flores”, one of his most famous compositions, which was sung at the dedication of Brunelleschi’s dome of the cathedral in Florence.

+ The pillar of world rotates with the dome of sky.

+ Between 1980 and 1986, more volcanic activity continued at Mount Saint Helens, with a new lava dome made in the crater.

+ The first stanza of the poem describes a pleasure dome and a river called Alph, and the second stanza talks about an Abyssinian maid.

+ A dome was made in 1980.

+ Where domes are needed to rest on a square or a rectangular base, the dome is raised above the level of the supporting pillars with three-dimensional spandrels called pendentives.

+ Noo-Noo does not share the Teletubbies’ enthusiasm for big hugs, resulting in Benny Hill style chase scenes around the dome when the Tubbies try to express their thankfulness, during which Noo-Noo does an impression of a Formula 1 car engine in full flight.

+ Three important ideas came from the dome that Brunelleschi had built in Florence more than 100 years earlier.

+ Holding up the dome of the Basilica were four enormous stone pillars.

+ Another idea that Bramante got from Florence Cathedral was the design for the little stone tower which sits on top of the dome and is called the “lantern”.

+ There is the Hall of Memory under the building’s central dome and the sculpture garden on the west lawn.

+ These triangular segments take the weight of the dome and place it onto the poles.

+ Then on September 11, T-ara flew to Japan for a concert at the Tokyo Dome City Hall.

+ The Capitol Dome is 8,909,200 pounds of cast-iron with 108 windows, and was constructed between 1855 and 1866.

+ The central dome is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues, each seated inside a perforated Stupa.

+ Helens and experts say a lava dome is growing inside the Shinmoedake volcano in Japan.

+ During the reign of Sixtus V, the dome of St Peter's Basilica was completed;.

+ The Dome of the Rock is a Islamic shrine in Jerusalem.
+ Its dome was destroyed in February 2006.

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