“dividing” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “dividing”:

+ This is calculated by dividing the number of runs he has scored by the number of times he has been out.

+ They live on the Great Dividing Range in New South Wales.

+ DSL typically works by dividing the frequencies used in a single phone line into two primary “bands”.

+ Marginal propensity to consume can be found by dividing change in consumption by a change in income, or.

+ Bede wrote that after the death of King Cenwalh: “his under-rulers took upon them the kingdom of the people, and dividing it among themselves, held it ten years”.

dividing example in sentences
dividing example in sentences

Example sentences of “dividing”:

+ The importance of this work was to show there is no “absolute” dividing line between the human species and their nearest living relative, at least in this respect.

+ Another way of dividing them is into three major groups: Kauka, Jay.

+ The extended complex numbers are useful for Complex analysis: in certain cases, the division by zero is “well-behaved”, in the sense that dividing by zero gives this point at infinity.

+ The most common mean is the arithmetic mean, which is calculated by adding all of the values together, then dividing by the number of values.

+ It has been thought of as a dividing point between northern and southern China.

+ Calculated by dividing population and rounding to nearest whole number.

+ The Black Drin river runs through the town, dividing it into a western and an eastern part.

+ Stuart worked for three years on the edges of the settled areas, measuring the land and dividing it into farm blocks.

+ Eventually, the WHO decided that this old way of dividing dengue needed to be simpler.

+ It lives near the Great Dividing Range in Victoria Victoria and New South Wales.

+ The original line became the rough dividing line between Southern slave states and Northern free states.

+ A wall is a vertical dividing surface.

+ This axis has to cross the shape through the middle of that object dividing into equal halves.

+ The players were brought into the game at a native gathering, with the natives dividing the group into men and women.

+ The importance of this work was to show there is no "absolute" dividing line between the human species and their nearest living relative, at least in this respect.

+ Another way of dividing them is into three major groups: Kauka, Jay.

More in-sentence examples of “dividing”:

+ In 1820, the Missouri Compromise extended the Mason–Dixon line westward as the official dividing line between free and slave states east of the Ohio River.

+ When a program wants to send a lot of data, TCP is in charge of dividing the data, sending it through the network, and putting it back together correctly on a different computer.

+ Note that when multiplying or dividing an inequality by a negative number, the inequality symbol must be reversed.

+ A mountain ridge goes north-west from the Great Dividing Range for about 400 kilometres, then the boundary turns north.

+ The term “Great Dividing Range” is used for both the watershed crest, and all of the hills and mountains between the east coast of Australia and the central plains and lowlands.

+ Burgess Hill is mainly situated just on the West Sussex side of the border dividing the two counties.

+ The frequency can be found by dividing 1/T.

+ The dividing line between conventional and unconventional warfare is not clear-cut.

+ The Nearctic is one of the eight Terrestrial ecoregionterrestrial ecozones dividing the Earth’s land surface.

+ Grottaglie is in the Salento peninsula, a whole rock of Limestone dividing Adriatic Sea from Ionian Sea.

+ Nimitz knew that the Japanese had ruined their advantage in number of ships by dividing their ships into four groups, all too separated to be able to support each other.

+ The hair matrix epithelium is one of the fastest-growing cell areas in the human body, which is why some forms of chemotherapy which kill dividing cells or radiotherapy may lead to temporary hair loss.

+ The Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa mountains dominate the province, dividing both climate and landscape.

+ Also, it regulates the cell division cycle, the stages which lead up to one cell dividing in two.

+ Once it started classifying climbs by numbers, the Sierra Club started dividing the classes into decimals.

+ However, it may be possible to find a method of dividing the rocks into two equal piles without checking all combinations.

+ The eastern edge of the basin was Tectonicsuplifted when the Great Dividing Range formed.

+ For example, when dividing 50miles driven by 2gallons of gas used, you not only divide 50by2 to get a result of 25, you also have to divide “miles” by “gallons”, which gives the unit “miles/gallon” or “milespergallon”.

+ There are 24 time zones dividing the earth into different times, each with its own name, like the North American Eastern Time Zone.

+ Running from Greenwich Village in southern Manhattan to Harlem in the north, the avenue marks the line dividing Manhattan into two parts, called the East Side and the West Side.

+ A computer can check an IBAN by changing it into an integer and dividing the number by 97.

+ It’s the dividing point between two days.

+ Alfred Russell Wallace found the dividing line between the Australasian ecozone and the rest of the world.

+ The Kashmir region is divided by the 1949 UN ceasefire line into two parts and the de facto border dividing Pakistan-administered Kashmir from Indian-administered Kashmir has been called the Line of Control since 1972.

+ The Palearctic ecozone is one of the eight dividing the Earth’s surface.

+ In 1820, the Missouri Compromise extended the Mason–Dixon line westward as the official dividing line between free and slave states east of the Ohio River.

+ When a program wants to send a lot of data, TCP is in charge of dividing the data, sending it through the network, and putting it back together correctly on a different computer.
+ Note that when multiplying or dividing an inequality by a negative number, the inequality symbol must be reversed.

+ Parliament has approved two additional provinces by 2012: Hela Province, which will be part of the current Southern Highlands Province, and Jiwaka Province, which will be formed by dividing Western Highlands Province.

+ The Hellespont and the Bosporus were the dividing line.

+ A meristem is a biological tissuetissue in dividing cells.

+ Puccini was dividing his time between two projects while taking them to task for their slowness on the present one.

+ It can be Plant propagationpropagated by dividing the stolon or by its seed.

+ They generally reproduce asexually, by dividing or budding, but can also reproduce sexually.

+ The Great Dividing Range was formed during the CarboniferousCarboniferous period, some 300 million years ago when the super continent Pangaea was forming.

+ You should see if the number is divisible by smallest prime numbers, since 1729 isn’t divisible by 2, move to next smallest prime number, that is 3, but the remainder is still non zero, next prime numbers are 5,7 and so on, dividing by 7 gives a zero remainder.

+ The Danube River flows through Lower Austria, dividing the state in a northern part.

+ The eastern wallaroo, “Macropus robustus”, sometimes called the, common wallaroo or just wallaroo lives on the sides of the Great Dividing Range.

+ Many attempts have been made to make a two-state solution, which would mean an independent Palestinian state and an Israeli state, dividing the land between the two groups.

+ The game started by dividing the 16 players into four tribes by gender and age: young men.

+ Stairs, staircase, stairway, stairwell, and flight of stairs are all names for a construction designed to bridge a large vertical distance by dividing it into smaller vertical distances, called steps.

+ The Durand Line cuts through the Afghan tribal areas, politically dividing ethnic Pashtun peoplePashtuns and Baloch people who live on both sides.

+ If you record the remainder left over after the original pile has been divided in two and continue repeating this process; of sub dividing one of the remaining piles into half and then removing one of those piles and continue by subdividing the remaining pile into two piles you will ultimately be left with just either 2 or 3 objects.

+ Logarithmic scales are also used in slide rules for multiplying or dividing numbers by adding or subtracting lengths on the scales.

+ The partitions were carried out by Prussia, Russia and Habsburg Austria dividing up the Commonwealth lands among themselves.

+ Gaps in the Dividing Range allows moist easterly air to pass inland, annual median rainfall of 750mm or more is experienced further westward.

+ The eastern wallaroo sometimes called the, common wallaroo, the red wallaroo, or just wallaroo lives on the sides of the Great Dividing Range.

+ They led respectively a Western Bloc and an Eastern Bloc, dividing Europe.

+ It also includes the foothills of the Great Dividing Range.

+ The Supreme Court of Kansas said that dividing the county was unconstitutional.

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