“distant” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “distant”:

+ A ditch can be used for drainage, to drain water from low-lying areas, alongside roadways or fields, or to channel water from a more distant source for plant irrigation.

+ The great majority of large breakers one sees on an ocean beach result from distant winds.

+ Both “Anvil of Stars”–a sequel to “The Forge of God”–and “Moving Mars” propose a physics based on information exchange between particles, capable of being altered at the “bit level.” In “Moving Mars” this knowledge is used to remove Mars from the solar system and transfer it to an orbit around a distant star.

+ The galaxy is the new record holder for the brightest starburst galaxy in the very distant universe, its brightness being a measure of its extreme star-formation rate.

+ In 2001, Japan’s Emperor Akihito acknowledged a distant relationship with Muryeong.

+ This expansion is consistent with the observation that the light from distant galaxies has been redshifted; the photons emitted have been stretched to longer wavelengths and lower frequency during their journey.

+ This effect has been confirmed by observing the light of stars or distant quasars being deflected as it passes the Sun.

distant use in-sentences
distant use in-sentences

Example sentences of “distant”:

+ Because they are common in our galaxy, they obscure distant views at extreme ultraviolet and soft x-ray wavelengths.

+ She is a distant cousin of the actress Heather Locklear.

+ He was also a distant relative of Louis XVI.

+ The way of facing is special very much, much often taking a certain animal behaviour and is alike only of much distant to other Eastern methods.

+ The separation of a once connected population often leads to speciation, the splitting of one species into two and the two species change over time to be different but have distant similarities.

+ Three or four times each year, students from distant properties attend a ‘mini-school’ at the school.

+ Because of improvements in technology, we can see distant objects in more detail.

+ The background has distant hills and small figures.

+ The light we see from distant galaxies left them when the universe was much younger.

+ This would effectively avoid breaking Einstein’s rule that no object in our universe may go as fast or faster than the speed of light, while still allowing an object to go to another very distant part of space much faster than light.

+ On warm days eucalyptus oil vapour rises above the bush to create the well-known distant blue haze of the Australian landscape.

+ Henry VII of EnglandHenry Tudor, a distant relative of the House of Lancaster, then became Richard’s main enemy.

+ Llewellyn is a distant relative of Colin Powell.

+ Because they are common in our galaxy, they obscure distant views at extreme ultraviolet and soft x-ray wavelengths.

+ She is a distant cousin of the actress Heather Locklear.
+ He was also a distant relative of Louis XVI.

More in-sentence examples of “distant”:

+ It is a term which may be used broadly to mean doing things as distant people do them, or more narrowly to mean complying to global standards in economy, politics, culture, education, environment or other matters.

+ A distant observer sees the material falling in slowly and then stop just above the event horizon because of gravitational time dilation.

+ It is a term which may be used broadly to mean doing things as distant people do them, or more narrowly to mean complying to global standards in economy, politics, culture, education, environment or other matters.

+ A distant observer sees the material falling in slowly and then stop just above the event horizon because of gravitational time dilation.

+ The school also has some places near the school where students who come from distant places can live.

+ The prince was sent to the distant future and met a trio of street aliens that nicknamed him “Jack” as in friend.

+ No pedagogy which is truly liberating can remain distant from the oppressed by treating them as unfortunates and by presenting for their emulation models from among the oppressors.

+ Alternatively, he may have made the common error of confusing distant icebergs with land, or been misled by the distorting effects of Antarctic mirage.

+ They also built a Hamam to use as a guest house for travelers coming from Baltistan and other distant areas.

+ Constellations made of bright, distant stars would look somewhat similar but much of the night sky would seem unfamiliar to someone from Earth.

+ Many of the plays are set in strange, distant places and times.

+ It was discovered on November 14, 2003 It is one of the most distant known objects in the Solar System.

+ This way a very distant and faint galaxy can become visible, while we normally would not be able to observe it.

+ He was best known for manga series “A Distant Neighborhood”.

+ In France she was eventually engaged to the hugely wealthy Duke of Penthièvre, who was a distant cousin of hers.

+ He sent many Buddhist scholars to distant lands in order to propogate Dhamma.

+ Pandora is a fictional Earth-like moon in a distant planetary system.

+ They began dating in high school and were distant cousins.

+ However, the round-trip delay time makes them not only extremely distant but, in terms of communication, extremely isolated from Earth.

+ He was also a distant relative of Diana, Princess of Wales as both belong to the Spencer family, and of the Vanderbilt family through his paternal grandmother, Consuelo Vanderbilt.

+ One of his distant Kinshiprelatives from his mother’s side is the author Laura Ingalls Wilder.

+ Mass Relays are the only way to travel from one distant end of the galaxy to the other.

+ An alternate reality version who is a descendant of Johnny Joestar through his mother Holy Joestar-Kira and thus a distant relation to the Higashikata family.

+ He began making a new movie about a girl in space, which was called “Voices of a Distant Star”.

+ The King and Queen of Bhutan are distant cousins.

+ The most common use of these vehicles is for sight seeing in areas distant from paved roads.

+ The Nostratic macrofamily: a study in distant linguistic relationship.

+ Zanzibar now ranks a distant third with Indonesia supplying 75% of the world’s cloves compared to Zanzibar’s 7%.

+ Many very distant galaxies seen, for example, in the Hubble Deep Field are known to be starbursts, but they are too far away to be studied in any detail.

+ She won the award for best actress at the 5th Hochi Film Award for “A Distant Cry from Spring”.

+ As a result, events that span several years are divided up and described in parts of the book that are sometimes quite distant from one another, causing the impression that he is oscillating between the various theatres of conflict.

+ In the distant past, these were made on rock, sand or as body painting.

+ Some Coffee Morning hosts have raised money for the event in unusual ways, such as by hosting a Coffee Morning 100 feet underground in Poldark Mine, or on a jet fighter, or by hosting the most distant Coffee Morning, which happened in Antarctica.

+ This explanation was proven correct during a solar eclipse, when the sun’s bending of starlight from distant stars could be measured because of the darkness of the eclipse.

+ Hawaiian also flies to more distant locations, such as the U.S.

+ One key opens a door to a distant room.

+ His distant relationship with his mother was always strained and has been blamed on her ambition to keep power to herself.

+ The top of Mount Chimborazo in the Ecuadorean Andes is the point on the Earth’s surface most distant from its center.

+ Sitting four km above sea level, the paired telescopes are used to examine light from distant stars in great detail.

+ Despite their extreme luminosity, many of these stars are too distant to be observed with the naked eye.

+ At a time when Lewis was very popular, people found out that his third wife, Myra Gale Brown, was a thirteen-year-old distant cousin of his.

+ It is about distant from Earth.

+ This was negotiated by Kentucky’s Congressman, Henry Clay, who was a distant cousin of the Taylors and Lincolns.

+ Although there are other satellites with retrograde orbits, they are much smaller than Titan, and much more distant from their host planets.

+ Weak lenses allow us to observe very distant galaxies, which we would be unable to observe without such lens.

+ He exits the wormhole at a distant part of the universe.

+ First, in November, Mary’s older half-sister, Fanny Imlay, left the Godwin home and took her own life at a distant inn.

+ She became more distant from people.

+ Encouraged, especially for distant new objects, so as to ascertain the accuracy of an object’s calculated orbit.

+ The titles themselves were given by the King, Sultan and Emperor to their sons and grandsons, or even distant kins.

+ Spectroscopy can be used to find properties of distant stars and galaxies.

+ Shortwave radio signals can travel around the world, and are used by countries to send programs to distant places.

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