“disconnected” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “disconnected”:

+ The person may also feel disconnected from his identity.

+ Her feeding tube was disconnected on March 18, 2005.

+ Other false disproofs violate the assumptions of the theorem in unexpected ways, such as using a region that has multiple disconnected parts, or not allowing regions of the same color from touching at a point.

+ He was put on life support on July 18, but when his organs began to fail, life support mechanism was disconnected by his family.

+ Working “hot” saves electricity users from being disconnected while routine maintenance is taking place.

+ He was disconnected from life support and died on September 21, 1987 at the age of 35 at a hospital in Fort Lauderdale.

+ The two disconnected curves that make up a hyperbola are called arms or branches.

+ This left a large amount of Manchester disconnected from the railway network.

disconnected in sentences?
disconnected in sentences?

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